15 animals with big eyes - WITH PHOTOS

15 animals with big eyes - WITH PHOTOS
15 animals with big eyes - WITH PHOTOS
Animals with big eyes
Animals with big eyes

There are really amazing animals, with unique physical characteristics, which are also essential for them to adapt to the environment and survive in it. However, some of these peculiarities come to surprise us, as is the case of animals with big eyes, which are mostly nocturnal animals.

In this article on our site we will talk about 15 animals with big eyes, with images, so you can appreciate their impressive eyeballs and know why they have them this way. Enjoy this list of photos of animals with big eyes and some of their curiosities!

1. Tarsier

The tarsier (Tarsius bancanus) is a species of small primate, hairy and with thin extremities. It is also one of the animals with the most developed senses. It has a long tail of 17 centimeters, however, none of these features is as striking as its huge eyes, somewhat disproportionate to the size of its body.

The tarsier is one of those animals with big, soft eyes, but in reality these make it an excellent night hunter. The species inhabits the Asian continent, inhabiting lowland forests.

Animals with big eyes - 1. Tarsier
Animals with big eyes - 1. Tarsier

two. Mantis shrimp

The mantis shrimp (Gonodactylus smithii) is a crustacean of varied colors that presents/displays a thin body of 18 centimeters in length. It has strong claws that allow it to capture its prey with ease. But if we have to talk about the eyes of animals that are surprising, the mantis shrimp is one of the species that must be mentioned. His eyes work separately, that is, they look at different places independently, a mechanism that allows him to "scan" the environment with ease.

Animals with big eyes - 2. Mantis shrimp
Animals with big eyes - 2. Mantis shrimp

3. Chameleons

There are more than 100 species of chameleons, most of which live in regions of Africa and Asia. They have the ability to change color and have a fast and elongated tongue that allows them to catch insects. As for their eyeballs, they move independently and have a range of vision of 360 degrees, so chameleons are among the animals with big googly eyes

Animals with big eyes - 3. Chameleons
Animals with big eyes - 3. Chameleons

4. Zebra Spider

The Zebra spider (S alticus scenicus) is only 7 millimeters long, which makes it one of the smallest animals in the world. It has short legs and a black body with white stripes that inspires its name. It is without a doubt one of the most disturbing animals with big eyes. This species has a total of 8 eyes on the front of the body, which offer a stereoscopic image of its surroundings. In addition, the lateral eyes allow you to obtain a range of vision of 360 degrees.

Animals with big eyes - 4. Zebra spider
Animals with big eyes - 4. Zebra spider

5. Giant squid

The giant squid (Architeuthis dux) is an animal that lives in the depths of the sea. Very little is known about this species, as it barely comes close to the surface. It can reach 15 meters in length and feeds mainly on fish and crustaceans. But in addition, the giant squid stands out for having the largest eyes in the world, since its eyeballs measure between 28 and 30 centimeters

Animals with big eyes - 5. Giant squid
Animals with big eyes - 5. Giant squid

6. Slow lorises

The slow loris, belonging to the Nycticebus family, is one of the most exotic nocturnal mammals in the world, its main predator being the human being. It is protected by the CITES convention and is listed as one of the critically endangered animals, mainly due to the illegal trafficking of species. Native to Southeast Asia, the slow loris is the only known venomous primate.

Animals with big eyes - 6. Slow lorises
Animals with big eyes - 6. Slow lorises

7. Ostrich

The ostrich (Struthio camelus) is the largest flightless bird in the world and is characterized by its abundant plumage, which combines white and black, although some specimens also have brown feathers. It is an animal with large, bulging eyes, in fact, they are larger than its brain, which corresponds to its size, since it reaches 3 meters in height and weighs up to 180 kilos. It is an omnivorous animal that consumes small animals and arthropods, although its main food is plants and some fruits.

Animals with big eyes - 7. Ostrich
Animals with big eyes - 7. Ostrich

8. Owl

We call "owl" those birds belonging to the genus Strigidae. They are nocturnal species that feed on fish, insects and mice, among other small animals. Owls are animals with large, bulging eyes, which stand out for presenting yellowish coloration in the iris area.

Globules lack mobility, so They can only see straight ahead, however, these animals compensate in other ways, as they are able to turn their heads 360 degrees.

Animals with big eyes - 8. Owl
Animals with big eyes - 8. Owl

9. Domestic cat

The domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus) is one of the most popular domestic carnivorous mammals. It has an agile and very strong body, which allows it to move with great skill. The cat stands out for being one of the animals with big and tender eyes, which is probably one of the biggest attractions for people.

Feline eyes have a cell membrane located behind the retina that absorbs the little light that can be found in dark environments. In addition, the cat has a range of vision of 200 degrees, which contrasts with the 180 degrees that a person covers.

Animals with big eyes - 9. Domestic cat
Animals with big eyes - 9. Domestic cat

10. Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko

The satanic leaf-tailed gecko (Uroplatus phantasticus) is a species endemic to Madagascar. It is nocturnal and feeds on small insects. It is one of the most curious animals with large eyes, because it lacks eyelids, which further highlights the size of its eyeballs. In addition, their eyes are 350 times more sensitive to color than the human ocular apparatus, so they perceive images more clearly and sharply.

Animals with big eyes - 10. Satanic leaf-tailed gecko
Animals with big eyes - 10. Satanic leaf-tailed gecko

eleven. Common Dragonfly

The common dragonfly (Gomphus vulgatissimus) is an insect with transparent wings that lives in Spain and Italy, mainly in areas of high mountain. It feeds on other flying insects that it intercepts on the surface of the water. Its main characteristic is the enormous eyes that cover almost its entire head and are made up of more than 30,000 photoreceptor units called ommatidia, which allow it to have excellent sensitive vision to motion.

Animals with big eyes - 11. Common dragonfly
Animals with big eyes - 11. Common dragonfly

12. Brownsnout Goblin Fish

The Brownnose Goblinfish (Dolichopteryx longipes) is an animal with large eyes. It measures around 20 centimeters, does not have spines and is distributed in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific and the China Sea. The large eyes of this fish stand out in its transparent and thin body

Animals with big eyes - 12. Brown-snouted goblin fish
Animals with big eyes - 12. Brown-snouted goblin fish

13. Common octopus

The common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) is a mollusk that lives in the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern Atlantic Ocean. It stands out for being one of the most intelligent animals with big eyes in the world Its skin is brown, it has an oval head and it has 8 arms with rows of suckers. It is a nocturnal animal that lives at a depth of 100 meters and feeds on crustaceans and fish. Among the eyes of animals, those of the octopus have a rectangular pupil that provides a wide range of vision. In addition, they are able to regulate the amount of light that enters them, but they are still short-sighted.

Discover on our site 20 curiosities about octopuses based on scientific studies!

Animals with big eyes - 13. Common octopus
Animals with big eyes - 13. Common octopus

14. Red-Eyed Green Frog

The Red-eyed Green Tree Frog (Agalychnis callidryas) is an amphibian that inhabits low, humid lands in or near rainforests to aquatic ecosystems. It presents sexual dimorphism, since the males measure 71 millimeters, while the females only measure 56 millimeters. The green frog is an animal with large and tender eyes, they are large and have an intense red color

Animals with big eyes - 14. Green frog with red eyes
Animals with big eyes - 14. Green frog with red eyes

fifteen. Telescope fish

We end our list of animals with big eyes with the scope fish or "demekin", one of the most popular cold water fish of the world, which stands out precisely because of its large eyes. This fish, belonging to the Characidae family, like the goldfish, is relatively sensitive, so plants or particularly sharp accessories should not be placed in its aquarium.
