How do I know if my dog is angry?

Table of contents:

How do I know if my dog is angry?
How do I know if my dog is angry?
How do I know if my dog is angry?
How do I know if my dog is angry?

Dogs actively communicate with us either through their bodies, the position of their ears or by barking. It is normal that we do not always understand their language, but through observation we can find out many things.

In this article on our site we are going to work on different indications that allow us to know if our dog is angry or if it is something else.

Keep reading to find out how to tell if my dog is angry and what to do about it. Be sure to follow our site to know everything about the world of animals!

Why do dogs get angry?

To start talking about anger in dogs, we must first clarify that dogs are animals capable of feeling numerous emotions and relating to us through these, for example, the dog is able to interpret our mood and attitude through our tone of voice. They also understand a specific number of words and their meaning.

That's right, dogs can understand our emotions and expect us to understand theirs. Like us, the dog can get angry and can do so for different reasons:

  • Poor education and training
  • Excessive fighting
  • Methods of punishment
  • Accumulated stress
  • Using the shock collar
  • Animal abuse
  • Mental problems

This happens especially when they are forced to do something they don't want.

Dogs can also be aggressive in the face of unknown stimuli as a result of poor socialization. It is very common for some dogs to be afraid of thunder, for example, but there are also cases in which dogs are afraid of bicycles, children or other animals. As a consequence they are reactive and aggressive, seeming angry. However, it is a deep fear to which they respond with barks and growls.

Signs of anger in the dog

Knowing if our dog is angry is not complicated. We'll just need to watch him and see how he acts. Here are some details that can guide you to know that a dog is angry:

Loud barks and growls heading our way

When the bark is sharp and short, the dog would come to say something like "it's over", the dog uses this type of bark to end a situation that displeases and annoys him. He can also use it because he needs to go outside right away and can't wait any longer

When the growl is soft and constant, it not only indicates that the dog is angry, but also that it is warning us not to continue doing what makes it angry, since when the frequency of the growl increases and the dog discovers his fangs is preparing to attack and fulfill his warning

When the dog howls repetitively and in an ascending tone, getting louder, he wants to get our attention, and at this moment it is important to give it to him, otherwise, he can combine these howls with other signs of anger

Marking and redirected bites

How do I know if my dog is angry? - Signs of anger in the dog
How do I know if my dog is angry? - Signs of anger in the dog

What to do if my dog gets angry?

The first and most important thing is don't lose your temper Dogs perceive our emotions and therefore we must convey confidence and calm so that they understand that nothing bad happens. We should not try to caress or excite them, on the contrary, it is important to offer a safe space that indicates that we are not going to approach them with bad intentions.

Before trying to solve the problem, we must ask ourselves what have we done to make our dog angry As we have mentioned before, there are many reasons why which a dog can get angry, especially if we are trying to force him to do something he does not want. Bath time can be a good example, but there are many things that can make our dog afraid and therefore show a distrustful attitude: we should not force him into this situation, but gradually get him used to it.

1. Understanding growling and barking

Dogs express discomfort and anger in situations they consider negative through growling and barking, their only forms of vocal expression. It is very important to respect this form of natural communication of the dog since they are part of his language, from which we must learn. By growling and barking, our dog is warning us that he doesn't like this type of attitude. He asks us to stop with very clear signals

The problem appears when people scold and even attack dogs that show this type of communication, causing even more anger and discomfort in the dog, which feels cornered and unprotected. In addition to these very harmful actions that can lead to a very serious situation, we are teaching our dog not to growl or avoid barking, so he can understand that he should move on to attack directly

two. Marking and biting

As main consequence of the punishment, the dog can mark (do the action of biting with little or no harm) or else bite directly, causing injuries. This type of attitude usually occurs very punctually in dogs that experience punishment, that have been incorrectly educated in attack and defense training and even dogs that use electric collars. It can also occur as part of a dog's mental he alth problem.

In any of these cases, we must do a deep reflection and determine what may be causing so much discomfort in our dog that it acts in such a way. Going over the 5 freedoms of animal welfare is a great way to find out if we're doing something wrong, but these pointers can also help:

  • Avoid punishment
  • Do not attack your dog
  • Use positive reinforcement
  • Take him out for a walk
  • Teach him obedience
  • Help him overcome his fears
  • Never force him
  • Don't leave him out of the house
  • Control your parasites
  • Offer quality food
  • Always offer water
  • Detect any possible disease
  • Avoid stress
  • Builds a good relationship
  • Help him burn off the energy
  • Treat him with respect

Is your dog very aggressive? Do you fear for your safety?

There are many causes that make the dog show aggressiveness but the fundamental thing is that we understand that this behavior is not typical of a he althy dog.

So what should we do about it? If our dog suffers from fear, stress or any factor that leads to aggressiveness, it is very important to see a specialist because if we do not do so, our dog's behavior may worsen.

Canine ethologists or educators are trained people trained to guide you and help you overcome this serious problem that makes your coexistence not be how harmonious it should be. In the same way we would take our son to the psychologist if he had a problem, we must follow a similar procedure with our pet, everything to improve his quality of life and improve his relationship with the surrounding environment.
