Carthusian or chartreux cat: characteristics and photos

Carthusian or chartreux cat: characteristics and photos
Carthusian or chartreux cat: characteristics and photos
Carthusian or Chartreux cat
Carthusian or Chartreux cat

Of uncertain origin but undoubtedly one of the oldest known breeds, Carthusian cats have shared history with such important figures as General De Gaulle and Templar monks from a monastery of the same name located in France. Whatever their origin, these felines are unquestionably adorable, with a docile and affectionate character, they will win the hearts not only of their owners, but of everyone who knows them.

In this tab on our site we will explain everything you need to know about the Carthusian cat or charteux, making a general review of its origins, character, care or he alth problems, don't miss it!

Origin of the Carthusian or Chartreux cat

There are numerous versions about the origins and history of Carthusian cats, the most accepted being that they come from Western Siberia, where they existed millennia ago, so it is a really ancient breed and rooted in history. That is why they present such a thick mantle, since it served as insulation in the cold and hard Iberian steppe.

Sharing a home with the monks of the French monastery Le Grand Chartreux, these felines are believed to have been bred from the selection of cats Russian Blues in order to obtain felines that barely meowed, so that they would not distract the monks in their prayers and tasks. Despite the fact that the monastery was founded in 1084, it is considered that the ancestors of these cats did not arrive at the monastery until the XIIIth century, since it was then that the religious who had battled in the holy crusades they returned to the monasteries to continue with their lives dedicated to prayers and monastic tasks.

They also played a fundamental role in the monastery from which they take their name, as the Chartreux or Carthusians defended the manuscripts and food from mice that stalked them, keeping all the temple rooms clean of these rodents.

The truth is that it wasn't until the 1920s that chartreux participated in cat shows. But due to the decline caused by the World War II the breed was on the verge of extinction, so controlled crossbreeding with British shorthairs was allowed to preserve it.

It was not until 1987 that the TICA officially recognized the breed, also recognizing FIFe and CFA in a short timeIt has not yet been clarified whether its name really comes from the French Carthusian monastery or from a variety of wool from Castile called "piles de Chartreux", whose appearance is suspiciously similar to the fur of Carthusian cats.

Physical characteristics of the Carthusian or Chartreux cat

Carthusian cats have a fairly wide range of weights and sizes, this is because there are large differences between males and females, being sexual dimorphismmuch more marked than in other cat breeds. In the case of facts, the size ranges from medium to large, there are specimens that weigh up to 7 kilograms and have a fairly wide chest, the females being almost always medium, not exceeding 3-4 kilograms. Its tail is of medium length and the base is wider than the tip, which is rounded.

Regardless of gender, Chartreux have a strong and muscular body, but at the same time agile and flexible. The limbs are strong but thin in proportion to the rest of the body, the feet being wide and round, with grayish-blue pads.

The head of the Carthusians has the shape of an inverted trapezoid, with smooth edges and a solid jaw, with fleshy cheeks and a perpetual smile because the silhouette of its mouth makes it seem that it is alwayscheerful and smiling His ears are medium in size and rounded at the tips. The nose is straight and wide and the forehead is high and flat, leading to large, round, always golden eyes, the expressiveness and transmission capacity of his golden gaze being marked. One curiosity is that Carthusian puppies are usually born with bluish-green eyes, which turn golden around 3 months of age.

The fur is dense, with a double layer, that is, they have a woolly undercoat, which insulates them from the cold and humidity, his hair is short and always a solid blue.

Carthusian or chartreux cat character

These smiling and cheerful felines are just as their image conveys, since they are cats docile, sweet and delicate They adapt to almost any environment, as well as coexistence with both children and other animals. Although he is more affectionate with his family, he is a fairly sociable and open cat, making friends with visitors and their pets, since he is known for playing and getting along very well with dogs and other cats.

This breed has been compared many times to dogs, as they usually follow their handlers around the house, wanting to be with his family at all times, so he loves spending hours lying down or sitting on top of his owners, as well as sleeping with them and enjoys their company a lot, so it may not be the best option if we anticipate that he will spend a lot of time alone.

In addition to all that they are very intelligent animals, with a balanced character and almost infinite patience, making it practically impossible to see them behave in a aggressive, since they prefer to avoid confrontations and especially fights, since they are also able to foresee when something like this could happen and they prefer to disappear and hide until they see that this possible unpleasant situation has passed.

Carthusian or chartreux cat care

Due to the particular characteristic of its coat, since it has a double layer, we must be aware of its care, brushing it daily to avoid hairballs, which can trigger more serious problems such as intestinal obstructions, and that these hairs are scattered throughout our home. Baths are not necessary, but if it is convenient for some reason, it is recommended to be very careful when drying them, since we may dry them superficially, leaving the woolly sublayer wet, which could cause colds or pneumonia.

Apart from this particular care, we must provide our pet with food and exercise, as well as provide them with appropriate toys. We also have to clean his mouth and ears, attend to the general state of he alth and watch if his eyes are dirty or watery.

Carthusian or chartreux cat he alth

Despite being a fairly he althy cat breed, we have to consider some peculiarities that could cause he alth problems for our pet. It has been proven that cats of this breed tend to accumulate cerumen in their ears, that is why we can ask our veterinarian to advise us how to clean their ears correctly, with what ear cleaner would be better to do it and it would also be opportune that at each visit to the specialist he/she make a review that in addition to checking the general state of he alth, look with special attention at your ears.

On the other hand it also seems that another disease especially affects these cats, it is called patellar luxation, which also affects in the Bengal cat, this condition attacks the patellas of the Carthusians, making it easier for these to dislocate than in other breeds, so it would be advisable to carry out tests and Frequent radiological follow-ups.

We must also take care of the food and the amount of food that we give to our Carthusian, since they are somewhat gluttonous and tend to develop overweight and obesity, both quite harmful to the he alth of our feline. But nothing that cannot be prevented and solved with a balanced diet and regular sessions of games and physical exercise.

Photos of Carthusian or chartreux cats
