Miniature Schnauzer - Origin, characteristics, character, feeding and he alth with PHOTOS

Miniature Schnauzer - Origin, characteristics, character, feeding and he alth with PHOTOS
Miniature Schnauzer - Origin, characteristics, character, feeding and he alth with PHOTOS
Miniature Schnauzer
Miniature Schnauzer

Small, happy, loyal and bearded is the miniature schnauzer or zwergschnauzer. Although its size does not exceed 35 centimeters, it is a very brave and dynamic dog. It is the miniature version of the standard schnauzer and giant schnauzer, making it the perfect life companion for those who love this breed of dog but do not have the space to offer their older brothers.

Although it is a small dog, it requires a large dose of daily activity, since it is a very active and playful breed of dog. Likewise, offering him a correct diet will be another key to ensuring that his he alth remains in perfect condition and he does not acquire a weight above the ideal. You want to know more? Read on and discover in this file on our site all about the miniature schnauzer

Origin of the miniature schnauzer

The miniature schnauzer originated in Germany, specifically in Frankfurt, from the standard schnauzer. Although there is no absolute certainty of the crosses made to obtain the current breed, it is thought that the Affenpinscher and the Miniature Poodle are its ancestors.

Originally they were used as rats on farms, but little by little their handsome appearance and pleasant personality endeared them to the people of the city and today the miniature schnauzer is an extremely popular companion dog throughout the world.

Physical Characteristics of the Miniature Schnauzer

Overall, this is a small, elegant, compact, stocky dog with a square profile, noted for the dense eyebrowson his eyes and the bushy beard he has.

Both the back and the loins of the Miniature Schnauzer are strong and short, and their topline slopes slightly from the withers. The croup is slightly rounded, the chest is moderately wide, but deep, and the belly is subtly tucked in

This dog's head is rectangular, strong and elongated, presenting a well-defined stop, or nasal-frontal depression. The nose is black and the snout is shaped like a truncated wedge. For its part, the bite is strong and scissors. The miniature schnauzer's eyes are medium-sized, oval, and forward-facing; They have a cheerful and lively expression.

The "V"-shaped ears fold over and droop forward, resting their inner edges on the cheeks. Formerly they were cut to keep them erect, but today this custom has been banned in many countries as it is a cruel act that considerably harms the he alth of the animal.

The tail of the miniature schnauzer is saber-shaped or sickle-shapedYears ago it was amputated and, unfortunately, this tradition can still be seen today in many countries. However, this custom is gradually disappearing, thanks to the fact that it has been banned in most of them and the FCI standard of the breed requires natural tails.

It should be noted that the dog's tail, along with its ears, is the most expressive part of its body, through which it shows its emotions and moods, as well as constituting the continuation of the spine, so amputating it is totally contraindicated.

Miniature Schnauzer Colors

The Miniature Schnauzer's hair is made up of two layers: the inner layer is made up of dense fleece, while the outer layer is made up of hard, rough hairs that lie close to the body. The accepted colors are:

  • Pure black with black inner fleece.
  • S alt and pepper.
  • Black and silver.
  • Pure white with white inner fleece.

To finish with the physical characteristics of the miniature schnauzer, the height range for this breed, whether male or female, goes from 30 to 35 centimeters. The ideal weight, meanwhile, is between 4 and 8 kilograms.

Miniature Schnauzer Character

These dogs are very active, intelligent, curious and loyalThey learn easily and when they are treated in a good way they are very gentle with their own. They are also fearless and persevering animals. Miniature Schnauzers tend to have a strong character, so it is important to take seriously the socialization of these dogs from the time they are puppies. This prevents them from becoming fighting, aggressive or fearful dogs in adulthood. Proper socialization also facilitates interaction between adult miniature schnauzers and people.

Miniature schnauzer care

Now that you know the characteristics of the miniature schnauzer dog and its character, let's focus on discovering what care the mini schnauzer needs:

  • Feeding: it is vital to offer our miniature schnauzer a good diet from puppyhood. For this reason, at the beginning of his life we will offer him dry feedWhen he has reached a year, we will change the dry feed for dry food Finally, when he has reached his most adult stage, you must adapt the food for senior dogs.
  • Exercise: Although small, miniature schnauzers need a good dose of daily exerciseA couple of walks a day, at a minimum, and some daily play time are necessary to keep these dogs in good physical condition. Of course, they also need frequent company. They are not suitable dogs to be left alone for very long periods, since they could develop separation anxiety and destructive habits, destroying household furniture, shoes or other objects. Likewise, miniature schnauzers do best indoors and adapt very well to life in an apartment, although they do need to receive sufficient exercise, attention and lots of love.
  • Grooming: the miniature schnauzer's coat requires brushing a dayand an occasional bath, when the dog is really dirty (approximately every two months). It is also necessary to cut their hair about four times a year, which is best done at a dog groomer due to the characteristics of their coat. An advantage of this breed is that it does not shed, making it ideal for people with allergies who want to have a dog.

Miniature schnauzer education

Since they learn easily, dog training is easy and fun. However, miniature schnauzers should be trained using positive training styles, since traditional training does not provide very good results.

When Miniature Schnauzers are not properly socialized and educated, they can exhibit behaviors typical of resource guard dogs. To avoid this behavior problem, early socialization and education of the puppy is important, as we pointed out in previous sections. If a behavioral problem develops, dog obedience training does not directly address the problem, but it helps a lot as it teaches the dog more confidence and self-control.

On the other hand, these dogs usually barkers This can be an advantage when you want a companion dog that also serves as guardian, warning of the presence of people. However, it can be a serious problem when living in an apartment. For this reason, we recommend that you consult our article on "Tips to prevent your dog from barking".

In general, miniature schnauzers have great qualities as companion animals for young, old and older people. They are intelligent, gentle and great companions. However, they do not respond well to rough handling, so they are not the best choice for young children.

Miniature Schnauzer He alth

Like many other dog breeds, the Miniature Schnauzer is prone to some particular canine diseases and other he alth problems, being the following are the most common:

  • Waterfalls
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Liver problems
  • Diabetes
  • Pancreatitis
  • Gallstones
  • Von Willebrand disease
  • Heart Murmur
  • Allergies
  • Obesity

Although it is not a pathology, many miniature schnauzers show reactions to the compulsory vaccines, so you should check your dog to go to the vet if you notice any abnormality. Likewise, it will be important to deworm it following the specialist's instructions and offer it a quality diet.

Where to adopt a miniature schnauzer?

After reading this complete fact sheet on this breed of small dogs, it is most likely that you are thinking of adopting one. The truth is that the number of miniature schnauzer specimens is not scarce, although finding a pure breed to adopt is perhaps more complicated. Even so, you can go to a animal protection center that is close to your home. You can also try visiting an animal association or shelter

From our site we encourage you to adopt any dog, whether it is a miniature schnauzer or a cross between it and another breed. The important thing is to be able to offer them the best possible life so they can enjoy it.

Miniature Schnauzer Photos
