Labradors and Obesity - Causes and Treatments

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Labradors and Obesity - Causes and Treatments
Labradors and Obesity - Causes and Treatments
Labradors and Obesity - Causes and Treatments
Labradors and Obesity - Causes and Treatments

The Labrador retriever, like the golden retriever, are very he althy dogs as long as we give them the necessary care during their growth. But the predisposition to obesity of these races is a ghost that haunts them throughout their lives. This can bring them more complex diseases such as hip and elbow dysplasia and even visual problems due to diabetes.

From our site we found it interesting to be able to address the issue of Labradors and obesity - causes and treatments to help owners to have your pet as he althy as possible. They depend on us to have a correct diet and daily exercises to get rid of these problems.

Obesity in dogs and its causes

Obesity in dogs is a disease that is caused by a poor diet, whether it is a poor quality product or due to excess, this affects all races equally. Labrador retrievers have a certain genetic predisposition to suffer from it, so we must be very careful when choosing their diet.

To assess whether a Labrador retriever is overweight or obese, we must know what are the appropriate weights for this breed A few kilos more will be considered overweight, but differences greater than 5 kg would already be within the category of obesity.

  • Adult males: between 28 and 32 kg in weight.
  • Adult females: between 25 and 30 kg in weight.

Not only can the cause be genetic predisposition, but we must also take into account the way these breeds eat. They are animals that, in general, devour food with incredible speed. This is something that, as owners, we must control since eating so fast, we tend to think that it has run out of appetite and we put a little more food. It also happens that they ask for food when we are eating so, sometimes, they achieve their goal, and then they begin to gain weight.

If our dog eats too fast, it will be convenient to consider some basic tips to reduce the stress caused by the emotion of eating, relaxing them beforehand. It is also interesting to buy a food bowl with relief on the bottom, (like the one we show you in the image). It is ideal for these problems and favors better digestion

Labradors and obesity - Causes and treatments - Obesity in dogs and its causes
Labradors and obesity - Causes and treatments - Obesity in dogs and its causes

Consequences of obesity

It is very difficult as an owner to resist those pitiful little eyes that, when we are eating, stare at us asking for a little piece. I think that's the easiest way to define them, who hasn't felt that?

Next we will share with you a list of reasons why we should not give human food to our dogs, as well as, in general, an excess of food. The consequences can be very serious:

  • Bone, joint and/or muscle problems such as dysplasia of the hips, elbows and limbs.
  • Cardiovascular problems.
  • Respiratory problems, causing agitation and exercise intolerance.
  • Problems thermoregulating their body temperature in adverse weather or during exercise. Especially dangerous in summer, making them susceptible to heat stroke.
  • Diabetes and its consequences, such as blindness.
  • Apathy towards games with others of the same species or with ourselves because they get tired more often.
  • Cellular aging.
  • Skin problems such as allergies or dull fur from eating strange foods for them.
  • Digestive disorders.
  • Appearance of behavior problems.

The list can be much longer, but in this case it will be important to remember some of these factors when offering an extra feed or our own food to the Labrador retriever. Now we will address the possible solutions for those moments of weakness.

Labradors and obesity - Causes and treatments - Consequences of obesity
Labradors and obesity - Causes and treatments - Consequences of obesity

Treatment of obesity in dogs

The resources that we have around us are the simplest to obtain what we are ultimately looking for: improve your quality of life and prevent many he alth problems. If your dog suffers from obesity, we recommend to visit the vet so that he can guide us in the possible solutions for him. We know that the main thing is to pay attention to what you eat and the daily amounts

Food, essential to treat obesity

If we are offering you a commercial feed, it will be important to review the composition to know if it is a quality feed or not. If it is not a quality food, we recommend replacing it with a "light" one for a while and offering the amounts marked on the package according to your ideal weightAfter a while you can go back to offering him a normal feed, always depending on his level of physical activity.

However, if the food you offer your dog is of high quality, we recommend that you follow the same technique and offer the amount indicated on the package (in the table) according to the ideal weight of our dog. dog.

Likewise, remember that feed is not the ideal food for dogs. Although it is a very good product, it will never provide the nutrients and benefits of natural food that we can make at home.

If, on the other hand, we are one of those who offer homemade food, we will pay attention to choosing low-fat foods (chicken, turkey, lean fish) combined with a reduced percentage of vegetables. Do not forget that we must greatly reduce the amount of carbohydrates, products that hinder the dog's digestion and also intoxicate them.

At this point we can check with our veterinarian for the exact amounts, since they are not as easy to calculate as with feed. Respecting the quantities, avoiding offering our food and choosing low-fat treats (and even preparing tasty snacks without fat), we will make our Labrador recover his ideal weight.

Physical activity, games and exercise

It is highly recommended to encourage our Labrador to exercise daily, however, and depending on the level of obesity, it may not be appropriate to start an active exercise routine. To do this, we recommend you follow these tips:

  1. We will start by taking three walks a day of at least 30 minutes each.
  2. Try that on each walk your dog can enjoy 5 or 10 minutes without a leash in the pipi-can, at which time we will allow him to relax.
  3. Reward relaxation attitudes, such as sniffing.
  4. Avoid stressful games. Playing with him is preferable to chasing us than creating anxiety with a ball (in some cases, not all).
  5. Once your dog is fitter, he begins to perform exercise routines according to your style: running, swimming, mountain walks… Anything goes!

Remember that exercise not only burns calories but also reactivates all internal systems so that the food you eat is not transformed into fat but into energy so that you are he althy. If you follow these tips and adopt a more active lifestyle with your dog, you will undoubtedly enjoy a he althy and happy companion for a long time.
