Why does my cat wake me up at dawn? - Causes and solutions

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Why does my cat wake me up at dawn? - Causes and solutions
Why does my cat wake me up at dawn? - Causes and solutions
Why does my cat wake me up at dawn?
Why does my cat wake me up at dawn?

Do you usually wake up 10 minutes before the alarm clock rings? Is that when you feel a sudden push in the face? It's probably your favorite furry friend who wakes you up every morning and doesn't let you rest as long as you'd like. Maybe you want to know why he does it, if you should worry about it, or if this morning habit can be changed.

Do you wonder why your cat wakes you up at dawn? First of all, you should know that cats are crepuscular animals, which means that they are most active during sunset and sunrise. Therefore, it may be normal for your cat to wake you up during these hours. On our site we will try to go deeper into the subject so that you know how you can solve this situation if it is becoming a problem for you.

Why does my cat meow in the morning?

As we mentioned before, cats are not nocturnal or diurnal, but crepuscular animals, which means thatare more active at dusk and dawn Why? Their ancestors, the African wildcats [1], used to hunt small prey such as rats and mice at these times of day, an instinct that has prevailed in cats current.

That said, we know the cat is most active at these times of the day, but how can he tell what time it is? Simple: by sunlight This is the most obvious sign that it's time to wake up. During the summer, for example, it may happen that you get up earlier than in winter. That's because it dawns earlier. Therefore, at this time of year it is normal to notice that your cat wakes you up at 6 in the morning, for example.

However, the fact that cats are crepuscular and more active at dusk and dawn does not necessarily explain why your cat wakes you up at night. There are several causes that can cause this situation and it is essential to find the reasons if you want to solve this problem. Next, we'll help you analyze the symptoms and the situation.

Why does my cat wake me up at dawn? - Why does my cat meow in the morning?
Why does my cat wake me up at dawn? - Why does my cat meow in the morning?

Why does my cat wake me up at dawn?

Does your cat wake you up meowing? Does it start off with a faint sound that gets louder the more you ignore it? There may be several reasons for this behavior. Thus, the most common causes that can justify your cat waking you up every morning, at night or early in the morning are the following:

1. He is hungry

Cats love routine, we already know that. Therefore, if you feed your feline well before bedtime, generally will start begging sooneror even as soon as you wake up, which we have already seen is usually very early. In this sense, it is normal that your cat does not stop meowing in the morning because he wants to eat.

On the other hand, if from Monday to Friday you tend to feed him very early due to your work schedule, it is totally understandable that the cat wants to continue with that routine also on weekends, even if you don't have to get up early Your feline does not understand that these are rest days for you, he is simply an animal of habit that loves routines and, therefore, needs you to comply with his meal schedule.

two. He is sick

Although it is unusual for a cat to wake you up early due to discomfort, it is important to discard this option to ensure good he alth of your cat You'll know your cat is meowing due to illness when you haven't seen him behave like this before. Whether you suspect that he may be sick or if he hasn't had a check-up in more than 6 or 12 months, go to the vetfor a general check-up.

If your cat is also reaching old age or is already an elderly cat, check the following he alth problems:

  • Arthrosis: you will notice a progressive decrease in your cat's activity level. Also, he will meow in certain positions. Your joints will begin to swell, you will have less flexibility and you will notice a change in your hygiene habits. Find out more about osteoarthritis in cats.
  • Hyperthyroidism - This disease usually shows up in cats that are 12 years of age or older. There are no clear symptoms and the diagnosis must be made by a veterinarian, who must perform a blood test and a palpation of the thyroid gland.
  • High blood pressure: blood in urine, eye hemorrhage, dilated pupils, blindness, seizures, bleeding may be seen runny nose and weakness.

If you have observed any of these symptoms, do not hesitate and go to your veterinarian so that the disease can be correctly diagnosed. Only in this way can a treatment be started.

3. Seek attention

Do you pay attention when your cat meows? Many cats meow to ask for food or attention, others meow when petted or brushed. Precisely because of this, your cat may be associating positive reinforcement after the meow. That is, your cat has learned that after the meow there will be a reward Food? A new toy? A caress? Even if your reaction is not so positive because it bothers you that your cat wakes you up at dawn, in any case the animal gets what he wants: that you pay attention to him. Therefore, his behavior is reinforced anyway.

If you are away from home during the day, your cat will probably sleep the time you are not there, which can cause him to seek your cuddles and caresses when you come home through meowing. The morning is one of the cat's most active times of the day, so it is not surprising that it vocalizes during those hours. Keep in mind that if this is the reason why your cat does not stop meowing in the morning or at night, it is important that you try to spend quality time with him during the dayso he doesn't feel the need to demand attention from you when you're sleeping.

Why does my cat wake me up at dawn? - Why does my cat wake me up at dawn?
Why does my cat wake me up at dawn? - Why does my cat wake me up at dawn?

Why does my cat wake me up purring?

The reason your cat wakes you up purring is simpler. During its peak activity hours the cat tends to be more active, so it is normal for it to try to socialize at dawn, in the early morning.

Why do cats purr? It is their way of expressing pleasure and pleasure and they generally only do it with members of their immediate family. It also helps them avoid stress. Your cat purring is a very positive sign, your cat probably loves you and feels very safe around you

Also, cats can "predict" when you will wake up Humans have up to five stages of sleep, during which they change various bodily functions. Through your breathing and heart rate, your cat will know when you are about to wake up and will eagerly await you with purrs and affection because he loves spending time with you. So, if you set your alarm clock at the same time every morning to go to work, it is normal for your cat to always wake you up at the same time for this reason, your body has adapted to that time and your cat perceives it.

How do I stop my cat from waking me up at dawn?

Now that you know the reason why your cat has become an alarm clock and wakes you up in the middle of the night, on our site we are going to offer you some tips and tricks so you can try toredirect this behavior :

  1. Down the blinds or put up blackout curtains. This will prevent sunlight from reaching the room where the cat sleeps, so it won't realize it's actually daytime until you decide.
  2. If your cat wakes you up out of boredom, be sure to keep him entertained during the day through games, massages or a good brushing. However, if you have little time it might be interesting to improve your environmental enrichment with feline residences, catwalks, nests, food vending toys, interactive toys, intelligence toys or catnip, for example. Likewise, we insist on the importance of dedicating time to your feline, not only to prevent it from waking you up at dawn, but also to forge a bond between you and make both of you happier.
  3. Feed your cat just before going to bed and wait a while after you get up in the morning to fill his bowl. This process may take a few weeks until he gets used to it, but you will notice that your cat readjusts his schedule and starts asking for food later.
  4. Use positive reinforcement at the right timeThat means when your cat meows trying to wake you up don't respond. "Responding" includes pushing it away, "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhing" or petting it. If your cat tries to get your attention, even if the response is not pleasant for him, if you respond to him you will be reinforcing it. This may seem very difficult, but it is best to try to pay attention and offer caresses only when the cat is calm and silent, in this way he will associate tranquility with massages and attention. When it wakes you up in the middle of the night, try to ignore it.

Remember that closing the door of your room to keep him out, using aversives or scolding him will not give good results, on the contrary! They will harm your bond and, therefore, his confidence and security in you. Patience, affection and trying to understand feline psychology can be the best tools when it comes to solving this problem.

If after one or two weeks of strictly applying these guidelines you do not see any improvement, it might be interesting to go to an ethologist, that is, a veterinarian specialized in animal behavior, to help you.
