That a cat coughs or sneezes blood is not usual or normal. In general, it occurs as a result of trauma, pulmonary edema, neoplasms, intoxication or inhalation of foreign bodies. Whenever blood makes its appearance, concern spreads among the caregivers. When our cat coughs and, in addition, expels blood, doubts arise, since it is not possible to know where the bleeding is coming from. That our cat coughs up blood is a reason for a veterinary consultation, since only a specialist can determine the exact cause.
In this article on our site we are going to explain under what circumstances coughing up blood in cats can occur and how we can act, reviewing the main causes, as well as their diagnosis, prognosis and treatment. If you live with a cat, you can't miss this article!
Coughing up blood in cats: origin
When our cat coughs and we see that blood has been expelled, the first thing we should know is that this bleeding can come from the mouth or the noseLikewise, blood can come from the digestive or respiratory system. Vomiting blood in cats is known as hematemesis and can have different causes, although in this article we are only going to deal with those that are associated with the respiratory system, since they are the ones that can be related to coughing fits. Thus, the expectoration of blood from the respiratory tract is called hemoptysis This bleeding can present as blood-tinged mucus, straight blood, or a pinkish fluid. It must be said that it is not very common that we have the opportunity to see this bleeding, since cats usually swallow these expectorations, so they are only detected in tests such as bronchoscopy or, sometimes, a dark tone can be seen in the feces that corresponds to swallowed and digested blood (melena). Sometimes, a coughing spell causes bleeding due to the breakage of small capillaries, without much significance (it would be like when we catch a cold and end up bleeding a small amount when we blow our nose). In this case, the blood would come from the nasal cavity or oropharynx. In the following sections we are going to explain some of the causes that may be responsible for our cat coughing up blood.
Coughing up blood in cats due to trauma
With trauma we refer to accidents such as falls, run over, blows or attacks of other animals, that is, injuries caused by force and / or violence and that will cause damage of greater or lesser consideration. Trauma can cause intrapulmonary hemorrhage. In these cases we will see that our cat coughs up blood but, in addition, we will observe other signs such as the following:
- Respiratory difficulties.
- Depending on the cause we can see external wounds and/or other injuries or fractures.
- More or less confused state depending on the damage caused.
- Pain.
It goes without saying that this is a veterinary emergency that we need to attend to as soon as possible. It will be the clinician who must carry out the battery of tests necessary to identify the damage and establish the most appropriate treatment. It is usual that surgery and/or hospitalization is needed. The prognosis will depend on the damage.

Cat coughs up blood due to pulmonary edema
There are cases in which the cat coughs up blood that will appear as a pink fluid This expectoration has its origin in an edema produced in the lungs. It is a excess fluid and it is in the most severe cases that the pinkish fluid that we are discussing can be observed. It can be caused by trauma, systemic disease, or inhalation or ingestion of a toxic substance. Of course, it requires prompt veterinary attention. We can identify the following symptoms:
- Respiratory difficulties.
- Cyanosis (bluish hue due to insufficient oxygenation).
- Cough with bloody expectoration.
- Exercise intolerance.
In an X-ray (more than one projection is always recommended) it is possible to see the state of the lungs and the heart (edema can be associated with heart failure). In addition, other tests such as blood tests may be performed. Treatment will depend on the results of the tests. Diuretics will generally be required to prevent fluid accumulation, in addition to appropriate treatment of the primary cause of the edema.

Coughing up blood in cats due to neoplasms
The presence of neoplasms in the lungs can cause our cat to cough up blood. Neoplasms are tumors, that is, uncontrolled growth of cells that, in their development, can erode surrounding vessels, which is what will cause bleeding. It is a very rare condition in cats. Other symptoms associated with this picture are the following:
- Cough.
- Respiratory disorders.
- Exercise intolerance.
- Anorexy.
- Gastrointestinal symptoms such as regurgitation and vomiting.
Any of these manifestations is a reason for veterinary consultation. As in any other respiratory condition involving the lungs, x-rays can provide us with valuable information. Also bronchoscopy and biopsy. In this case, the treatment will depend on the type of neoplasm and its extension.
Coughing up blood due to intoxication or poisoning
Our cat can cough or sneeze blood if it has ingested something toxic. Some of these products cause bleeding and the cat may lose blood through the nose, mouth or in the form of bloody urine or feces. Other symptoms that may accompany bleeding include the following:
- Seizures.
- Incoordination.
- Vomiting.
- Respiratory difficulty.
- Hypothermia (low temperature).
- Daze.
- Diarrhea.
Immediate veterinary attention is required. The prognosis will depend on the type of poison, as well as the amount that has been ingested. If we identify the product, we must show it to the veterinarian in order to guide its action. Hospitalization is usually required for fluid therapy and vitamin K (helps control bleeding).
Cat coughs up blood from foreign bodies
Finally, the presence of an inhaled foreign body can also cause our cat to cough up blood, in its attempt to expel it. It is typical to have an access of coughing or sneezing violently and sudden. In cats one of the inhaled objects are needles, hence the importance of maintaining a safe environment.