Demodectic Mange in Dogs (Demodex canis) - Symptoms and Treatment

Demodectic Mange in Dogs (Demodex canis) - Symptoms and Treatment
Demodectic Mange in Dogs (Demodex canis) - Symptoms and Treatment
Demodectic mange in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Demodectic mange in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Demodectic mange is the second most common type of mange in dogs. It is also known as red mange due to the characteristic reddening of the skin of dogs that suffer from it. Hereditary scabies is another name given to the disease, but it is a misnomer because the actual cause of the disease is the proliferation of the Demodex canis mite.

In this article on our site we will detail what is demodectic mange, what are the symptoms that allow us to identify it and the treatment to apply in case of contagion. However, remember that it will be essential to go to a veterinary professional to properly treat this disease. The specialist is the only one qualified to carry out an accurate diagnosis.

What is demodectic mange?

Demodectic mange, also known as canine demodicosis, is one of the most common types of mange in dogs. It usually occurs in a localized form, that is, it affects only small parts of the skin. However, sometimes it can occur in a generalized way and in these cases it becomes a much more dangerous and complicated disease to treat.

The Demodex canis mite is the cause of this mange. It lives in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands of all dogs, he althy and diseased. Normally, the dog's immune system is responsible for keeping the population of these mites under control, however, when that system fails and the defenses drop, the population of Demodex canis skyrockets and causes the disease.

Dogs at risk of suffering from this mange are those that present some type of immunosuppression This can occur due to some disease, for seasonal reasons (for example, during the mating season in females), due to hormonal changes during growth, due to stress or due to genetic causes. It is for this last reason that demodectic mange is sometimes called hereditary mange, but it is a misnomer because even when the immunological deficit has hereditary bases, it is the mite that causes the disease.

On the other hand, it should be noted that some lines have this disease more frequently. In addition, canine demodecosis is more common in the following dog breeds:

  • Afghan hound
  • American Pit Bull Terrier
  • american staffordshire terrier
  • boxer
  • border collie
  • dobermann
  • English bulldog
  • french bulldog
  • the german shepherd
  • shar pei
  • beagle
  • pug
Demodectic mange in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is demodectic mange?
Demodectic mange in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is demodectic mange?

Is demodectic mange contagious?

Demodex canis is a mite present on the skin of all dogs, so there is no risk of contagion of the disease. As we have said in the previous section, demodectic mange develops after experiencing a problem that causes the immune system to not work properly and, therefore, the mite population increases uncontrollably.

Is demodectic mange contagious to humans?

Just as this type of mange is not spread between dogs, it is also not possible to spread it to humans or other animals.

Demodex canis: morphology and biological cycle

The Demodex canis mite is transmitted to the puppy during the lactation period through its mother. Once in it, it stays in the hair follicles and the sebaceous glands, mainly. The mite feeds on sebum and cell debris that it can find during all its stages, so it is a permanent parasite that completes its biological cycle completely on the skin of the animal because it does not have the ability to survive in the environment.

Demodex canis goes through different stages before becoming an adult mite: egg, larva, protonymph and nymph. The female lays her eggs on the animal, from which the larvae are born when they hatch. These larvae are elongated and can measure about 100 μm. Later, they moult to protonymph and nymph, reaching a length of 200 μm. It is during this stage that demodectic mange can spread to other areas of the body, since it is the nymphs that move. When they are adults, the genital openings appear and they begin to reproduce, starting the cycle all over again.

The adult mite is elongated in shape and measures about 200 μm if male and 300 μm if female. In total, its biological cycle can last 10-12 days, so in a very short time it can reproduce and spread the disease at great speed if it has developed. Under normal conditions, the number of mites is limited and their proliferation is controlled by the dog's immune system, so their presence is not a problem.

Demodectic mange in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Demodex canis: morphology and biological cycle
Demodectic mange in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Demodex canis: morphology and biological cycle

Symptoms of demodectic mange in dogs

There are two types of demodicosis in dogs: localized demodicosis and generalized demodicosis. Depending on the type, the clinical signs will be one or the other.

