Broholmer dog: characteristics and photos

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Broholmer dog: characteristics and photos
Broholmer dog: characteristics and photos

The broholmer is a fairly ancient breed of large dog that was used to hunt deer and guard the lands of feudal lords in the Middle Ages. But it was not until the 18th century that this breed from the Broholm-Funen region was officially recognized.

Broholmer are calm dogs but with a lot of energy, so they need to spend it in some way doing a lot of physical and mental activity. So for this breed, long daily walks are essential. They also do not need much special care but it is true that they lose a lot of hair, so they are not recommended for people with allergies.

If you are interested in adopting a Broholmer dog, keep reading this breed file on our site and find out everything you need to know about them before having them as pets.

Origin of broholmer

The ancestors of the broholmer were used in northern Europe during the Middle Ages for deer hunting. They were then used as guardians for feudal lands and farms.

However, it was only at the end of the 18th century that the breed as it is known today appeared. At that time, Count Neils Frederik Sehested of Broholm-Funen began to breed these dogs as a pure breed. The breed's name comes from the Broholm-Funen region where it originated.

Like all other dog breeds, the Broholmer fell into oblivion during the world wars, and practically disappeared. It was in the 1970s that a Danish fanciers' society, with the support of the Danish Kennel Club, rebuilt and recovered the breed.

Today it is a little-known breed that is not famous worldwide but is famous in its region of origin.

Physical characteristics of broholmer

The broholmer is a big, impressive dog. The size standard is approximately 75 cm in males and 70 cm in females. The weight of males is between 50 and 70 kg and, in females, it ranges between 40 and 60 kg.

Its head is massive and wide, and its neck is thick and strong, with some jowls. The nose is black. Round, not very large, amber eyes have a confident look. The ears are medium, set high and hang close to the cheeks.

This dog's body is rectangular, meaning that the height at the withers is less than the length. The topline is straight, while the chest is deep and powerful. The tail is wide at the base and set low. The dog lifts it to the horizontal when in action, but never lifts it or curls it on its back.

The coat is short, tight and dense, with a thick undercoat of hair. It can be yellow, golden red, or black. Yellow dogs have a black mask. White markings on the chest, feet, and tip of the tail are allowed on dogs of any color.

Broholmer Character

The Broholmer makes an excellent watchdog, as it is always on the alert and can be somewhat wary of strangers. However, as a general rule he is very calm and friendly, who enjoys the company of his loved ones and home life doing all kinds of outdoor activities or in large spaces.

Although he is not usually an aggressive dog but rather calm, he can be somewhat reserved with strangers and very territorial with other dogs. For this reason, it is important to educate and socialize him correctly from puppyhood to encourage him to relate well to other people, other animals and his environment.

Broholmer care

To take care of the Broholmer's coat, all you need is a weekly brushing, although you have to take into account that these dogsthey lose a lot of hair , so in times of shedding (twice a year) it may be necessary to brush the dog daily.

Broholmer are dogs with a calm temperament, but they have a lot of energy and they need to release it. Therefore, they need long daily walks and some play time, so exercises for dogs will be very useful for them to get tired and sleep like logs. Be careful, however, with jumping and horseplay when they are puppies, as they can damage their joints.

Because of their size, these dogs do not adapt to life in apartments or small flats, so they need to have a large garden or live on a rural property where they have more freedom and large outdoor spaces.

Broholmer Education

This breed is not the easiest to train, but very good results can be achieved when positive training is used. Perseverance is one of the keys to having a well-trained dog but, especially for Broholmer, they should be adopted by experienced people who are knowledgeable about canine behaviors, since they are not easy to train and may need professional help to do so.

In general, this dog does not present behavioral problems when given enough space, exercise and company. Although he is a calm dog, he needs daily exercise. He is also a silent dog.

Broholmer's he alth

There are no records of the most common diseases in this breed, but it is worth taking precautions for diseases common in large breeds. In large and giant breeds there is usually:

  • Heart problems
  • hip dysplasia
  • elbow dysplasia
  • gastric torsion

Furthermore, it is necessary to take these dogs to the vet every 6 months to be able to prevent and detect any he alth problem before it worsens, as well as strictly follow their vaccination schedule.

Broholmer Photos
