Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment

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Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment
Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment
Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment
Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment

dog rabies or canine rabies is one of the the best-known viral infectious diseases, since it is a pathology that can be transmitted to all mammals, including humans, as it is a zoonotic disease. In addition, dogs are the main transmitters worldwide.

This virus from the Rhabdoviridae family is present in virtually every corner of planet Earth, except Australia, the British Isles and Antarctica. Detecting this pathology promptly is vital to prevent it and avoid contagion to other animals, since canine rabies is deadly, for this reason, all countries take measures to prevent it, contain it and try to eliminate it.

In this article on our site we will focus on canine rabies, explaining in detail everything you need to know about rabies in dogs, the main causes, the forms of contagion, the symptoms of rabies in dogs, diagnosis and prevention, keep reading:

What is canine rabies?

The term "rage" comes from the Latin adjective Rabidus, which translates as "delirious", "furious" or "fierce", due to the characteristic behavior of animals suffering from this pathology, which show aggressive behavior.

As we mentioned in the introduction, rabies is caused by a virus of the Rhabdoviridae family, which mainly affects the central nervous system (CNS), spreading and accumulating in large quantities in the dog's salivary glands, causing excessive production of saliva, infected with the virus. This disease is present in the infected animal and can persist in the carcasses of dead animals for up to 24 hours.

Forms of contagion of rabies in dogs

rabies is usually spread by bite of an infected animal, however, can also be transmitted through saliva, for example if the animal licks an open wound, or ifoccur scratches in certain areas, such as mucous membranes. However, these are rare situations.

Let's not forget that this disease can affect humans in the event of a bite, which is why it is so important to carry out an adequate preventive medicine plan and inform us about the symptoms and forms of contagion, with the objective of guaranteeing the he alth of the dog, other domestic animals and that of the guardians themselves.

Causes of rabies in dogs

Dogs are considered the main carriers of rabies, with those dogs that have not been vaccinated and those that come into contact with with wild animals, such as foxes and bats. However, the most common form of infection is through the bite domestic mammals, such as cats, dogs and rabbits.

Direct contact with the skin (without wounds), blood, urine or feces is not a risk factor, except in bats, however, it is rare for domestic animals to enter in contact with these small mammals.

Currently, efforts are being made to control rabies in countries around the world, focusing its prevention on dogs and cats, thanks to vaccination campaigns and multiple protection measures. However, rabies continues to be a frequent pathology that appears in a timely manner, even in countries where it is practically eradicated.

Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment - Forms of contagion of rabies in dogs
Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment - Forms of contagion of rabies in dogs

Phases of rabies in dogs

To understand the progress of the canine rabies virus, it is essential to pay attention to the phases of this pathology. During the bite, the virus present in the saliva enters the body and settles inside the muscles and tissues, whilemultiplies in that place.

Then, the virus begins to spread through the surrounding structures, generally those closest to the nervous tissue, since it is a neutropic virus, that is, it has an affinity for nerve fibers. It is important to highlight that it does not use blood as a diffusion medium.

Canine rabies has several phases:

  • Incubation: refers to the period from the bite to the appearance of the first symptoms. At this stage the dog appears to be well and is asymptomatic, that is, it does not show symptoms of disease. We are talking about a phase that can last from a week to several months.
  • Prodromic: at this stage the dog begins to show the early symptoms of the disease, being more nervous, scared, anxious, tired and even withdrawn. It can last from 2 to 10 days.
  • Aggressiveness: this is the phase that characterizes the rabies disease. The dog becomes irritable, excessively, even biting its owners. It is a stage of high risk.
  • Paralysis: This is the final stage of rage. In it, the dog appears paralyzed and can have spasms and even go into a coma, until death occurs.

Now that you know the phases of canine rabies, we will explain what the symptoms of rabies in dogs are, which are essential when suspecting that our dog may be infected.

Symptoms of rabies in dogs

Canine rabies virus has a long incubation period, which can range from three to eight weeks, although in some cases it can be even more extensive, which is why it is not always detected early. In humans, for example, symptoms usually appear between 3 and 6 weeks after the bite.

The symptoms of this condition mainly affect the CNS and the brain, and although the phases that we mentioned above usually occur, not all the symptoms are always manifested, which is why it is so important to be attentive to the signs that indicate that our dog may be sick.

Below we show you the most common symptoms of rabies in dogs:

  • Fever
  • Aggressiveness
  • Irritability
  • Apathy
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive salivation
  • Photophobia (aversion to light)
  • Hydrophobia (aversion to water)
  • Difficulty to swallow
  • Facial paralysis
  • Seizures
  • General paralysis

Rabies is easily confused with other neurological diseases and, therefore, it is always necessary to consult a veterinarian before the appearance of any of the symptoms of rabies in dogs mentioned, or if we suspect that our dog may have come into contact with an infected animal.

Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment - Symptoms of rabies in dogs
Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment - Symptoms of rabies in dogs

How do I know if my dog has rabies?

