Can DOGS eat PINEAPPLE? - Benefits and dosage

Can DOGS eat PINEAPPLE? - Benefits and dosage
Can DOGS eat PINEAPPLE? - Benefits and dosage
Can dogs eat pineapple?
Can dogs eat pineapple?

Pineapple is one of the most popular fruits worldwide, and its exquisite flavor and refreshing texture make it an attractive snack even for dogs. However, before feeding your furry friend this exquisite delicacy, you need to know if dogs can eat pineapple or not Remember that, otherwise, it could only be harmful to him.

Dogs can be big eaters, so it's your responsibility to watch what they eat to stay he althy. Some fruits are recommended for them, find out in this article on our site if pineapple is one of them. Keep reading!

Can dogs eat pineapple?

The answer to this question is yes, dogs can eat pineapple However, like other fruits, it is not It is a food that you should give him frequently, it is advisable to offer it moderately as a supplement to his diet Why is this? The dog's diet should be rich in protein and fat, components that are obtained mainly through meat and fish.

Despite the above, your furry friend's diet should also include enough vitamins and fiber for good he alth, and these elements are found in fruits. Moderation is the key, because fruits are rich in sugars, so they are harmful if consumed daily.

Benefits of pineapple for dogs

Pineapple has some benefits for your dog, among which we can mention the following:

  • Circulation support: it has anticoagulant properties that significantly improve blood circulation and prevent cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.
  • Increases defenses: pineapple is an excellent source of folic acid, a fundamental vitamin for strengthening the immune system of dogs.
  • Contains nutrients: potassium, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals such as magnesium[1]help strengthen bones.
  • It is rich in water: pineapple is one of the fruits with the highest amount of water in its composition, so it is ideal to refresh dogs in summer and avoid dehydration, which causes the dreaded heat stroke.
  • Provides bromelain: this enzyme helps digest proteins, an essential basis in the diet of dogs.

How to give my dog pineapple?

Now that you know your dog can eat pineapple, it's time to show you how to give it to him. As we have mentioned, fruit is only a supplement in the diet of dogs, so it cannot be the basis of their diet. Ideally, fruit should represent 15% of the total food, that is, you can offer it as a reward or an occasional small treat

Before giving your dog pineapple, keep in mind the following recommendations:

  • Select the best pineapple, this will help you peel it more easily. Choose a mature one, you will recognize it by its orange tones and the intense green of the leaves.
  • Cut the pineapple on a board for greater comfort and with a very sharp knife. Lay the pineapple down and hold the base with one hand while you cut the stem of the leaves with the other.
  • Repeat the procedure to cut the base of the pineapple, avoiding making a very thick cut, otherwise you will waste part of the fruit.
  • Once the two ends of the pineapple have been cut, stand it up. Peel the fruit by cutting the skin into strips from top to bottom.
  • And ready! If you notice black spots in the pulp, you can easily remove them with a potato peeler or by making direct cuts.

Once you have the pineapple ready, it is advisable to taste it to make sure it is sweet, since dogs reject bitter fruits. Then cut some pieces, you can take them with you during walks to give them as a prize or to hydrate. It is recommended to offer pineapple maximum 3 times a week and vary it with other fruits.

What should you avoid?

It is not recommended to give your dog pineapple in the form of juice, in this way the fruit becomes too concentrated and would be harmful to him. It is also not recommended to give processed pineapple juice, as they contain many added ingredients, such as extra doses of sugar, preservatives, among others. Similarly, you do not need to add sugar, honey or any type of sweetener to the pieces of fruit that you offer your dog, only the pineapple will be more than enough for him.

Keep in mind that pineapple is a fruit with a large amount of sugar, more than others recommended for dogs. For this reason, controlling its consumption is so important and avoiding giving it in juice is essential. When blending a fruit, its sugar passes much faster into the bloodstream, which causes it not to turn into glucose, but into fat.

Can dogs eat pineapple ice cream?

Yes you can eat pineapple ice cream, however, it is much better to offer the fruit cut up because with ice cream practically the same thing happens as with juice. However, ice cream is more permissible because it cools the dog and keeps it entertained. In this article you will find different ice cream recipes for dogs.

Can dogs eat pineapple? - How to give pineapple to my dog?
Can dogs eat pineapple? - How to give pineapple to my dog?

Pineapple for dogs, is it the best fruit?

No, as we have just commented, although dogs can eat pineapple, it is not the best fruit that we can offer them. There are many other fruits that also provide fiber, antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and a lot of water, without reaching the amount of sugar that pineapple has. Some examples are apple, strawberry or watermelon. In the following article you will find the best: "Good fruits and vegetables for dogs".

Thus, in conclusion, pineapple is good for dogs occasionally and very occasionally, since there are other fruits more suitable for them.

Pineapple to prevent dogs from eating their feces

Have you noticed that some dogs eat their droppings? If yours has this problem, you need to know that you don't need to reprimand him when he does it. The reasons that trigger this behavior are various:

  • Weak digestive system.
  • Diseases such as pancreatic insufficiency (prevents the assimilation of food).
  • Diet poor in some nutrients.
  • Behavior problems caused by stress and other factors.

In these cases, it is advisable to go to your veterinarian to determine the cause and the appropriate treatment for your dog. Similarly, pineapple can help you improve this condition. We recommend giving him a few pieces for several days, it is possible that he will stop eating his feces because of the change that the fruit produces in taste
