There is an extensive list of protected animal species in Spain, since they need care and protection in the natural environment, either because of its rarity, its cultural value, its scientific value or its degree of threat. That is why certain actions are regulated, such as the hunting, capture or sale of these animals in Spain.
This article on our site can help you learn about some of the terrestrial and aquatic animal species protected in our country.
Threatened and protected species in Spain
One of the reasons for protecting animal species in Spain is their degree of threat, since the number of individuals may be reduced drastically leading to the possible disappearance of the species or its extinction Depending on the degree of threat, a species or taxon can be classified into different groups:
- Extinct (EX): All individuals of a taxon or species have disappeared.
- Critically Endangered (CR): There is a high risk that the taxon or species will become extinct within a short period of time. time due to different factors or situations in which said species is found.
- Endangered (EN): There is also a risk that the taxon or species will disappear in the future due to situations to which it is subjected but not as critically as in the previous section. This is the example of the Iberian lynx, the monk seal or the brown bear in Spain.
- Vulnerable (VU): includes all those species or taxa that are at risk of being classified as “endangered species”. extinction” if everything that could affect their survival is not corrected. It is the example of the Iberian wolf.
In the following sections we will see examples of threatened species in Spain, which must be protected, since most are classified as species in danger of extinction.
Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus)
This well-known carnivorous mammal, which lives in herds in forests, riverbanks or mountains, is characterized by thick, dark fur, very long canine teeth, sharp claws and a highly developed brain endowing him with great intelligence.
The Spanish Red Book of Vertebrates lists the Iberian wolf as vulnerable, since in the north of the country its survival due to management problems, accidents, road construction or forest fires, among others. However, in other areas, such as the south of the Duero, this species is critically endangered
Among the protection measures carried out to conserve the Iberian wolf is the disclosure of the importance of this species in nature to raise awareness among the population and offer suitable habitats for its survival. That is why in 1987 the Recovery Center for the Iberian Wolf was created in Mafra (Portugal), which meets all these objectives to preserve the species. In addition, in some Spanish regions the hunting of these animals is prohibited. However, beyond these measures, there are not many more actions carried out for the conservation of the wolf, so unfortunately it can still be considered a persecuted species.
In this other article, we explain what the fauna of the Iberian Peninsula is.

Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus)
This solitary and feline hunter is characterized by its pointed ears with dark hair at the end, long legs, grayish fur with usually dark spots, a small tail and a generally robust body. It inhabits thicket areas where it feeds on other animals it hunts, such as rabbits.
The Red Book of Vertebrates catalogs the Iberian lynx in danger of extinction being the main threat to humans due to the actions of hunting, abuses, urban constructions, etc. Added to this are other factors such as food shortages and the appearance of new diseases, thus reducing the population of the species.
To prevent the extinction of this species, numerous measures are being carried out. In addition to banning its hunting, an attempt is made to protect its natural habitat by carrying out actions such as isolating this species as much as possible from nearby roads to avoid the risk of being run over, increase the area of lynx populations or reintroduce new individuals in different territories. With this we try to achieve the reproduction of the Iberian lynx in a suitable habitat to achieve its survival in the future. Added to this is the need to increase surveillance in the nature reserves where these animals are found, to raise public awareness and ultimately prevent the destruction of their natural habitat (forest fires, pollution, etc.).

Mediterranean monk seal (Monachus monachus)
It is a mammal that lives in aquatic environments and is characterized by its grayish body and adapted to its movement in the water. It has small openings in the cephalic region for hearing and characteristic whiskers as a sensory organ.
The Red Book classifies the monk seal in Spain as a species in danger of extinction due to its few specimens in our country. This is due to numerous causes such as the slaughter carried out by fishermen, death due to accidental entanglement in the nets used in fishing, diseases or water contamination, food shortages (molluscs and/or fish) also due to the exercise of fishing and habitat destruction.
To guarantee the survival of the monk seal in Spain, measures are carried out such as the surveillance of breeding sites of These animals. In this way, we can highlight the creation of the Costa de las Focas Reserve in Cabo Blanco in order to control and protect the seals in this place, avoiding the possible inconveniences caused by the action of fishing. By studying the caves where the monk seal is found, it is possible to analyze their needs and make a continuous follow-up of the individuals of monk seals in order to be able to act quickly in case of population decline. In order to carry out all these actions, the Conservation Program for the Mediterranean Monk Seal was created, where countries such as Spain, Morocco, Mauritania and Portugal cooperate to guarantee the survival of this species.

Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)
This omnivorous animal, typical of wooded places, has a large fur with brown colors that can vary to darker tones depending on the subspecies, intimidating black eyes despite its poor vision and a developed sense of smell and hearing.
Due to the low number of brown bear specimens throughout Spain, this species is considered to be in danger of extinction Its decline is influenced by factors such as the fragmentation of its habitat due to deforestation or the construction of highways. This entails other problems at the same time, since the disappearance of their habitat makes these animals move to places inhabited by humans, sowing panic and the consequent illegal hunting of the bear in some regions.
There are numerous measures to conserve the brown bear. Among them, the implementation of laws that protect these animals from hunting by man stands out, thus, killing a bear is considered a crime today day and can lead to large fines. No less important is the need to create new research projects to improve the bear's quality of life, restore its natural habitats that have been affected by natural disasters, plant more fruit trees to ensure their food and/or fight against poaching. in numerous regions.

