The 10 oldest animals in the world - WITH IMAGES

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The 10 oldest animals in the world - WITH IMAGES
The 10 oldest animals in the world - WITH IMAGES
The oldest animals in the world
The oldest animals in the world

The oldest animals in the world are those that have practically not evolved and that inhabited the earth even before the appearance of the human being. The species listed below have survived the most extreme circumstances, including the five extinctions

But in addition, these ancient animals have developed amazing abilities and unique physical characteristics that make them authentic "living fossils". Would you like to meet them? In this article on our site we will show you a list of the 10 oldest animals in the world, don't miss them!

1. The Sponge

What is the oldest animal in the world?Cyanobacteriaare the oldest living organisms in the world, present on Planet Earth for more than 2,700 million years. [1]

However, since they have their own kingdom and are not considered animal or plant organisms, the oldest animal in the world is the sponge, the name we use to name the species belonging to the genus Porifera.

There are more than 9,000 species of sponges in the world and, according to the fossil record currently available, sponges have inhabited the planet for about 540 million of years. [two]

The oldest animals in the world - 1. The sponge
The oldest animals in the world - 1. The sponge

two. The ctenophores

The ctenophores, animals belonging to the phylum Ctenophora, are commonly confused with jellyfish. These marine animals are little known, although we can find them in practically all the world's seas, with highly variable sizes and shapes. These species are suspected to be older than 525 million years old [3]

The oldest animals in the world - 2. The ctenophores
The oldest animals in the world - 2. The ctenophores

3. Jellyfish

Unlike the ctenophores, the jellyfish belong to the phylum Cnidaria and, depending on the species, we can find them in marine and fresh waters. They are especially known for their arrival on the coast during spring and summer, as well as for their defense mechanism, which generates a poisonous reaction thanks to their stinging cells called nematocysts. They are also animals without a central nervous system.

Although they have been shown to be present on Earth for about 500 million years [4], an article in The New York Times suggests they could be up to 700 million [5] We hope to know very soon if jellyfish become the second oldest animals in the world.

The oldest animals in the world - 3. Jellyfish
The oldest animals in the world - 3. Jellyfish

4. The Nautilus

Continuing with our list of the oldest animals in the world comes the turn of the animals belonging to the genus Nautilus, which includes four species: Nautilus belauensis, Nautilus macromphalus, Nautilus pompilius, and Nautilus stenomphalus. These molluscs are popularly known as "living fossils" since it is estimated that they have been present on the planet for approximately 500 million years[6]

The oldest animals in the world - 4. The nautilus
The oldest animals in the world - 4. The nautilus

5. The Velvety Worms

The velvet worms is the name given to the more than 180 species of the Onychophora phylum that inhabit tropical regions. These nocturnal animals stand out for having multiple limbs that end in two claws and are also called "legged slugs" because they excrete a fluid white and milky through their glands, which they use to hunt prey and defend themselves.

It is suspected that they have been in the plant for 500 million years, just like the nautilus. [7]

The oldest animals in the world - 5. The velvety worms
The oldest animals in the world - 5. The velvety worms

6. The Atlantic Horseshoe Crab

The Atlantic Horseshoe Crab (Limulus polyphemus) is also one of the oldest animals in the world and is called a "fossil living", for its unique appearance. Despite its name, it is closer to arachnids than crabs.

They spend most of their lives buried in the sand and are in serious danger of extinction, mainly due to the action of man. It is now suspected that this unique species has remained virtually unchanged for around 445 million years ago [8]

The oldest animals in the world - 6. The Atlantic horseshoe crab
The oldest animals in the world - 6. The Atlantic horseshoe crab

7. The Elephant Shark

The Elephant Shark (Callorhinchus milii) is actually a large fish, which can reach 1.5 meters in length. It inhabits the waters of southern Australia and New Zealand, where they are captured for consumption. It is estimated that this species has inhabited the Earth's seas for 400 million years ago [9]

The oldest animals in the world - 7. The elephant shark
The oldest animals in the world - 7. The elephant shark

8. The coelacanthimorphs

Continuing with the oldest animals in the world, it is the turn of the coelacanthinmorphs, lobe-finned fish of the order Coelacanthiformes that are they believed extinct. The first specimen was discovered in 1938 and, since then, new individuals have been found.

Currently they can be found in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozamique, Madagascar, Comoros and even in Indonesia, although they should never be taken out of the water, since they have burst in all attempts, due to differences in Pressure. Species are estimated to be over 400 million years old [10]

The oldest animals in the world - 8. The coelacanths
The oldest animals in the world - 8. The coelacanths

9. The Lamprey

The lamreys, animals of the class Hyperoartia, are actually fish without jaws or scales , with a gelatinous and elongated body. They show a circular mouth that also has the function of a suction cup, which allows them to fixate on their prey, scrape their meat and suck the blood, which is their main food. Although it is estimated that they have inhabited the earth for at least 365 million years ago [11]are likely to be more.

The oldest animals in the world - 9. The lamprey
The oldest animals in the world - 9. The lamprey

10. Cockroach

We end the list of the oldest animals in the world with cockroaches, animals belonging to the order Blattodea, not particularly appreciated by most Humans. These insects, capable of flight, are surprising for their survivability, even with very limited resources.

Cockroaches are estimated to have inhabited the planet for 250 million years. [12]
