The squirrel is a species of rodent in the family Sciuridae. These charismatic mammals usually measure between 20 and 40 centimeters and weigh between 250 and 340 grams. They live in the forests of the five continents and their main activity during the day is the search for fruits, seeds, bark and even small insects.
Most species of squirrels do not hibernate like other rodents do, on the contrary, they remain active searching for resources in the soil and cavities of the natural environment. The lack of food seriously harms their life expectancy, being 3 years in the wild, far from the 7 or 10 they could live in captivity.
Keep reading to learn more about the squirrel as a pet and find out if you should have this adorable animal at home or not:
Squirrel Characteristics
There are many kinds of squirrels, but almost all of them share.
In the middle of nature, the squirrel climbs, digs and gnaws everything it finds and can handle. It is a curious and tremendously active animal that will need to be free around your home a couple of times a day, at least. Demanding and wild, she will decide for herself when to enter the cage again.
Remember that the squirrel is a wild animal that will never be happy without its daily exercises. Restless and awake, she requires an owner who encourages her and dedicates time and attention to her. For this reason, we recommend that those who do not have the necessary patience and time think about acquiring another type of pet more in line with their possibilities.
They make noises and squeals of all kinds during the day to communicate their mood and are even quite noisy when running around the house and they exercise inside their cage. Even the tameest squirrels can become cranky and may bite if not cared for properly or near hibernation time. For this reason, we do not recommend that they live in a home with very young children or with elderly people who cannot follow their rhythm and necessary routines.
You should also consider that it is not an easy animal to care for and that on holidays you should leave it with someone responsible who offers the same tasks daily just like you would. It is important to ask yourself if there is such a figure in your environment to take care of her in an emergency.

Where and how to get a squirrel
Pay attention to these tips before adopting your squirrel, they will be very useful:
It is absolutely not advisable to buy a squirrel on the Internet, through dubious individuals or non-approved breeders. The squirrel can transmit a number of diseases including rabies which can be spread to other household animals.
You will not catch a squirrel in the wild either, it could simply die of stress, bite you and spread diseases to you as we have already explained in the previous point
It is very important that the squirrel that will be our pet comes from a breeder that meets the requirements and state regulations in rule.
We will never adopt a squirrel less than 2 months old because the right thing to do is for it to remain with its mother until then, from then on it is the ideal time for us to take it with us and socialize properly with us

Squirrel care
We will start by commenting on the premise that a squirrel should not live in captivity, however, we can create a large and safe environment at home exclusively for it. Because it is an extremely curious animal that can suffer an accident in the home we must provide a cage that is as wide and spacious as possible.
We will find a large cage, at least 100 x 120 centimeters. We can arrange some natural branches inside so that it scratches and relaxes there. This should not be in contact with air currents or too direct light, a quiet and moderately shady place will be adequate.
Place a nest inside the cage like a cardboard box with cotton balls or a small cloth bag. Something comfortable so you can take shelter at night. By the time it gets dark, she will retire to sleep in the nest. We must not disturb her.
We will not place the cage in a very remote place either. They are social and curious animals and could generate serious anxiety.
They do not usually give off an unpleasant odour, although they do have a certain tendency to mark their territory, just like a dog would, with small urine samplesSo we must be aware that perhaps some carpet or furniture will be affected, as well as plants, which may appear removed and even chewed. Let's take special care with toxic products.
When we let the squirrel roam around our house we must carefully monitor its actions: it can gnaw cables of lights or appliances electronics, throwing things on the floor, eating something wrong, etc.
Squirrels just a few months old do not regulate their body temperature properly without their mother. Place a heating pad that does not exceed 37ºC under their nest.
Discover more about caring for a squirrel.

Feeding the squirrel
In the cage we will have a waterer for rabbits or guinea pigs, if our squirrel does not understand how it works and is not drinking, we will let him a small bowl or plate but we will not remove the drinking fountain from which you will have to learn to drink.
Feeding Baby Squirrels: We will feed them milk substitutes using a syringe. Ask the expert for the appropriate doses depending on the time you have, he will indicate the guidelines and the times you should feed him, which may vary between 5 and 2 a day. It is very important that it is the expert who helps you with these steps, he knows your squirrel better than anyone.
Food for adult squirrels: In the most common pet stores we can already find food for squirrels. You can also give him guinea pig food. Any type recommended by the expert you purchased the squirrel from will be suitable. Remember that a change in diet can be disruptive for your new squirrel. We will also feed it a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, mushrooms, eggs and even insects such as crickets.

Squirrel diseases
Next we will show you a list of the most common diseases of squirrels. If you think your squirrel may be suffering from any of these, take it to the vet immediately:
- Abscess or accumulation of pus: It is common if there is a fight to dispute the range with another squirrel. We can clean it ourselves.
- Wounds: Even if they don't usually bleed, it is important to put your squirrel on antibiotic treatment if necessary.
- Parasites: Mange or fleas are common.
- Skin nodules: This may be Cuterebra (larva) or a viral infection.
- Emphysema: Constant panting and blood appearing around the nostrils. It is serious, see your vet immediately.
- Pneumonia: Due to stressful situations together with a humid environment and poor hygienic conditions. They are also very sensitive to human viruses.
- Cataracts: Possible occurrence in elderly squirrels.
- Enteritis: Of bacterial origin, this intestinal disease is very common. The problem is aggravated if Salmonella is involved.
- Meningitis: As soon as we detect it, it is essential to go to the vet. They will develop episodes of paralysis.
- Fractures: Although they usually fall on their feet, in the event that they fracture it is essential to act quickly, as they get stressed easily.
- Malocclusion: It is the excessive growth of the teeth. A little intervention is required.

Don't forget that…
The squirrel is a wild animal, restless and active. Although we can provide excellent care and ample space, it may happen that our new pet is not happy and suffers important consequences related to stress.
Also, once you adopt a squirrel and it is totally used to contact with humans you will not be able to abandon it since it will not know how to survive nor interact with those of the same species.
Discover other animals that you can adopt and that will feel more comfortable in contact with humans:
- The pet rat
- Pig as a pet
- The ferret as a pet