Iberian Desman (Galemys pyrenaicus)
This is a shrew-like or mole-like mammal with a very characteristic flat snout, interdigital membranes on the hind legs for swimming, and a fairly long tail in relation to its body. It lives in aquatic environments, such as some streams, where it generally feeds on insect larvae.
This species is listed as vulnerable, the most important threat being the destruction or reduction of its natural habitats mainly due topollution of the aquatic environment and global warming. Furthermore, since it is not a large animal, it easily becomes a prey for other animals, such as otters, cats, some birds such as storks or owls.
The main conservation measure for the Iberian desman is the study of its habitat and possible threats to carry out projects in Spain whose objective is to prevent the extinction of the species. We see a clear example in the need to keep streams and other aquatic environments free of contamination, which can be achieved through training and environmental education to the population.

Bigeye Buzzard Bat (Myotis capaccinii)
This medium-sized bat species is characterized by its gray tones and the large size of its feet. In addition, it has a wing membrane with reddish-brown colors, usually, and a somewhat peculiar face with some bare areas.
It is mainly threatened by man, since its disappearance is related to speleotourism activities (visits to caves, caverns, etc..), which causes discomfort to bats. However, they are also threatened by the high degree of contamination of the environment, the consequent lack of prey to feed on, such as insects, and the appearance of viral diseases. That is why the big-eye buzzard is also considered a species in danger of extinction in Spain and, therefore, protected.
In some Spanish communities, such as the Valencian Community, conservation projects for the bigeye buzzard are carried out. The objective of these is to provide protected places for the species declaring themselves as reserves or natural areas. In some areas of Andalusia these projects have also been carried out, creating refuges in order to conserve bat populations. In this way, greater protection is achieved against nuisances caused by humans and greater control against other possible threats to the bat, such as the scarcity of its prey in the environment.
You may also be interested in this other article on Types of bats and their characteristics.

Spur-thighed Tortoise (Testudo graeca graeca)
This reptile of arid habitats, which feeds mainly on vegetable matter, is characteristic for its large round shell with greenish-yellowish or dark colors, the presence of black spots on the cephalic region and its large eyes.
The Red Book lists this species as vulnerable worldwide, however, in Spain it is considered to bedanger of extinction due to the fact that it is threatened by different factors, among which we can highlight: the illegal capture of the turtle carried out by man, the agricultural activities carried out in its habitat, forest fires and the appearance of diseases due to the reintroduction of species that have previously been in captivity.
The main protection measure for this species is the prohibition of its capture in the wildIn addition, some projects are carried out whose objective is the study and monitoring of the population of spur-thighed tortoises to carry out certain conservation actions and sensitize man in order to avoid forest fires, agricultural activities in places frequented by tortoises, etc. As an example, we can highlight the project "Testudo: a monitoring program for the conservation of spur-thighed tortoise populations in Spain" carried out by the Department of Ecology of the Miguel Hernández University.
If you are concerned about the conservation status of turtles, you may be interested in this other list about Turtles in danger of extinction.

Red Kite (Milvus milvus)
This prevalent bird of prey in open terrain has a characteristic reddish coloration on its feathers and yellowish on its legs, narrow wings and a forked tail. Their diet is mainly based on carrion (rabbits, other birds, etc.).
In Spain it is cataloged as a species in danger of extinction since it is seriously threatened by the illegal hunting, poisonings carried out by humans and accidental deaths by electrocution when perched on power lines. However, in some parts of Spain, such as Andalusia, the red kite is classified as a critically endangered species since these threats are more intensified in these regions.
The main conservation measure for this species is the need to create more national parks and reserves where the red kite is protected from the threats of human beings such as their indiscriminate hunting. In this way, they are also isolated from dangers such as electrocution on power lines and their reproduction is ensured in a suitable environment and, therefore, the continuity of the species in the future.

Iberian imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti)
It is a large bird of prey with a fairly robust beak and generally dark tones with white spots, although the color of its plumage usually varies from when they are young to when they are adults. It can live in alluvial plains, marshes and forest areas, where it feeds on other animals such as hares or squirrels.
Although it is classified as a vulnerable species worldwide, in Spain it is considered a species in danger of extinction The main reason for the decline in individuals of Iberian imperial eagle is death by electrocutions on power lines and poisoning. Another threat has been the illegal hunting carried out by man together with the destruction of their natural habitats and the decrease in the number of prey, among others.
Among the measures carried out to protect the Iberian imperial eagle we can highlight the recovery of prey populations of this species (such as example, the rabbit), prevent the destruction of its natural habitat through awareness projects, make the population aware of the problem caused by hunting and extinction of the species, monitor the territory to control points of poisoning or traps and improve or expand the place of reproduction of these birds, among others.

Bearded Vulture (Gypaetus barbatus)
This large and slender vulture is characterized by its yellow eyes, reddish-orange neck, whitish head with a spot surrounding the eye, and dark plumage around the wings. It inhabits mountainous regions where it feeds mainly on bones of other dead animals
Although, for example, in places like Andalusia it is already extinct at a regional level, in Spain it is cataloged as a species in danger of extinctionThis is due to different causes, such as poisoning, the destruction of their nests at the hands of humans, construction and mountain tourism activities that have led to changes in their breeding sites, etc.
To make people aware of the need to protect this species, the Bearded Vulture Conservation Foundation has been created, which promotes certain actions such as the investigation of biodiversity, the application of corrective measures in the face of possible threats to the bearded vulture (such as, for example, construction in its breeding areas) and environmental education for the population in order to raise awareness of the importance of the species and the environmental problems that could exist if these animals became extinct.

Other protected species in Spain
In addition to the previously mentioned protected species in Spain, we also find the following:
- Batueca lizard (Iberolacerta martinezricai).
- Horned Coot (Fulica cristata).
- Lesser Shrike (Lanius minor).
- Basque whale (Eubalaena glacialis).
- Gran Canaria Blue Chaffinch (Fringilla teydea polatzeki).
- Common Fumarel (Chlidonias niger).
- Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata).
- Torillo (Turnix sylvatica).
- Agile lizard (Lacerta agilis).
- Leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea).