Birds that SING AT NIGHT - Meaning and examples with photos

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Birds that SING AT NIGHT - Meaning and examples with photos
Birds that SING AT NIGHT - Meaning and examples with photos
Birds that sing at night
Birds that sing at night

Birds have been recognized for a long time for their beautiful songs, because, through texts such as poetry, stories and popular folklore, we know that birds have been praised on multiple occasions for their joyful melodies, beauty and graceful movements.

Normally, we notice that these animals sing throughout the day, giving special devotion during the first rays of the sun. However, not all birds follow the same song schedule. In fact, there are birds that sing at night and with the same joy as they would during the day. If you are interested in knowing what bird you hear singing at night, we invite you to read this article on our site in which we talk about them.

Why do birds sing?

It is known that these beautiful animals usually emit all kinds of songs. This is thanks to an organ called syrinx, located at the bifurcation of the trachea to the lungs, through which the air from the lungs passes and vibrates some fins to produce a wide range of sounds. We also have this structure, but in the case of birds it is usually more complex and even some birds have air bags that surround this organ and allow amplifying the sound.

Meanings of birdsong

But why do birds have such a complex system and what does song mean to them? The truth is that, for songbirds, sound is essential for their survival and reproduction. Knowing this, it is not strange then that your body has such a complex system according to it. Thus, the main function of song in birds is to encourage mating This is because, as a general rule, birds have colors that allow them to blend in with their surroundings. This fact can be an advantage to ensure that predators do not hunt them, but at the same time it can make it difficult to find a partner with whom to reproduce. By singing, the males usually announce to the females where they are, and if his melody is clear, strong and recognizable enough, the female will be interested and go to look for him.

Although the previous function is the most notorious, the truth is that it is not the only one. The song also has another equally important function, that of keeping its territory safe from competitors and, therefore, warning other males to stay away.

Finally, many birds also use their song to inform each other if there is any threat in the territory.

When do the birds sing?

Birds tend to sing frequently throughout the day and, depending on the species, they have more or less rigid schedules. Even so, it is striking to see how many birds agree to sing at sunrise. Likewise, their singing schedule varies depending on the season of the year and the ambient temperature, because as summer approaches, the birds begin to sing earlier.

It seems that the songs of the birds in each species are determined by the biological clock of each individual, which corresponds to the rhythm of daytime hours, mating, breeding and migration seasons. The frequency and types of song are also influenced by environmental stimuli, i.e. temperature, lights, noises (e.g. a city) or the presence of other birds. Discover in this other article the Birds that sing the best.

Now then, are there birds that sing at night? Of course! As you will see below, there are species that prefer to sing at night.

Birds that sing at night

We have already anticipated that there are birds that sing at night, but why do they do it? Very simple, for the same reasons as birds that sing during the day: to mate and to protect their territory. The most representative examples of birds that sing at night are the following.

Common Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)

This species of bird is surely one of the best known, as it has the ability to adapt to many kinds of environments, from forest to urban environments, in which it sings louder to be heard above the sound of the city.

Generally, males sing loudly to attract females and do so throughout the day well into the night.

Birds that sing at night - Birds that sing at night
Birds that sing at night - Birds that sing at night


There are different species of blackbird that can be heard at night, such as the common blackbird (Turdus merula), characterized by its black plumage, or the American blackbird (Turdus migratorius), with a characteristic red plumage on robin-like breast.

These birds have a wide repertoire of songs and melodic variations They usually sing throughout the day but do so with more vigor during dawn and dusk, as well as at night with the intention of warning other males not to approach their territory.

If you have found a blackbird that has fallen from the nest and you don't know how to take care of it, don't miss this article in which we talk about the diet of the common blackbird.

Birds that sing at night
Birds that sing at night

Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos)

Also called Mockingbird, it is a native American species characterized by its beautiful gray plumage on the upper part of the body and white on the lower part, black tail and end of the wings, as well as its wings painted by white lines.

This bird is distinguished by imitating sounds, for example from other birds and animals and even machines if it is in urban areas. In general, their calls are made mainly at night throughout the year, as well as during the twilight hours and at dawn.

Birds that sing at night
Birds that sing at night

Hermit Thrush (Catharus guttatus)

This species is a thrush that also has American origin. It is characterized by having a white faded plumage on the lower part, brown on the upper part of the body and spotted with small brown feathers on the chest.

This bird usually sings at dusk or at night and usually emits a descending sound in different tones In general, these birds, like others, usually vary their singing depending on the region they are in and usually have a vast repertoire of up to 12 different songs.

Birds that sing at night
Birds that sing at night

Rough-bodied Nightjar (Antrostomus vociferus)

This is another of the birds that sing at night, although we must point out that it is a rather shy bird and difficult to seeIt is also native to North and Central America and its plumage is speckled with dots, with brown, black, or gray upperparts, and usually dark underparts. In addition, the males are distinguished by having a white spot under the throat and the tips of the wings.

This bird is fully nocturnal, which means that it rests during the day and much of its activity occurs at night, among them, singing. Its call is usually slow and deep, for this reason, in rural American folklore its melody at night is often attributed to a bad omen.

Birds that sing at night
Birds that sing at night

European Robin (Erithacus rubecula)

This small songbird is known for its brown plumage and conspicuous red on its chest, which gives rise to its name.

This diurnal bird has a trilled song that it uses to defend its territory and during the breeding season. However, in noisy urban areas, this friendly bird can be heard singing at night, when the sound of cars does not overshadow its voice and, therefore, it can get your message across more clearly.

Birds that sing at night
Birds that sing at night

Great Warbler (Icteria virens)

This colorful bird has its habitat in North and Central America and the Caribbean. Despite its bright yellow color on the chest, it usually hides in thickets where it goes unnoticed.

Its song is made up of a series of croaks, whistles and short phrases repeated several times in a row, very characteristic of this species. And although it usually sings during the day, it is during the spring (time when it is most active), when it is usually heard very often at night, which is why which is also part of the list of birds that sing at night.

Birds that sing at night
Birds that sing at night

Marinette (Nycticorax nycticorax)

This heron is a little smaller compared to others and does not stand out for having a neck as long as the birds of its family usually have. Physically, it is distinguished by its whitish plumage below and grayish-black plumage above, as well as its intimidating red eyes.

This kind of heron is found in all parts of the world and makes its territory all kinds of swamps and wetlands where it mainly hunts fish, as well as reptiles, amphibians and insects. It also stands out for its night habits, in which it emits squawks similar to crows and hoarse, deep-pitched calls.
