metronidazole for dogs is a drug that is used relatively frequently in veterinary medicine. It is an active principle that we will also find in human medicine. But, even if we have this product in our medicine cabinet, we should never give it to the dog on our own. Only the veterinarian can prescribe this medicine and guide us in the most appropriate administration protocol, after having examined and diagnosed the dog.
In this article on our site we will talk in detail about metronidazole for dogs, the uses of this drug, what the dose to apply will depend on or the side effects that may occur.
What is metronidazole?
Metronidazole is an antibiotic and an antiprotozoal This means that its use will be effective in combating infections caused by anaerobic bacteria, which are those that do not need oxygen, and digestive parasites such as giardia. Likewise, it also has anti-inflammatory effects in the intestine.

Uses of metronidazole for dogs
The uses of metronidazole are usually related to infections in the digestive system, but it could also be prescribed for those of the urogenital system, the mouth, throat or skin lesions. Above all, it is common to administer metronidazole for dogs with diarrhea, but the veterinarian should examine it first, since not all diarrhea will be resolved with this medication.
One of the causes of diarrhea in dogs is parasites, but metronidazole is not commonly used to deworm dogs. This product is reserved for when giardia are found in the feces or their presence is suspected. These types of parasites are more frequent in younger animals. As it is a pretty safe drug, the vet can also prescribe metronidazole for puppies.
Another type of diarrhea that is treated with metronidazole is that which becomes chronic, such as that which can be caused by inflammatory bowel disease. Sometimes, metronidazole is prescribed in combination with other drugs.
Administration of metronidazole for dogs
We can find metronidazole in several presentations, which will make it easier for us to administer, since it allows us to adjust the dose to the dog's weight and choose how it will be better admitted. The veterinarian will choose between metronidazole tablets, which can be split, for larger dogs, or syrup or suspensionof metronidazole for the little ones or puppies. At home we can manage both presentations.
On the other hand, in other cases, the professional may opt for metronidazole injectable. This is usually left for more severe dogs where medication is given intravenously.

Metronidazole Dosage for Dogs
The recommended dose of metronidazole for oral administration is 50 mg per day for each kg of body weight, for a minimum of 5-7 days. In any case, only the professional can prescribe the dose and posology, that is, how many times we must administer the drug per day, since it can be divided into several doses, and for how long.
As this is an antibiotic, it is especially important that, even if the dog gets better soon, we do not stop giving the metronidazole every day that the vet told us. The goal is complete recovery and no bacterial resistance.
Metronidazole Side Effects for Dogs
Metronidazole is a drug that does not usually cause side effects, so adverse reactions are rare. If they appear, the most common would be gastrointestinal problems, such as vomiting or loss of appetite, lethargy, weakness, neurological disorders and, less likely, liver disorders.
Symptoms could also appear if the dog consumes an inadequate dose to the point of intoxication or in very prolonged treatments. That is why it is so important that we always follow the instructions of the veterinarian. In the latter case symptoms include:
- Incoordination when walking.
- Tipped head posture.
- Disorientation.
- Nystagmus, which is rapid, involuntary eye movement.
- Tremors.
- Seizures.
- Rigidity.
Any sign such as those mentioned is reason for urgent veterinary consultation It is not recommended to give metronidazole to dogs with liver problems and special care must be taken Caution if used in pregnant or lactating females. Only the veterinarian can decide its use.
Price of metronidazole for dogs
The price of metronidazole will depend on the marketing that we are prescribed. In general, drugs for human use, such as Flagyl, will be cheaper than those for veterinary use, such as Metrobactin. Whether the vet prescribes one or the other will depend on the legislation of each country The trend is that they can only prescribe veterinary medicines.