FEBANTEL for CATS - Dosage, uses and secondary effects

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FEBANTEL for CATS - Dosage, uses and secondary effects
FEBANTEL for CATS - Dosage, uses and secondary effects
Febantel for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects
Febantel for Cats - Dosage, Uses and Side Effects

Febantel is a antiparasitic drug that is often used together with others, such as praziquantel or pyrantel. Therefore, febantel for cats is one of the products that the veterinarian can prescribe to eliminate internal parasites. Do not forget that, even if the cat lives indoors, it should be dewormed regularly.

In this article on our site we review the properties of febantel for cats, its uses, contraindications and the side effects it may cause.

What is febantel for cats?

Febantel is a broad-spectrum antiparasitic, that is, it is active against different types of internal parasites, such as gastrointestinal nematodes or cestodes, and is used in veterinary medicine for cats, dogs, horses, cows, goats, pigs, etc. At a chemical level, it is a probenzimidazole, with nematicidal and cestodicidal activity, that is, it has the ability to kill these parasites, which can infest the digestive system of our cat.

Benzimidazoles, which also include mebendazole, albendazole and many more, have been used in animals since the 1960s, when they began to be administered to cattle, specifically against adult nematodes and larvae. Over the years, these products also achieved efficacy against possible inhibited larvae, nematodes that parasitized the lungs, and cestodes.

That febantel is a probenzimidazole means that it is in the body, especially in the liver, where it is transformed, shortly after administration, into benzimidazole, which is the active compound against parasites. In this way, febantel is transformed into fenbendazole.

How does febantel for cats work?

Febantel for cats acts by altering the functioning of the parasite's digestive system, which ends up causing its death. This dewormer does not have a residual or preventive effect, that is, it will only kill the parasites that are infesting the cat at that moment and will be excreted in the feces or in the urine. In other words, febantel is not going to protect the cat against future parasites with which it could later come into contact, contrary to what happens with numerous dewormers for external use that, for example, manage to keep the cat free of fleas throughout the day. over several weeks with a single application. This means that there may be reinfestations

Finally, as we move forward, it is often found in combination with other antiparasitics, which increases its spectrum of action.

What is febantel for cats used for?

Febantel is used against different internal parasites, such as hookworms, roundworms, whipworms or tapeworms. In other words, the veterinarian can recommend febantel if he diagnoses that our cat is parasitized by gastrointestinal or pulmonary nematodes or by some cestodes. This diagnosis can be made by directly appreciating parasites in feces or vomit or by observing under a microscope or analyzing a fecal sample.

You can also prescribe it as part of the schedule of regular deworming, which are usually established every 3-4 months, although it depends a lot on characteristics and living conditions of the cat. For example, kittens need to be dewormed internally more frequently, while adult cats that do not go outside the home or have risky contacts can be dewormed every 6-12 months. In any case, internal deworming is always recommended before vaccinating, as parasites can interfere with the effectiveness of the vaccine.

Febantel for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects - What is febantel for cats for?
Febantel for cats - Dosage, uses and side effects - What is febantel for cats for?

Dose of febantel for cats

Febantel in cats is always administered orally The dose will be determined based on the presentation of the chosen product, since febantel It is marketed both in tablets and in oral suspension, as well as the weight of the cat, so it is important to know this information as accurately as possible so as not to overdo it or fall short, in which case we would not obtain the expected efficacy, making the management.

Febantel can be given to the cat directly in the mouth, better after eating But, if handling is difficult, it is possible to mix febantel with food. In fact, it is considered that this improves its bioavailability. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the correct intake, since not all cats accept food in which they discover, at least, a strange smell. Depending on each case, as well as the chosen product, the veterinarian will determine the most appropriate administration recommendations. Treatment may need to be repeated.

Contraindications and side effects of febantel for cats

Febantel is a safe antiparasitic that will kill parasites without harming our cat, as long as we follow the administration guidelines that the vet prescribed. In any case, it is rare for this drug to cause intoxication in felines thanks to its low toxicity and its high safety margin. This means that the dose would have to be huge to produce some adverse effect, like:

  • Hypersalivation.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Loss of appetite.

In these cases, notify the veterinarian. It is possible to start a symptomatic treatment On the other hand, even if the dosage is respected, some cats may vomit after administration of febantel or present mild diarrhoea. The vet should also be informed.

Finally, febantel is not recommended for pregnant cats or for kittens weighing less than 1 kg. Cats that are nursing their young can use febantel.