If you suspect your dog may have been bitten by a stray dog, a homeless cat, or come into contact with a carrier wild mammal, you may want to find out how to tell if a dog has rabies. Pay attention to the following step by step:

  1. Look for wounds or signs of a bite: this disease is usually transmitted through saliva, so if your dog has had a fight with another dog or pet, you should immediately look for the wounds that they may have caused.
  2. Pay attention to possible symptoms: Although during the first phase there are no obvious signs, after a few weeks after the bite the dog will begin to manifest strange behaviors and, although they are not symptoms that can confirm transmission, they can alert you. Remember that dogs may have muscle pain, fever, weakness, nervousness, fear, anxiety, photophobia or loss of appetite, among other symptoms. In a more advanced stage, your dog will begin to show a furious attitude that is the most characteristic of the disease and that gives it the name "rabies". The symptoms that it will present will be that of excessive salivation (it may present the typical white foam with which the disease is related), an uncontrollable desire tobiting things, excessive irritability (at any stimulus the dog will become aggressive, growl and try to bite us), loss of appetite and hyperactivity. Some less common symptoms can be lack of orientation and even seizures.
  3. Advanced stages: If we have not paid attention to the previous symptoms and we have not taken the dog to the veterinarian, the disease will enter the more advanced phase, although there are dogs that do not even suffer from them, because before they are euthanized or they die. At this stage the dog's muscles will begin to paralyze, from its hind legs to the neck and head. He will also be lethargic, continue to foam white at the mouth, bark abnormally, and have difficulty swallowing due to paralyzed muscles.

Rage Quarantine

In Spain there is a action protocol against bites or attacks by domestic animals, with the aim of minimizing the risk of contagion towards other animals and people. [1] A case study is done, an initial assessment is made, and the animal is kept under observation for a period 14 days, essential to ensure that the mammal was not infective at the time of the attack, even if it did not show symptoms of rabies in dogs.

Afterwards, if the animal has tested positive, an epidemiological investigation period of 20 days is carried out. In addition, there are several levels of alert depending on the presence of rabies in the territory, whether we are talking about domestic and terrestrial animals, which include some methods of action or others.

Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment - Quarantine for rabies
Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment - Quarantine for rabies

Diagnosis of rabies in dogs

Previously, the diagnosis of rabies in dogs was made using a direct fluorescent antibody staining test (DFA) using the of brain tissues, thus showing viral agents. For this, the euthanasia of the dog was necessary, however, nowadays, when a case of rabies is suspected in the dog or the appearance of symptoms of rabies in dogs, the veterinarian can proceed to isolation of the animal and start a series of serological tests that confirm or not the presence of the virus, such as polymerase chain reaction(PCR).

Due to the death of the animal or the confirmation of rabies, the DFA is performed during the necropsy to carry out an epidemiological investigation of the case of Rage.

Treatment of rabies in dogs

Unfortunately, canine rabies has no cure or treatment, because the intensity of the symptoms of rabies in dogs and its rapid spread cause the certain death of the animal, however, it is possible to prevent the spread of this pathology by vaccinating the dog. Therefore, when faced with an infected animal, the veterinarian will advise us to euthanize the dog, in order to avoid animal suffering and possible contagion.

We remember that after the bite of an infected animal we are exposed to suffering from rabies in humans, for this reason it is vitally important to wash the wound with soap and water and go as soon as possible to a medical center to promptly receive the rabies vaccine

Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment - Treatment of rabies in dogs
Rabies in dogs - Symptoms, contagion and treatment - Treatment of rabies in dogs

How to prevent rabies in dogs?

By strictly following the dog's vaccination schedule we can prevent our dog from suffering from this terrible deadly disease. Generally, the first dose is applied around 16 weeks and, annually, a reinforcement is applied.so that the dog's body remains active against the virus. Likewise, even before the appearance of the first symptoms of rabies in dogs, if we have observed that our dog has been bitten by another dog or wild animal we should go to the vet

Rabies vaccine in dogs

The application of the canine rabies vaccine is mandatory in most of the autonomous communities of Spain and also in other speaking countries Hispanic. The application of the compulsory vaccines of the vaccination schedule must always be indicated by the veterinarian.

How long does a dog live with rabies?

It is not possible to determine exactly how long a dog lives with rabies as the incubation phase can vary greatly depending on the location and severity of the bite. For example: virus transmitted by a deep bite to the paw will spread much faster than a shallow wound to the tail.

We should know that the life expectancy of a dog with rabies is relatively short, since it can vary between 15 and 90 days, being shorter still in puppies. Likewise, once the CNS is affected and after an evident manifestation of the symptoms of rabies in dogs, the death of the dog occurs between 7 and 10 days

In any case, if you suspect that your dog may have rabies Go to your veterinarian as soon as possible to properly isolate the animal, make the relevant tests and thus avoid the risk of spread to other animals and people through euthanasia
