Why does my Yorkshire bark a lot?

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Why does my Yorkshire bark a lot?
Why does my Yorkshire bark a lot?
Why does my Yorkshire bark a lot?
Why does my Yorkshire bark a lot?

Many people love Yorkshire dogs but prefer to have another breed, because they are said to be very barking dogs that bark all day and at everyone. Although it is true that, when getting very excited, a Yorkshire tends to express his emotions through his barking, this does not have to represent a constant and neither does it become annoying.

Yorkies have earned the fame of being mini dogs, great barkers, but this is not the rule. As always, everything will depend on the upbringing you give your dog since he was little, or if he has come to your home as an adult, on the way you get him used to being close to you and to his new environment.

If your yorkshire is a chronic barker type and does it every time someone approaches him or hears any sound, continue reading this animal article where we will delve into the subject and explore the possible causes and solutions to your question why does my yorkshire bark a lot?

But why does he bark so much?

Yorkshires are intelligent, adorable and cuddly little dogs, but some of them bark all the time. My mother has four Yorkies at home and I must say that the education she has given them has been excellent, and I have come to the conclusion that this claim that Yorkshires are extreme barkers does not have to be the fixed rule.

All yorkshire dogs bark from time to time, in fact, barking is the way dogs express themselvesHistorically, this breed has been bred and used to making noise as a form of warning when it finds an object or something that catches its attention. As a person uses speech, Yorkis bark, what happens is that the bark is particularly high-pitched, loud and draws a lot of attention.

These dogs are very sensitive and easily get carried away by emotions. When he's happy he'll want to bark, when he's upset, bored and wants to get your attention too.

Why does my Yorkshire bark a lot? - But why does he bark so much?
Why does my Yorkshire bark a lot? - But why does he bark so much?

Solutions to minimize barking

You don't want to completely eliminate your Yorkie's barking, but what you can do is reduce it. The first thing will be cultivate your patience because your Yorkie will try to bark whenever he feels he has to say something, the key to balance his mood and control his barking is to train him so that it doesn't get too agitated and overexcited. Remember that some Yorkies may have a tendency to be nervous.

Second, and as a rule of thumb for all doggy wellness, is exercise and spending time together. Go out with him for a walk and make sure he discharges all the energy he carries inside and needs to get out. Yorkies are very active dogs that like to be on the move all the time, we don't want their repressed energy to translate into intense barking later. Surely your dog barks when he is telling you that he is very bored. If he is bored you should think about using intelligence games for dogs

Basic, but difficult, is to try not to reinforce barking as good behavior. That is, if he barks constantly, but you see that you have already taken him out and that there are no apparent reasons why he is barking, do not pay too much attention to this or feel sorry, do not give him more food or treats. Just like a child, your dog has the power of manipulation through empathy and love. Give him what he wants when he's calm, not when he's barking.

If you yell at him or get upset when he is barking, in order to stop him from doing so, you will achieve a negative opposite effect, that is, you will get more barking, confusion, fear and even increase his anxiety. Talk to him quietly, with authority but calmly.

Why does my Yorkshire bark a lot? - Solutions to minimize barking
Why does my Yorkshire bark a lot? - Solutions to minimize barking

Consistently train your Yorkshire so it knows when it's time to bark and when it's time to be quiet. You can start with simple prompts like sit, lie down, or shake your paw and work your way up from there. When it is time for training, try to get your dog to focus all his attention on you, try not to get distracted and excited by the sounds and events around him, this will help later, at another time, when you are going to make a call I managed to see it the same way. Don't yell at him Juanito stop barking! from another room out of sight, approach, grab their attention and try to correct the behavior.

It is important to take action on time and to create a close emotional bondwith your dog so that he feels that he can express his emotions in a another way that is not, only, through barking. Your neighbors and your peace of mind will thank you and your dog will be emotionally more stabilized.
