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Characteristics of Lizards
Characteristics of Lizards

Lizards or lizards are vertebrate animals that belong to the order Squamata and are characterized by being a large group of which it is estimated that there are more than 5,000 speciesThey are very diverse animals, not only with respect to their size and shape, considerably different from one species to another, but we can also see a wide range of colors on their bodies, since these vary from one order to another.

On the other hand, their habitats are also quite different, so that they have a high geographical distribution at a global level and can have diurnal, crepuscular or nocturnal behaviors. In this article on our site, we want to introduce you to the characteristics of lizards, so that you are more informed about these wonderful living beings.

The body of the lizards

Generally, lizards have a body covered in scales with four limbs or legs and a tail, which in some species can shed to entertain their predators and to be able to flee (some have the regenerative capacity of the tail, but not all). However, there are exceptions in terms of the presence of limbs, since in some types of lizards they have been partially or completely reduced, so they have cylindrical and elongated bodies that make it easier for them to dig and bury themselves. The size of the lizards also varies considerably from one group to another, so that we can find species of a few centimeters and others of large size.

The color of the body of lizards is very varied within the different groups, which serve in some cases to attract attention at mating times and in others to camouflage themselves, thus becoming a strategy that facilitates hiding from their victims or, on the contrary, from their predators. A particular aspect of this characteristic is the possibility that some species of have to change their color, as is the case of chameleons.

As for other body features, we can mention that they generally present well-defined eyes with eyelids, but there are also exceptions, since in some the structure of the eye is very rudimentary, which gives rise to blind animals. Almost all species have external openings for the ears, while others do not. They may also possess a non-extensible or forked fleshy extensible and sticky tongue. Some groups have no teeth, while in most the dentition is well developed.

Characteristics of lizards - The body of lizards
Characteristics of lizards - The body of lizards

Reproduction of the lizards

The reproductive characteristics of lizards are varied, so that they do not present a single pattern in this sense, an aspect that could be linked to the variety of groups and habitats in which they are present.

In general, lizards are oviparous, that is, they lay their eggs outside to complete their development, but they also have identified some species that are viviparous, so that the embryos depend on the mother until the moment of birth. In addition, there are some individuals of this group in which the young remain inside the female until birth, but maintain very little relationship with the mother while the embryo develops. Likewise, from one species to another the number of eggs and their size varies. There are also species of lizards that reproduce by parthenogenesis, that is, the females can reproduce without being fertilized, giving rise to offspring identical to them.

Characteristics of lizards - Reproduction of lizards
Characteristics of lizards - Reproduction of lizards

Feeding the lizards

Regarding their diet, some may be carnivorous, feeding on small insects, and others are capable of consuming larger animals and even different species of lizards. For example, the home Gecko is an excellent devourer of insects that come to our homes, as well as small spiders.

In contrast to these small lizards, we have the large lizards, such as the iconic Komodo Dragon, which can feed on dead animals and in a state of decomposition, as well as live prey, including goats, pigs or deer.

On the other hand, there are also herbivorous species of lizards, such as the green iguana, which feeds mainly on leaves, fresh shoots and some types of fruits. Another example of these animals that are not carnivorous is the marine iguana that lives in the Galapagos Islands and feeds almost exclusively on seaweed.

For more information, we leave you this other article on What do lizards eat? - Babies and adults.

Characteristics of lizards - Diet of lizards
Characteristics of lizards - Diet of lizards

Lizard Habitats

Lizards are widespread in virtually all ecosystems, including urban ones, with the exception of Antarctica. In this sense, they can inhabit terrestrial, aquatic, semi-aquatic, underground and arboreal spaces, among others. Some species have adapted to live in spaces where humans live, such as houses, gardens, orchards or parks.

Certain lizards spend most of their time on trees, descending only to lay eggs or escape predators. Large lizards are generally at ground level, where they breed and hunt; however, there are exceptions, such as the case of the arboreal monitor lizard, which lives in Australia and can measure up to 2 meters, having the particularity of being excellent tree climbers. Another example with a peculiar trait is the already mentioned marine iguana. In this species, adult males have the ability to submerge into the sea to feed on algae.

Lizard Characteristics - Lizard Habitats
Lizard Characteristics - Lizard Habitats

Examples of lizard species according to their characteristics

Some examples of lizards are:

  • Tiny-sized lizard: Brookesia tuberculata.
  • Large lizard: Varanus komodoensis.
  • Lizard with marine capacity: Amblyrhynchus cristatus.
  • Lizard with the ability to detach its tail: Podarcis atrata.
  • Pad-toed lizard: Gekko gecko.
  • Color-Changing Lizard: Chamaeleo chamaeleon.
  • Carnivorous lizard: Varanus giganteus.
  • Grass lizard: Phymaturus flagellifer.
  • Limbless Lizard: Ophisaurus apodus.
  • “Flying” lizards: Draco melanopogon.
  • Parthenogenetic lizard: Lepidophyma flavimaculata.
  • Oviparous lizard: Agama mwanzae.

As we have been able to appreciate, these individuals are a very varied group within the animal kingdom, which is why they present a diversity of characteristics that change from one family to another, which makes them very attractive. These striking features have generated inappropriate actions on the part of human beings, who in some cases intend to keep them as pets, when they are wild animals that must live in their natural habitats, in such a way that in no case should we keep them in captivity.
