Uses of tea tree oil in dogs

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Uses of tea tree oil in dogs
Uses of tea tree oil in dogs
Tea Tree Oil Uses in Dogs
Tea Tree Oil Uses in Dogs

Tea tree oil is an oil widely known for the multiple applications it has in humans, however, those people who are looking for natural methods to treat conditions that their dog may have, already know that this remedy is ideal for numerous disorders.

This is an essential oil obtained by distillation of the leaves of the Melaleuca Alternifolia tree, native to Australia and widely used by the aborigines of this area. Fortunately, at present its distribution is very wide and it can be accessed easily. Do you want to know what are the uses of tea tree oil in dogs? Then be sure to read this article on our site.

Tea tree oil against external parasites

There are numerous home remedies for fleas in dogs and one of the most famous is tea tree oil, something that should not surprise us as this completely natural substance is also highly effective for treat external parasites We are not only talking about fleas, but also ticks and fungi.

Tea tree oil is antiseptic and fungicide, although you should bear in mind that it acts very quickly against fleas, but On the other hand, when it comes to fungi, its application must be more periodic until the infestation is completely eradicated, something that already happens if we use conventional drugs.

Uses of tea tree oil in dogs - Tea tree oil against external parasites
Uses of tea tree oil in dogs - Tea tree oil against external parasites

Tea tree oil for dog skin

Other important properties of tea tree oil are its bactericidal, healing and anti-inflammatory action , therefore, it will be indicated in numerous skin conditions.

However, should not be used if there are open wounds, although it is an excellent remedy to support a healing process once the wound has already started to heal but the skin has not completely regenerated. Thanks to its bactericidal action it prevents topical infections from occurring and thanks to its anti-inflammatory action it reduces pain, swelling and itching.

The best complement for your dog's bath

Tea tree oil is highly deodorant, so it's a great idea to include it in your dog's bath, usually by mixing it with the shampoo used regularly.

Thanks to the inclusion of a few drops of this oil in the dog's bath we will be able to observe better and longer-lasting results, especially in terms of the good smell, however, you must bear in mind that this natural remedy will not make your dog stop smelling like dog, although it will help to make this more subtle.

How to apply tea tree oil

We cannot confuse the fact that a substance is natural with that it is harmless and tea tree essential oil should never be administered orally, in fact, this type of administration is not recommended in humans either due to its narrow therapeutic margin (the risk tends to outweigh the benefits).

A report issued in January 2014 in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association collected numerous cases of toxicity caused by tea tree essential oil in both dogs and cats, these cases were characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Lack of coordination
  • Increased salivation
  • Muscle tremors

Does this mean that we cannot take advantage of the properties of tea tree oil to help our dog? No, what it tells us is that it can only be applied externally and it must always be diluted, finally obtaining a concentration that is at most 1%
