Can DOGS EAT KIDNEY? - Benefits, dosage and contraindications

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Can DOGS EAT KIDNEY? - Benefits, dosage and contraindications
Can DOGS EAT KIDNEY? - Benefits, dosage and contraindications
Can dogs eat kidney?
Can dogs eat kidney?

Kidneys are classified as viscera or “offal” suitable for human consumption. However, their peculiar organoleptic characteristics make them a controversial food that usually generates very different opinions among people. Despite the criticism and aversion that often accompany these viscera, kidneys are foods with great nutritional value that can provide numerous benefits for dogs when included in their diet in the appropriate way.

If you're wondering if dogs can eat kidney,don't hesitate to join us in the next article on our site where we talk of the main benefits of this food and we explain the best way to prepare it.

Is kidney good for dogs?

In fact, the kidney is one of the viscera that can be included in the diet of dogs. Its nutritional value and its organoleptic characteristics make it a perfectly suitable food for our pets. However, its administration requires a series of previous considerations that we will explain later, to avoid certain harmful effects on the he alth of dogs.

In the market, we can find beef, lamb, pork and poultry kidneys. Their nutritional value varies slightly between different animal species, although all of them are suitable for dogs.

Kidney benefits for dogs

Kidneys are viscera with an excellent nutritional value that, in addition, usually have a lower cost than other foods with a quality similar nutrition. Therefore, including this ingredient in the diet of dogs can be a great alternative to maintain the quality of their ration without having to increase its price.

Below, we collect the main benefits of the kidney for dogs:

  • It is rich in proteins of high biological value: since it has a high content of essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are those that the body cannot synthesize itself, so it is essential that our dogs' diets contain sufficient amounts of these amino acids to cover their nutritional requirements. Although the protein content of kidneys is slightly lower than that of meat, it is considered a protein-rich food since it provides up to 16% crude protein.
  • It contains no carbohydrates and is lower in fat than most meats: therefore, include kidneys in your diet of dogs allows to increase the protein content of the ration, without the need to significantly increase its energy value. Discover here other foods with protein for dogs.
  • Contains a high mineral content: it is higher than that found in fresh meat, with a substantially higher iron content. This characteristic makes it a recommended food for those animals suffering from iron deficiency anemia (due to iron deficiency). Don't hesitate to consult this other post about Feeding and caring for a dog with anemia on our site.
  • It is a good source of vitamins: especially water-soluble vitamins of group B such as thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid. Plus, it contains moderate amounts of vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin D.

How to give a dog a kidney?

Before including the kidney or any other viscera in the dog ration, it is essential to ensure the quality and origin of the raw material. Kidneys from animals over two years old are not suitable for consumption due to their high levels of heavy metals. For this reason, always select those products that have a rigorous he alth certificate.

Once the raw material has been selected, we must talk about its preparation or cooking. You can choose to:

  • BARF Diet: commitment to a diet based on the use of raw ingredients, without cooking. Certainly, the contribution of raw foods can provide certain advantages over cooked foods. However, the use of these diets entails a series of risks, one of the most important being the transmission of infectious and parasitic diseases. Therefore, we recommend that when you decide to include kidneys in your dog's diet, you cook them first. See more information about the BARF Diet for dogs: ingredients, quantities and 5 recipes, here.
  • Steaming: since it is the cooking method that best preserves the nutrients. Selecting a quality raw material and cooking it properly will guarantee that the contribution of this food is totally safe for your dog.

Another point to keep in mind when including kidney in your dog's diet is the amount you should provide. As a general rule, you can include between 5-10% of this food in your daily ration. The remaining protein content of the ration must be provided by meat, fish and legumes, among others.

You may also want to check out this other video on our site where we talk about some foods that are harmful to your dog.

Kidney contraindications for dogs

As we have explained throughout the article, the kidney is a perfectly suitable food for dogs. However, there are certain situations in which your input may be inappropriate:

  • Puppies: Due to their immature digestive system, puppies may have difficulty digesting organ meats. Therefore, it is preferable not to offer kidney or other viscera until they reach 8 weeks of age.
  • Dogs sensitive to dietary changes: in dogs with a digestive system that is particularly sensitive to dietary changes, avoid contribution of kidneys or other viscera, since they can cause the appearance of diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders. Similarly, in dogs with digestive pathologies, the intake of these foods should be avoided.
  • Food Allergies: Dogs with food allergies should be fed hypoallergenic diets, generally based on the use of hydrolyzed proteins. In these dogs, the contribution of any food outside of their usual diet should be avoided.
