If you have decided or are considering adopting a Vietnamese pig it is very important that you know how to care for this adorable and intelligent pet. And it is that not all of us are suitable candidates to have it in our home, either because of the economic costs, the space needs or knowing how we should educate them.
Discover everything about the care of a Vietnamese pig in this article on our site and if you think you can fulfill the obligations involved and consider yourself a responsible owner, go ahead! You will be surprised by this wonderful animal.
The rest area of your Vietnamese pig
Like any other pet, the Vietnamese pig needs a personal space to sleep and rest whenever it pleases. Depending on your house we offer you two possibilities:
- Put the Vietnamese pig in a room. It should be small in size and have a non-slip floor that is easy to clean and maintain.
- If you have space outside you can create it in a block or a booth, yes, always sheltered from the cold. This option is very suitable because if we ever have to leave him in a pet residence he will be more used to staying in a closed area.
In its residence, the pig must have a safe space where it cannot harm itself or be in any danger by gnawing cables or ingesting any object.
Provide him a comfortable and comfortable bed to sleep in, you can buy an ordinary dog bed or make your own from a mattress. All options are valid to make your Vietnamese pig happy.

Inside the home
In its youth the Vietnamese pig moves easily through stairs and different environments, as it grows and gains weight the reality is different and carrying out these actions will cost it work. For this reason in your home it is important that you have ramps to facilitate the passage as well as entrance and exit doors for when you need to defecate.
It is important that you prevent a risky situation and to do so you must hide cables, dangerous objects, pointed objects, cover rubbish, fence the swimming pool and monitor access to the pantry of your house. Any measure is too little for this voracious and intelligent mammal.

Vietnamese pig feed
Even if you haven't noticed, there are specific feeds on the market for the Vietnamese pig and this mammal should not eat dog or cat food under any circumstances.
Find him a specific area to eat such as a terrace or a patio and use large and deep bowls so that he does not have difficulties to eat. Avoid using plates that can break for example.
In addition to the feed you can offer him lettuce, worms, cabbage, celery, carrots, or green grass from your own farm. Of course, always moderating the quantities so as not to promote obesity. You can also give him, although in a moderate way, fruits, corn, potatoes and the like, tomatoes or spinach. Never feed him chocolate, sugar in general and alcohol.

The sandbox
Just like a cat, the Vietnamese pig can learn to urinate and defecate in a litter box It is not an easy task, although it can be done teach both adult and young specimens and the fact is that the Vietnamese pig is a very intelligent animal. The process is the same that we would apply with a dog, always trying to use positive reinforcement through praise and snacks.
Exercise and fun
The Vietnamese pig needs to exercise on a daily basis to prevent obesity, yes, adapted to its physiognomy and respecting pauses during this. To have a fun time with your pet, we suggest you fill a children's pool with water and allow it to get wet and have a good time. It's also a great way to prevent sunburn in the summer.
You can also play other games with him, whether it's chasing a ball, running around the garden, or learning new tricks. All the time you spend with your pet will serve to improve your bond.

The Vietnamese pig is a very intelligent animal that needs to respect some basic rules of coexistence, applying these rules correctly will allow a harmonious coexistence between all the members.
Like dogs, pigs are organized in packs and always respect the decisions of their leader, in this case it must be you. It is very important that you teach him to relate to pets, people and strangers correctly to avoid future conflicts as well as to respect certain areas of your home such as the garbage or the pantry.
Never hit or mistreat your pig if it misbehaves because it has been shown that the best option and the one that achieves the best results is positive reinforcementthrough food rewards such as small pieces of cheese or grapes.

Out of home
The Vietnamese pig also enjoys a walk or a field trip. Get a harness that fits your size and go out and enjoy!
Remember that it is very important that you have your own space enabled in the car, just like a dog would, always safely.

You should also know…
The castration of the Vietnamese pig is very important, in addition to preventing it from reproducing with a wild boar in case of escape, you prevent cancer, mastits, problems derived from heat and dominant and territorial attitudes.
Don't abandon your Vietnamese pig if it grows larger than you expect. Many breeders do not hesitate to mix different breeds that result in specimens weighing more than 100 kg. For this reason, we advise you to do a study of possible circumstances that may happen to you before adopting a pig, especially if you live in the city, a place that is not suitable for them.
Adopting an animal is a big responsibility that requires visits to the vet, chip implantation, food costs and unforeseen situations, Really ask yourself if this is the animal what do you want as a pet.