How to get a dog used to the dryer?

How to get a dog used to the dryer?
How to get a dog used to the dryer?
How to get a dog used to the dryer?
How to get a dog used to the dryer?

Is your dog afraid of the dryer? Although this small appliance may seem completely harmless to us, your dog may feel stressed and even frightened when coming into contact with such a noisy foreign element, especially if has not been properly filed. Also, if you have adopted an adult dog, it may be that your new companion has had a bad experience with a hair dryer (or loud noises) in his past and now shows it with fear and anxiety.

Without a doubt it is important to understand that fear is part of the natural defense mechanism of dogs. This emotion allows them to be alert to possible dangers in their environment and prevents them from exposing themselves to unnecessary risks, thus favoring their survival. In addition, we must remember that our dogs have highly developed hearing and many household appliances (such as dryers, vacuum cleaners, washing machines, etc.) have a somewhat noisy operation. Therefore, it is natural that they feel somewhat uncomfortable and want to avoid being exposed to these unknown, loud and annoying noises.

Therefore, a certain dose of fear is totally natural and he althy for our furry ones. However, if your dog is very fearful or skittish, it is essential to consult your trusted veterinarian to check his he alth status. Also, in this article on our site, we teach you how to get a dog used to the dryer to help you overcome your fears of this harmless device.

Why is my dog afraid of the hair dryer?

The presence of an unknown and noisy element in the home can generate a certain mistrust in our dogs, it is something totally natural, since we all animals (including humans) have a survival instinct that makes us flee or hide from something unknown that may represent imminent danger.

Just like us, dogs must feel comfortable, safe and loved in an environment to consider it as their home. If we impose the presence of the dryer, without prior presentations, after a moment of generalized stress (as is usually the bathroom) it is obvious that we will be favoring the appearance of stress and anxiety, with consequent appearance of fears and, in the most extreme cases, phobias. In addition, his reaction can be dangerous both for him and for other members of the environment.

Therefore, if you want to get your dog used to the dryer, you should start by making a good introduction, paying attention to his body language and always respecting their adaptation times, while guaranteeing a positive and safe environment

How to get a dog used to the dryer? - Why is my dog afraid of the hair dryer?
How to get a dog used to the dryer? - Why is my dog afraid of the hair dryer?

Step by step to get a dog used to the dryer

The goal of this process is to positively "introduce" the dryer to your dog, making him associate it positively and as a harmless object, in a context of tranquility. It can also be useful for those who present slight or moderate fear, since the objective will be the same: that they associate through positive reinforcement that the dryer is a positive element that brings with it certain rewards.

Take a note of the following step by step:

  1. To begin with, we recommend leaving the dryer unplugged within reach of your dog in a quiet environment in the home, where he feels safe and comfortable to experience this first contact. At this time, you should not make sudden movements with the dryer (especially with its cable), because your furry friend may associate it in a negative way and get scared. You must put him down and let him explore by smell. Little by little, you will perceive how the curiosity inherent in your dog's character will make him want to discover and explore this new element in his territory. You should encourage your dog to sniff it and approach it, using kind words, caresses and even treats, which you can leave near the dryer.
  2. Once your dog is completely calm before the hair dryer and takes the treats without any fear, it will be time to start the second step. We are going to "accustom" the dog to the noise of the hair dryer. At this stage, the main objective is to get your dog to observe how you use the dryer safely and calmly, without fear or stress. It is a key aspect that your dog perceives your safety when using the dryer, therefore, you must pay close attention to your body language to convey serenity. You will begin to use it gently (always at the minimum power of the device) on your hair and on your skin for about 2-3 minutes. When finished, leave it again unplugged within your dog's reach. The ideal is to repeat this process several times a day, gradually increasing the time the dryer is used and always using rewards, whether in the form of food or verbal reinforcement.
  3. By observing that your furry friend is already calm when you use the hair dryer and is not afraid of its noise, you will be able to move on to the third and most delicate step to get a dog used to the dryer. It consists of getting your furry friend to allow and get used to using the dryer on his own body To begin with, you must ensure that this experience occurs in a calm and positive environment, in which your best friend is totally relaxed. If you want, you can play some relaxing music for dogs and gently reduce the brightness of the environment. To begin with, use the dryer on your own body as normal, to convey confidence to your furry friend. When your dog is used to the noise, you can begin to give him short, gentle bursts of warm air on his back, while offering pets to his favorite areas and talking to him or you sing to him normally. Do not make sudden movements or move out of his field of vision, and pay attention to the speed and temperature of the air, so as not to scare or burn him. You should also take into account his body language, to know when he feels uncomfortable.

Always remember the importance of recognizing good behavior and the courage of your furry friend by offering him a prize, a treat, playing a good time with him or inviting him to enjoy a good walk outdoors. Little by little, you will see that your dog will create a positive image of the dryer and will associate the drying sections as moments of relaxation and affection, in which he can enjoy your company.

It is always essential to remember that each furry has its own adaptation time, and it is essential to respect it. We should never force our dogs to live an experience against their will, since this is not only dangerous, but also counterproductive in their learning process and cognitive development. Invest in positive reinforcement to stimulate their cognitive, emotional and social skills, as well as strengthen your bond with your best friend.

What to do if my dog is still afraid of the dryer?

If after following the step-by-step to get your dog used to the dryer, you notice that your dog is not comfortable or continues to show signs of fear and anxiety, the ideal is consult a canine educator or ethologist. These professionals, as long as they are specialized in behavior modification, will be able to establish specific guidelines according to the specific needs of your dog, to help him overcome his fears and have a better quality of life.

Furthermore, as we mentioned in the introduction, it is essential to consult your trusted veterinarian if you notice any change in your dog's behavior or appearance. If your dog is very fearful, frightened or restless, do not hesitate to go to the veterinary clinic to ensure his good he alth and rule out possible pathological causes that may be causing the appearance of fear.
