ALL about the RUSSIAN HAMSTER - Characteristics, character and feeding

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ALL about the RUSSIAN HAMSTER - Characteristics, character and feeding
ALL about the RUSSIAN HAMSTER - Characteristics, character and feeding
Russian Hamster
Russian Hamster

The Russian hamster, as its name indicates, comes from Russia although it is also present in Kazakhstan. It is a very common pet among children, since it does not need excessive care and has a pleasant attitude, and even closeness, with those who are in charge of feeding it.

This rodent can withstand somewhat low temperatures, since it comes from the steppe. In this article on our site we will talk more in depth about the care of the Russian hamster, its character, physical characteristics and feeding. Keep reading and discover all the information about the Russian hamster

Russian Hamster Characteristics

The Russian hamster is a small size, measures between 7 and 11 centimeters in length, and can weigh between 35 and 50 grams. The tail is short and the body is stocky, which is endearing to many people. In general, in nature we find them in shades of brown, gray and white. They have a black line on the back and a black spot on the shoulder. The belly is almost always white.

The colors of the Russian hamster are very varied. So, skipping the usual colors, those who work on their reproduction combine specimens of different colors that result in the agent color (sepia, with the golden dorsal line), cinnamon (gray tone), mandarin (orange) and pearl (light grey).

Regarding the physical differences between the male and female Russian hamster, we can differentiate the male from the female by the distance between the openings of the anus and the vulva. The female will have them closer together while the male will have them further apart. It is also possible to solve the mystery if we identify the testicles.

Russian Hamster Behavior

He is an exceptionally hamster docile and sociable, perhaps one of the reasons why many parents choose him as a pet for their children. Although it is a friendly and nice hamster, it is not recommended that they live in pairs of the same sex, since they are territorial among their own species.

They are more active at night, so it is common to hear them run around on their classic treadmill while exercising. During the day, on the other hand, they tend to sleep more, although they can also stay awake.

A characteristic of the Russian hamster to be aware of is that it hibernates, although this does not usually occur in captivity. If they did, they would spend a whole week without leaving their nest, which could seem to us to be dead. In this period they usually star in an unusual phenomenon and that is that they change all their hair becoming lighter.

Russian Hamster Feeding

They are rodents omnivorous in their natural state, that means they feed on both seeds and some insects. In captivity it will suffice to offer him seeds such as sunflower seeds, corn, barley, safflower… We can also include fruit in his diet once or twice a week, such as apples or strawberries (we will not offer him any that are citric) or vegetables, such as broccoli or green peppers. For more information, see the following article: "Fruits and vegetables for hamsters".

Continuing with the feeding of the Russian hamster, in the market you will find specific seed preparations, you only have to add the extra fruit, vegetables and some insect if you dare. If not, you can choose to give him cheese, boiled egg yolk, or turkey.

The fresh and clean water must not be missing. Use a drinker like the one for rabbits as it is more comfortable.

Russian Hamster Habitat

In the wild it lives in underground galleries, although in captivity, obviously, we will use a cage You can choose a large terrarium or a cage of appropriate size, ensuring that the bars are not too far apart or made of a material that could break, since the Russian hamster could escape.

You should have something to gnaw on, since your teeth grow non-stop throughout your life. Look for a branch or toy that you find in pet stores. You should also offer him a wheel to exercise and even, if you have space, a circuit.

Clean their habitat regularly to prevent diseases, always avoiding dust. You should also remove the leftover fruits and vegetables that the hamster could eat and as a consequence, get sick. In addition to taking into account these details regarding hygiene, feeding and the cage, to offer the best care to the Russian hamster it is recommended to let it out of the cage during a few hours a day. For this, it is possible to enable a space in the home that is large and enriched enough so that you can exercise and stay stimulated. This space can be a room or a pen.

Russian hamster diseases

The Russian hamster can suffer diarrhea if it eats sweets or too many vegetables, remember that it can only eat the extras 2 or 3 times a week feeding. You can also suffer from total hair loss if you feel weak or lack vitamins, go to your usual store and buy vitamins that can be mixed in water.

If you don't clean the cage properly, it can end up in the hamster's eyes, causing conjunctivitisIn principle, it should subside within a few days, although in very special cases you should go to the vet to recommend antibiotics or anti-inflammatories.

Another common disease in the Russian hamster is neurological paralysis which we can identify if it stops having mobility in the hind limbs. It is usually the result of a fall.

You can prevent all diseases if you provide a proper diet and regular hygiene.

Russian Hamster Photos
