The most powerful mythological animals - 6 steps

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The most powerful mythological animals - 6 steps
The most powerful mythological animals - 6 steps
The most powerful mythological animals
The most powerful mythological animals

When we talk about mythological animals we refer to all the fantastic creatures and beings that are the protagonists of the myths and legends that feed our history and therefore, are part of the folklore of our culture.

As they are animals that have not really existed, or at least their existence has not been scientifically proven, the origin of these beings is related to the traditional mythology of each culture. We will also find cases of real beasts mythologized through stories and legends or what we know as hybrids, which are a combination of two or more animals.

Knowing this concept, what most catches your attention in the world of mythical animals?… Surely you already know the most famous mythological animals, but did you know that some of these creatures have fame of being very intelligent and dangerous?

Keep reading on our site and discover what are the most powerful mythological animals and find your favourite. We assure you that you will be surprised to know in detail the characteristics of those beings that have fascinated us so much through literature and cinema.


Dragons are winged reptiles, which can vary in size and characteristics depending on their race or origin. Stories as well known as those of the famous wizard Harry Potter show us a wide variety of dragons with amazing abilities.

Without a doubt we can say that dragons are one of the most powerful mythological animals known. Present in the mythology of Europe, Asia, America and Oceania, this great creature is very famous today due to its role in such acclaimed series as the well-known Game of Thrones.

Among the most powerful dragons are:

  • Moo-Kuna: Hawaiian dragon that is credited with the power to change shape. He is considered malevolent and very dangerous although he can be sociable.
  • Shenlong: of Asian origin, dragon of the wind, water and clouds that was given special respect, because it caused of storms or droughts.
  • Sirrush: long-horned dragon with feline and bird claws. Originating from ancient Babylon, this dragon was considered very dangerous, not only for its ferocity but also for its intelligence.
The most powerful mythological animals - Step 1
The most powerful mythological animals - Step 1


The manticore, similar to the chimera and the sphinx, is one of the mythological beings that we know as hybrids since it has the body of a lion, a human head, the wings of a dragon or bat, and the tail of a scorpion or dragon. This huge beast, which is part of European mythology, is believed to have lived in the desert area of ancient Persia.

The manticore is among the most powerful mythological animals due to its reputation for eating men. Although not one of the most intelligent fantastic beings, manticores are also considered evil creatures and their predilection for human flesh makes them highly dangerous.

As a curious fact, you should know that the word manticore can also refer to a smaller but just as evil creature, like the one that appears in the acclaimed Game of Thrones series. This species of manticore is a mixture of beetle and scorpion that has a very powerful poison, appreciated by alchemists and maesters.

The most powerful mythological animals - Step 2
The most powerful mythological animals - Step 2


Although they are not as famous as the previous two, nagas are very powerful fantastic creatures Native to India, where they form part of In Hindu mythology, the nagas are semi-divine beings with the body of a snake and a human torso, usually a woman's.

Although not considered evil, Nagas are highly intelligent and have a venomous and deadly bite. Measuring up to 6m in height, these fantastic creatures do not need to act violently, as their aforementioned intelligence and patience make them extremely wise beings.

The nagas live in the sea and there are three types:

  • Water Naga
  • Guardian Naga
  • Spirit Naga

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The most powerful mythological animals - Step 3
The most powerful mythological animals - Step 3


Here we have another very powerful mythological animal but luckily it's not a deadly beast, so don't worry. The qilin or kirin is part of the Fantastic Beasts of Asia, in fact it is one of the four sacred animals of Ancient China (along with the dragon, the tortoise and the phoenix) and is also known as the "Chinese unicorn" for its peculiar appearance.

This hybrid, which has the body and horns of a deer, the head of a lion or dragon, the tail of an ox, and the hooves of a horse, possesses great intelligence and is considered a highly sociable being. His appearance is directly related to good omens and he is usually depicted surrounded by flames, which he uses to protect the pure of heart.

The most powerful mythological animals are not always evil animals and for example you have the qilin which, according to some legends, can also walk on the water and on the flowers without crushing any of them.

The most powerful mythological animals - Step 4
The most powerful mythological animals - Step 4


If you watched the Harry Potter saga you may know the famous hippogriff but the truth is that the griffin, a relative, is also one of the most powerful mythological animals. Griffons, half lion and half eagle, are ferocious flying creatures, highly intelligent and noble.

These animals possess the best qualities of lions and eagles, a powerful hunter, with powerful eyesight and a great sense of smell. Griffins were said to guard treasures in ancient Mesopotamia and the fact that their image is part of many coats of arms has to do with their ferocity, loy alty and courage.

As a curious fact, you should know that it was believed that griffins could be tamed and trained with mounts, although this was almost a task exclusively for wild elves. Once a griffin is tamed, the bond with the rider is for life. If you want to imagine what this would be like, you can watch the famous movie Avatar, where this situation is recreated with the famous Ikram.

The list of fantastic creatures is very extensive and if you do a little research, you will realize that there are many more than you think. On our site we wanted to make a selection of the most powerful mythological animals and we have based ourselves not only on their dangerousness, but also on their intelligence and symbology, but tell us, Do you agree with our list or do you think we have missed some very important ones?

Feel free to comment and tell us about your favorite fantastic creature! and if you are interested in knowing more about amazing creatures, but it has been shown that they did exist, you can review the article on prehistoric marine animals, a photo gallery that will surprise you.
