The Vietnamese pig has become an increasingly present pet in our homes: both for its friendly and affectionate personality and for its their intelligence that makes them very receptive to training. In addition, the Vietnamese pig is an animal with a special charm and each Vietnamese pig has its own well-marked personality.
If you have a Vietnamese pig or want to adopt a pig as a pet, it is important that you know how to feed it the right food to keep it happy and in good he alth.
In this article on our site we are going to give you explanations and tips about the feeding of the Vietnamese pig.
A balanced and varied diet
Vietnamese pigs are omnivores so they can eat almost anything, but don't be fooled: you shouldn't feed them just any stuff. In addition, the Vietnamese pig is very gluttonous: he loves to eat and if it were up to him he could spend the day eating. But it tends to gain weight easily and to avoid obesity problems it is important to give it a balanced and adequate diet.
To avoid becoming overweight, we must provide a diet that is low in calories and rich in fiber. Ideally your diet should have approximately the following composition:
- Feed: should represent 1 to 2% of the weight of our pig, we are going to explain below the type of feed to use.
- Vegetables and fruit: should represent 1 to 2% of your weight, with 2/3 vegetables and 1/3 fruit. We will preferably give him green vegetables, low in calories and we will be careful with fruits rich in sugar such as apples and grapes
We will accompany this with chopped hay or alfalfa to provide even more fiber and avoid selenium deficiencies. It is important that our Vietnamese pig always has water available and that it is clean and fresh.
We will divide all of this into 2 to 3 daily servings to fixed hoursso that it gets used to a routine rhythm, we recommend that the three meals be: in the morning, at noon, and before going to sleep. If you don't feed him before going to bed, he'll probably go hungry and won't let you sleep.
In total, the Vietnamese pig should eat 1.5-2% of its weight, including the treats we give it.

The right feed
We must not give it feed for fattening pigs, because this feed is designed to make them fat and is too high in calories for our Vietnamese pig.
We can use horse feed since it is made from vegetables and has fiber and not too many calories and would be the most suitable, dog food is also used but it is not as suitable.
In any case, the feed you give your Vietnamese pig should have a composition of up to 12-13% crude protein, no more than 2 to 5% fat and should contain about 15% fiber minimum.

The rewards
You can treat your Vietnamese pig during training sessions as they love to eat and are very sensitive to this form of reward. To do this you can give him:
- 1 or 2 kernels of corn
- 1 or 2 peas
- cucumber pieces
- apple pieces
Great rewards like chestnuts, acorns, bits of bread, pieces of cheese without s alt will be for very special occasions.
Although all these foods the Vietnamese pig loves, we have to be careful not to give him too much because he gets fat easily and it is not because he likes something that is good for his he alth.

Forbidden foods
We must absolutely avoid giving him the following foods: