My dog is spinning - Causes
My dog is spinning - Causes

It is not uncommon to see a dog spinning around on itself and, in most cases, it is not worrying, either because it is a physiological behavior or because it corresponds to aexploration and play stage But in this article on our site we will talk about other causes that require veterinary assistance, since they have a pathological origin that can be due to both physical problems and disorders to psychological level. Hence the need to consult an expert.

If you observe this behavior repeatedly and wonder why your dog is rolling over or why your dog is rolling and falls off, keep reading to discover the most common causes.

My dog turns around and bites his tail

It is common for us to see our dog spinning around. He can do it just before going to bed to rest, adopting a ball of sleep posture curled up on himself. Nor is it strange that, especially in younger dogs, we discover that they turn on themselves, chasing and biting their tails. In puppies this behavior may be related to their explorer nature A little one who is separated from his Siblings, being alone in their new home, may miss that continual interaction and turn to tail nipping for entertainment. If you do it on time, it will be just a game, but if it becomes an obsession, you have to find out why.

Psychological causes

A behavior that is repeated over and over again, always the same, losing the context in which it would make sense and without the dog manages to stop, it becomes a stereotype and indicates the existence of a problem, psychological or physical. The former can be generated when the dog does not receive enough attention, is kept locked up or tied up, bored, does not perform adequate physical activity or is not provided with stimulation, which generates anxiety, frustration and stress. There may also be a hereditary component. In the most serious cases, dogs can mutilate themselves, causing even serious injuries.

Physical causes

As for physical causes, tail chasing may indicate a anal gland problem or intestinal parasites that cause itching in the anus.

On the other hand, some dogs with a bad docking of the tail, fortunately less and less, since this mutilation is being prohibited, may experience discomfort in the area that explains this behavior. The same happens if there is a fracture in the tail. Other causes are spinal cord problems, flea allergy dermatitis, etc.

Because of all this, it is necessary to go to the vet first to rule out a physical alteration. If the dog is he althy, it is when a psychological origin can be thought of, which requires a change of habits in the animal's routine that include socialization and stimuli. Ethologists or experts in canine behavior will be the professionals in charge of modifying these behaviors. Medication may be needed.

My dog turns on itself - Causes - My dog turns on itself and bites its tail
My dog turns on itself - Causes - My dog turns on itself and bites its tail

My dog rolls over and falls down

Other times, the dog doesn't bite its tail, but instead rolls over, loses its balance, becomes uncoordinated, leans to one side, etc. This condition may be related to inner ear problems For example, an untreated outer ear infection can progress to the inner ear, affecting the center of balance, which explains why we see the dog going around in a circle and crying in pain or panting. It is essential to go to the vet, since it is an emergency.

Another balance-related cause that can cause a dog to roll over and tilt its head is vestibular syndrome, a disease of unknown origin that usually affects older or middle-aged dogs. It arises suddenly and sometimes so intensely, with vomiting included, that it can incapacitate the dog. You may need to be admitted to receive fluids intravenously. The imbalance usually persists for several weeks, but luckily the dogs recover, although a slight head tilt may remain permanently as a consequence.

My dog walks in a circle and is older

A dog spinning around may be due to a disease that occurs in older dogs. It is the cognitive dysfunction syndrome, a pathology similar to Alzheimer's in humans, which is linked to aging. Affected dogs experience a wide variety of symptoms, including circling, sleeping more during the day and less at night, hiding, less frequent interaction with family, urinating indoors, becoming disoriented, or engaging in different behaviors stereotyped.

Cognitive dysfunction syndrome is a progressive disorder that cannot be cured, but it is possible to adapt the dog's routines to offer a good quality of life. There is also the possibility of administering some drugs. Of course, it is the veterinarian who must arrive at this diagnosis, since, behind these types of symptoms, it is sometimes possible to find some more common diseases in older dogs, such as insufficiency renal

My dog spins on itself - Causes - My dog spins in a circle and is older
My dog spins on itself - Causes - My dog spins in a circle and is older

Other causes that explain a dog going around in a circle

A dog sometimes rolls over due to disorders such as the following:

  • Brain trauma.
  • Intracranial tumors.
  • Hydrocephalus.
  • Poisoning.
  • Reactions to certain medications.

Again, a visit to the vet is mandatory, since only a specialist can determine what is happening to the dog and initiate the most appropriate treatment. A dog that spins around in a circle nonstop, falls, cries or pants is not normal, especially if it is an adult or elderly dog, so it is important to investigate the cause of this behavior.
