Most common diseases in canaries

Most common diseases in canaries
Most common diseases in canaries
Most common diseases in canaries
Most common diseases in canaries

Los canaries with their bright colors and cheerful song fill our homes with life. For this reason, as soon as we notice that their song stops we worry, since they are quite delicate animals.

It is important for every owner to know the main diseases that can affect canaries. Detecting the disease in time can save the life of our bird and avoid many problems. Changes in temperature or lack of hygiene in the cage can greatly affect the canary, so we will always have to try to offer it the best conditions.

In this article on our site we will talk about some of the most common diseases in canaries, so that you are aware and can attend See your vet whenever you notice any strange behavior. To learn more about caring for canaries, see our article "Canary Care".

False moult in canaries

The phenomenon known as false molt is the feather loss outside the molt time or abnormal molts. It can be caused by sudden changes in temperature, prolonged exposure to the sun or, in some cases, due to the presence of mites.

For your canary to recover, you must pay attention to its environment. That is, control the temperature and humidity of the room and avoid taking it outside for a few weeks. Little by little you will observe how it is recovering its feathers.

You can help him recover with vitamin supplements or by feeding him brood meal for a few days.

Respiratory diseases in canaries

The respiratory diseases affect canaries very frequently. As a general rule, we must isolate the affected canary to avoid contagion between them. The most frequent symptoms are the following:

  • Stroke: the canary fluffs out its feathers because its body temperature has dropped and thus fights the cold.
  • No song.
  • Sneezing, coughing.
  • Mucous discharge from the nostrils.
  • Difficult breathing, with the beak open.

Among all the respiratory diseases that can affect canaries, we highlight the following as the most frequent:

Cold and hoarseness

Exposure to cold air currents and sudden changes in temperature can cause a cold in your canary. It may or may not be accompanied by aphonia. Putting the water too cold can also cause hoarseness, so always serve it at room temperature.

For the canary to recover, it must be placed in a warm place and not exposed to the outside or to changes in temperature for a few days. You can add a few drops of eucalyptus or honey with lemon to your drinking water.

CDR or chronic respiratory disease

Also known as mycoplasmosis, this disease is caused by the bacterium Mycoplasma gallisepticum. It causes many problems when playing correctly.

The symptoms are the respiratory ones, mentioned above, in addition to a whistling sound that it emits when breathing, constantly or not. If left untreated, it can lead to liver problems and sinusitis or conjunctivitis.

Consult your veterinarian about the most appropriate antibiotic treatment and stick to it until the end. This disease is difficult to cure and can cause a lot of stress in the animal.


It is a disease that can be confused with CDR. The symptoms are the same as those of a bad cold but with a much greater runny nose. They do not make noise or whistle when breathing. White crusts form on the beak and can cause inflammation of one or both eyes.

Mycoses in canaries

Locating the cage in poorly ventilated places, with high humidity and low light, can trigger numerous diseases caused by fungi. Poor hygiene also contributes to its development.

The ringworm, candidiasis or scab are some of these diseases triggered by the presence of fungi. They are uncommon diseases in canaries but very dangerous if left untreated.

The best method to avoid fungal infections in birds is to maximize the hygiene of the aviary. Choose a well-ventilated, low humidity and bright place to place the cage. In addition, it would be convenient to thoroughly disinfect and clean both the cage and the drinkers from time to time.

Most common diseases in canaries - Mycosis in canaries
Most common diseases in canaries - Mycosis in canaries

Colibacillosis in canaries

colibacillosis is a bacterial disease that causes diarrhoea, lack of appetite, cessation of singing and apathy. It also makes the canary drink more water than usual.

It can be spread from one canary to another, so it is very important to separate the affected canary as soon as the disease is detected. With antibiotics and vitamin complexes you will recover in a few days.

Most common diseases in canaries - Colibacillosis in canaries
Most common diseases in canaries - Colibacillosis in canaries

Parasites in canaries

Parasites can affect your canary both internally and externally. The mites can settle in your throat and cause symptoms similar to those caused by respiratory problems (CRD). The canary stops singing, sneezes and tilts its head sideways, shaking. They can also be affected by digestive parasites (coccidiosis, trichomoniasis) that cause anemia, anorexia and abnormal stools.

There are numerous external parasites that can affect canary feathers in different ways. An example is the lice and the red mite These parasites progressively weaken our bird. The canary is agitated, continually grooming itself and may even produce bald spots on the plumage. If they are not eliminated, they will end up causing anemia in the animal. You can read "Canary Lice - Prevention and Treatment" to find out how to treat lice infestations.

The cage must be disinfected and the drinker and feeder properly cleaned with a suitable disinfectant product and without the canary inside. Consult your veterinarian about which is the most suitable for your bird.

Gout in canaries

Gout is a disease of the joints caused by a poor diet. Although it is not very common in canaries, it is generally caused by an excess of protein and a deficit of vegetables in the diet.

A buildup of uric acid forms crystals in the paws and causes kidney damage. In this way, the canary finds it difficult to articulate its legs correctly.

You can wash their paws with iodized glycerin and consult your veterinarian about the most appropriate treatment and how you can improve their diet.

Most common diseases in canaries - Gout in canaries
Most common diseases in canaries - Gout in canaries

Digestive diseases in canaries

The color, texture or frequency of your canary's stools can help you determine what is affecting your bird. Observing the feces we can help our veterinarian to discover more quickly what pathology he may be suffering from, since depending on the appearance they have, it can be one or the other:

  • Black stools: The presence of internal parasites such as tapeworms can cause bleeding in the digestive system. Black color in the stool indicates bleeding in the upper part of the digestive system.
  • White stools: White stools mean they contain only urine. It is an indication that the canary does not eat. Shades of yellow or green indicate liver damage.
  • Bloody Stool: Light-colored blood in the stool is undigested blood, this means the damage is on the end of the digestive system. It could be coccidiosis.
  • Very watery stools: indicates the presence of coccidiosis, fungi, viral infection or may be caused by stress.
  • Undigested seeds: When there are undigested seeds in the stool, it indicates the presence of worms or an infection.

Avitaminosis in canaries

Deficiency or lack of important vitamins can lead to more serious problems. The amount of each vitamin needed is minimal, and we must ensure that our canary enjoys a good diet and time in the sun. The most important vitamins for canaries are the following:

  • Avitaminosis A: Vitamin A is essential for sight and the immune system. Birds little exposed to the sun can present deficiencies of this vitamin. There is loss of appetite, baldness and in severe cases sores in the eyes and mouth.
  • Avitaminosis B: causes vertigo, the bird falls, affects the nervous system.
  • Avitaminosis D: Lack of sun exposure causes a deficiency of this vitamin. It causes lameness, rickets, and other bone problems.

These deficiencies can be treated with vitamin supplements that are normally administered orally in the drinking water. Other vitamins can be found in supplements for the mating or moulting season.

If you want to know more about feeding canaries, don't miss our article.
