HIP Fracture in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Care

HIP Fracture in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Care
HIP Fracture in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Care
Hip Fracture in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Care
Hip Fracture in Dogs - Symptoms, Treatment and Care

The hip fracture is one of the most common injuries that our dog could suffer. By nature, they are usually restless animals and, therefore, prone to falls that can trigger this type of injury. In addition, genetics plays an important role in these cases.

In this article on our site we talk about the different types of hip fractures in dogs that can occur, the symptoms presented by each of them and the possible treatments. Read on to find out what to do if your dog has broken his hip.

Types of hip fractures in dogs

The classification of fractures is quite extensive, as it depends on the location and how the bone is injured. Making a small outline in the simplest way, these are the most common hip fractures that a dog can suffer:

Hip dysplasia in dogs

This is a bone disease that tends to affect certain breeds of dogs more than others (Labrador Retrievers and German Shepherds are some of the most affected), since there is a genetic component hereditary that develops it. To rule it out, we should go to a veterinary clinic if we begin to see that, for example, our puppy has problems walking or walks differently than usual.

Before ruling it out with the specialist, we can look at details such as whether the dog has difficulty sitting down or if it shows weakness in the hindquarters It is an irreversible problem, but with proper care, better living conditions can be offered to the animal.

One of the ways to improve your dog's quality of life if he suffers from this condition is by offering him a completely balanced diet and preventing him from being overweight or malnourished.

Hip Dislocation in Dogs

It is also known as hip dislocation in dogs and it is very common, since it can occur if the animal falls or does a wrong move. Not all dislocations require surgical intervention, because in some cases it is enough to immobilize it and rest until the bone heals completely.

Other types of hip fractures

The above types are the most common, however, they are not the only ones because hip fractures can also be classified based on their location. So, focusing on this point, we can list the following types of hip fractures in dogs:

  • Trochanteric fractures: these are injuries produced at the level of the trochanter of the femur.
  • Subtrochanteric fractures: These are the fractures found below the trochanteric area.
  • Cervical fractures: this name is given to fractures produced in the neck of the head of the femur.
  • Subcapital Fractures: A subcapital fracture is one located just below the head of the femur.
Hip fracture in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and care - Types of hip fracture in dogs
Hip fracture in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and care - Types of hip fracture in dogs

How do I know if my dog has broken his hip? - Symptoms

We must bear in mind that all the signs and symptoms that our dog may present are practically the same in each type of hip fracture, including both dysplasia and rupture and dislocation of the hip in dogs.

The main sign is claudication We can notice that the patient has difficulty supporting one or both hindlimbs (posterior fall, popularly). Pain, swelling, loss of appetite and in many cases even fever, can be characteristic clinical signs of a fracture-associated injury; not leaving aside, for obvious reasons, exercise intolerance

If you notice any of these symptoms of hip fracture in dogs, the first thing you should do is go to the clinic to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment.

How to heal a hip fracture in dogs? - Treatment

The people in charge of diagnosing the fracture, classifying it and subsequently establishing the pertinent treatment are the veterinary staff. By going to the clinic and using complementary tests such as X-rays, more information about the patient and the injury can be obtained, thus achieving a better diagnosis by the doctor.

Treatment can be based on both surgery and bandages, and the choice will be based on the type of fracture, age, race and weight of the patient. The most important thing in this type of case is the correct attention of the owner in the recovery of his dog. Confinement and adequate medication give us more than 50% of the success of the surgery or management treatment established.

physiotherapy in some cases it is the indicated method for correct recoveryof the motor functions of the hip. To achieve success in these cases, it is important to carry out this set of procedures correctly so that as soon as possible we have our puppy in normal conditions again.

Hip fracture in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and care - How to heal a hip fracture in dogs? - Treatment
Hip fracture in dogs - Symptoms, treatment and care - How to heal a hip fracture in dogs? - Treatment

How long does it take to weld a dog's hip?

Recovery time may vary from animal to animal. Everything will depend on both the surgical technique performed and the care that the owner has in the recovery. A correct confinement of the dog is recommended, especially when it comes to a heavy patient, since dogs less than 12 kilos have faster recovery benefits than those that are greater than 15 kilos. This is due to the weight that the bones have to support. On the one hand, a small-sized dog can recover in a period of 3 to 8 weeks, while a plus size could be taken 5 to 6 months

But, Can a dog live with a broken hip? It will depend on the type of fracture he has and at what level of the hip it is. In the case of hip dislocation in dogs, an operation is not always necessary, but enough rest is necessary for it to heal properly. When we speak of a fracture itself, they always have to be treated therapeutically and/or surgically. It is advisable to carry out pertinent tests such as x-rays, which will allow you to determine the type of fracture your pet has.

Hip fracture in puppies

Puppies tend to be more prone to hip fractures because they are more physically active than adult dogs. The main difference is that they make bone callus faster Age is one of the fundamental factors and on which the recovery of a dog with fractured or injured hip.

Likewise, and as we have commented in previous sections, adequate care and attention are fundamental to guarantee a correct recovery within the estimated time.

Hip fracture in dogs - Care

If our pet has suffered a blow, fall or even had a fight with another and we notice that it is in pain and has trouble moving, it is best to apply a bandage for hip fracture in dogs This is only if you have some prior knowledge of first aid, because the idea is not to manipulate the injury and make it worse. If you do not have this knowledge, the most correct thing to do is to go to the clinic so that a professional can do it. In addition, it will be convenient for the veterinary staff to evaluate the injury to see if an operation is needed.

Among the most common types of care is the use of duly prescribed painkillers and confinement. Likewise, it will be essential to have periodic consultations as established by the specialist in order to determine the healing progress.

Focusing on the confinement of the animal, which is the most important care that guardians must take into account to promote the recovery of the dog with a fractured hip, it should be noted that it does not necessarily imply having the animal in a cage. In fact, this is only recommended in those cases where there is no other option. The ideal is to monitor the animal during its recovery to prevent it from making sudden movements or exercising until the veterinarian indicates otherwise.

Wheelchairs and supports for dogs with hip injuries

In those cases in which surgery is not possible, it is advisable to acquire a wheelchair to facilitate the mobility of the animal, a special support or harness to help the dog walk without supporting all its weight on the hip. These items allow the injured dog to continue to have a good quality of life and exercise within his ability.

Food to promote recovery

In addition, it is important to establish a adequate diet to prevent overweight, since by considerably reducing activity, the animal runs the risk of gaining weight, thus impairing their recovery. We can consult this diet with a specialist or set a soft, low-fat and easily digestible diet, such as boiled chicken, boiled potato, rice… In the following video we share a simple recipe for rice with vegetables that you can prepare for your dog.
