What do CHICKENS eat? - All about your diet

What do CHICKENS eat? - All about your diet
What do CHICKENS eat? - All about your diet
What do chickens eat? - All about feeding chickens
What do chickens eat? - All about feeding chickens

Do you want to know what chickens eat? In this article on our site we will talk in detail about feeding chickens, but it is It is important to highlight that we focus on hens understood as companion animals and not as producers of meat or eggs. And this is the main problem when looking for food for them, since we can find that the commercial preparation is aimed at specific populations of layers or animals destined for slaughter.

To resolve doubts in this regard, below, we explain which foods are recommended and which are dangerous. Read on and find out what chickens eat in this complete guide on feeding chickens, don't forget to leave your comments!

Feeding the hens

Before detailing what chickens eat, it is important that we know the particularity of their digestive system. Lacking teeth, these birds have an organ called gizzard Small stones and gravel are housed in it that help grind the food that the hen is going to eat practically integers. At this point it is important where the hens live If they have an outdoor space they will consume gritenough for the functioning of your gizzard. On the other hand, if they lack this possibility or are still too small to go outside, we will have to add this mineral component. We can buy it in specialized stores and just sprinkle it on your food.

The veterinary feed industry has made it easy for us to feed chickens. Today it is enough to directly buy a preparation suitable for hens, which, moreover, has been specialized according to its vital moment. Thus, if we wonder what laying hens eat, we will find a specific food for them on sale. The same can apply if we are interested in knowing what organic chickens eat. With the adjective organic we refer to those birds fed with organic products, as close as possible, without transgenics or drugs that increase their growth or fattening.

In any case, these terms of layers or organic are used for production hens, which will not be the case with our companion henAll hens, as soon as they reach maturity and for a few years, will lay eggs, one a day depending on the light and their living conditions. Therefore, they are all going to be layers, but, as we do not want to stimulate this production at home, the diet does not have to favor laying and, of course, we should not artificially increase the hours of light to make it greater.

Therefore, our maintenance model should tend to respect the natural conditions of the hens. They need a space where they can have contact with the outside, access to land where they wallow, places to climb and sheltered areas where they can rest or lay eggs. To complete the welfare, in terms of food, we will look at what the hens eat in freedom, in case we want to offer them something more than commercial food. The guide at this point is to think about what products are he althy for us. Cereals, fruits, vegetables but, also, meat or fish, can be part of the diet of our hens. Although they have access to the outside, herbs, fruits, seeds, etc.that they consume are complements to the food that we must provide.

What do chickens eat? - All about feeding chickens - Feeding chickens
What do chickens eat? - All about feeding chickens - Feeding chickens

How much does a hen eat?

Once we choose what our chicken eats, we must know that it will be eating, pecking, throughout the day, as long as there is sunlight. Therefore, must always have food available, which, depending on the space and the type of food, we can place in a bird feeder, give it directly or spread it on the floor.

In the same way, chickens should have clean, fresh water at their disposal. It is important that we put it in a drinker, also designed for birds. This way we prevent them from tipping it over or defecating on the water. This is especially important if you are going to be alone for many hours.

Feeding hens: frequently asked questions

We have seen that the question about what chickens eat has multiple answers, since there are many foods that we can offer them. Below we focus on some of the ones about which people usually have doubts:

  • Is bread good for chickens? Yes, chickens can eat bread, since its main component is cereals, which We could also offer them directly, in grain or ground. The only precaution that we must follow is to soak it first with a little water if it is hard, so that they can chop it.
  • Do chickens eat nettles? Yes, chickens can eat nettles. If they have an outdoor space where these herbs grow, they are likely to include them in their diet, although some will prefer other plants and will only eat nettles if they can't find anything better.
  • Do hens eat bugs? And not only insects, if our hen goes outside it is not strange that we find her pecking at lizards, snakes and even small rodents. They are supplements to your diet.
  • Do chickens eat onions? Onions are one of the few foods that are contraindicated for chickens. A small amount is not going to be harmful, but we must avoid consuming it daily or in large amounts. In the next section we indicate what other foods are not recommended for them.
What do chickens eat? - All about feeding chickens - Feeding chickens: frequently asked questions
What do chickens eat? - All about feeding chickens - Feeding chickens: frequently asked questions

Prohibited food for chickens

Almost any fresh food can be included in what chickens eat, but there are a few exceptions which are noted below. It is not recommended that hens have access to these products because their components include substances that are harmful to them. An occasional consumption may not have consequences but we must avoid them being part of the usual diet or that the hens eat them in large quantities:

  • Onion, as we have already mentioned.
  • Avocado.
  • Citrus.
  • Tomato plant, you can eat the fruit.
  • Rhubarb leaves.
  • Dry beans.
  • Potato skin, peeled tuber can be included in the diet.

Now you know what the chicken feed is, which foods are more beneficial and which ones you should avoid. Do not hesitate to share with us your experience, doubts or comments. Also discover our site why chickens eat their eggs or what chicken chicks eat.