Localized demodicosis is common in puppies but can also occur in adult dogs. Your symptoms include:

  • Located hair loss in small patches. These peeling patches can occur anywhere on the body, but are most common on the head, face, neck, front legs, and shoulders.
  • Erythema (reddened skin).
  • Inflammation.

Normally, this form of demodectic mange is not itchy, so there is no skin irritation or sores. However, these conditions may occur in some cases.

The generalized demodicosis has the following symptoms:

  • Generalized hair loss over large areas of the body.
  • Itch.
  • Scratch, lick and bite the areas that bother him.
  • Inflammation, peeling, scrapes, wounds and scabs.
  • Bacterial skin infections.

Diagnosis of demodectic mange in dogs

The diagnosis must be made by the veterinarian. In addition to considering the dog's previous history, you will scrape the affected areas with a sterilized scalpel. They will then look at the scraping under a microscope to determine if the Demodex canis mite is present.

In some cases, it may be difficult to remove the mites with a simple scrape and the vet may opt for a skin biopsy. This occurs in dogs with thick, closely folded skin such as Shar Peis.

How to cure demodectic mange: treatment

Treatment for demodectic mange, both local and generalized, consists of the administration of medications orally and in ointments The drug to be used and the dosage must be indicated by the veterinarian, but antiparasitics with acaricidal power are generally used, such as ivermectin, milbemycin, moxidectin and amitraz. Some medicated shampoos can also help treat demodectic mange in puppies and adult dogs.

It is important to note that the drugs used to treat demodectic mange can have adverse side effects. The veterinarian should report these potential effects so owners can take appropriate action. When there is secondary bacterial infection, it is also often administered antibiotics to combat it.

The prognosis varies according to each case, so it is not possible to establish how long it takes for demodectic mange to heal. Puppies with localized mange have an excellent prognosis. In these cases, the disease usually remits naturally, although it is preferable to do the treatment to ensure success. Adult dogs with localized mange have a more guarded prognosis and the disease is not expected to regress naturally. In these cases, the treatment can be more or less long, but it usually gives good results.

Dogs suffering from generalized demodectic mange have a less favorable prognosis. In these cases, it is much more difficult to control the disease and it is possible that the dog will present it for his whole life, although care can be provided so that he has a good quality of life.

Adult dogs that present this disease, both localized and generalized, can be subjected to more in-depth diagnoses in search of a systemic disease that is causing the lowered defenses.

Shampoo for mange in dogs and other products

Today there are many brands that we find to deal with this problem. Therefore, if we ask ourselves which is better, Bravecto for demodectic mange, Seresto or other brands, the answer must be found in the specialist who is handling the case, since each veterinarian prefers to opt for one or the other based on their experience and results obtained. These brands market products in the form of tablets or pipettes, all of them with acaricidal power to combat the excessive proliferation of the mite.

As for shampoos, the aim is to relieve the symptoms caused by generalized demodicosis, such as intense itching, inflammation and skin irritation. In the localized version they are not usually used.

Demodectic mange in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - How to cure demodectic mange: treatment
Demodectic mange in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - How to cure demodectic mange: treatment

Demodectic mange: natural treatment

Home remedies for demodectic mange should be applied as a complement, so they should not replace veterinary treatment. In general, these natural treatments are used to reinforce the effects of medications, regenerate the skin, keep it hydrated and relieve itching. For this type of scabies, the most suitable are:

  • Olive oil or a mixture made from this oil, almond oil and neem. After bathing the dog with the shampoo recommended by the veterinarian or with neutral soap, the solution should be applied to the affected areas. It is not advisable to apply this remedy more than twice a day.
  • Chamomile and lemon. Both chamomile tea and lemon water have important antiseptic properties, so they will help disinfect the skin and heal wounds.
  • Yogurt. For localized demodicosis it is usually a good remedy because it promotes healing.

How to prevent canine demodicosis

Since the mite that causes demodecosis lives normally in dogs, it is impossible to eliminate it. Therefore, there is no way to prevent its presence in our animals. However, it is possible to help prevent the disease by keeping dogs in good condition, without stress, with good nutrition, exercise and adequate company. In this sense, feeding based on raw meat usually gives excellent results because it strengthens the dog's immune system. For more details, don't miss this article: "BARF diet for dogs".
