TELLINGTON TTOUCH METHOD - What is it and how does it work?

TELLINGTON TTOUCH METHOD - What is it and how does it work?
TELLINGTON TTOUCH METHOD - What is it and how does it work?
Tellington Ttouch Method - What is it and how does it work?
Tellington Ttouch Method - What is it and how does it work?

There are many ways to train our dogs based on positive reinforcement, either to educate him or redirect negative behavior. One of them is the Tellington Ttouch method, which focuses on improving the quality of life of our pets through massages which, in addition, increase respect and trust towards our furry. But this technique is not only for dogs, but also for horses and other pets.

If you want to know more, keep reading this article on our site, in which we will see what the Tellignton Ttouch method consists of, what it means and what it is for..

What is the Tellington Ttouch method?

The Tellington Ttouch method was developed by Linda Tellington Jones, an internationally known dog trainer and therapist who sought to improve the behavior of horses, dogs and other pets.

Tellington Ttouch is a gentle method of work and body movements that manages to calm our animal It positively influences behavior and he alth our pet's mental he alth and can even relieve pain caused by physical illnesses.

In addition, using the Tellington Ttouch method we will achieve an intimate moment with our dog, thus increasing trust and relationship with our dog.

How does the Tellington Ttouch method work?

Just like humans, dogs are affected by stress and accumulated tension. The result is an animal that is unbalanced, unhappy, depressed and can even show aggressiveness, destructive behaviors and negative behaviors, such as hyperactivity. In these cases, the Tellington Ttouch method can be a solution.

The movements of the Tellington Ttouch act on the cells of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and the receptors transmit this sensory input, activating the neural pathways in the brain. As the Ttouch method considers the he alth of the mind as important as that of the body, its objective is the well-being of the dog's body and mind, considering them a unit.

The therapy consists of massage sessions that aim to calm the animal. With a combination of up to 22 different movements, both circular, lifting and gliding, the dog's tension is released and confidence in the guardian increases.

Circular touches, called Ttouch, are applied by hand to the body tension zones of the dog. Through movements in partial and complete circles, following a clockwise direction, the parasympathetic nervous system will be activated. To identify the zones, professional observation skills are required. The different Ttouch touches are made where it is necessary to release tension, such as in the joints, the back or the neck, but also in specific places such as the ears, mouth, tail or legs.

Types of Ttouch movements

Within the movements of the Ttouch method, we find:

  1. Circular Ttouch: These are clockwise movements that relax the dog and reduce stress. With them, the vitality of your skin cells is awakened.
  2. Elevation Ttouch: This movement slightly lifts the skin and then gently returns it to its origin, thereby releasing the muscle tension of a joint.
  3. Sliding touch: they are like caresses, in which the hand slides over the animal's fur, thus activating blood circulation.

For more information, you can consult this other article on How to pet a dog to relax?

Tellington Ttouch Method - What is it and how does it work? - How does the Tellington Ttouch method work?
Tellington Ttouch Method - What is it and how does it work? - How does the Tellington Ttouch method work?

Benefits of the Tellington Ttouch method

When our dog has suffered a traumatic experience, he will remember it in the future and will behave in a conflictive way. He will display it by barking at other dogs, being afraid of storms, or growling at people. With the Tellington Ttouch method, those accumulated tensions and blockages that caused negative memories in our furry are relieved, resulting in an extremely positive effect on learning behavior.

With the stimuli of the movements in the points of tension of our dog's body, the blood pressure and the frequency of respiration are balancedThere are studies that show that thanks to these sessions, the animal's body releases hormones that reduce stress, helping it to relax.

When the dog has been able to relax, it will be easier for him to concentrate and learn new behaviours, face difficult or stressful situations and he may lose his fears of noises, people or places. For his part, the tutor will achieve a faster and calmer training with positive reinforcement.

What can the Tellington Ttouch method correct?

If the Tellington Ttouch method is applied correctly, it can help improve these behaviors in the dog:

  • Fear of people or petting, which is problematic at vet visits.
  • Fear of noises, such as thunderstorms, fireworks, cars, or construction sites.
  • Restlessness: hyperactivity and inability to relax.
  • Fear of abandonment: you will learn to stay home alone without feeling abandoned.
  • Nervousness when traveling, discovering new places and strange people.

If you suspect that your dog is afraid, you can consult this other article on our site about 10 symptoms of fear in dogs.

How do I know if my dog needs the Tellington Ttouch method?

We can choose to try the Tellington Ttouch method when we detect the following behaviors in our dog:

  • Hyperactivity.
  • Nervousness.
  • Overdrive.
  • Touch sensitivity.
  • Barking at other dogs and people.
  • Antisocial behavior.
  • Fear, distrust and shyness.
  • Jealousy and protection of his food.

As you can see, the Tellington Ttouch method is a way to help dogs solve their problems at the root and not just treat the superficial symptom. This strengthens trust, respect and love between the pet and its guardian
