Intestinal obstruction in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Intestinal obstruction in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Intestinal obstruction in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Intestinal Obstruction in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Intestinal Obstruction in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

In this article on our site we are going to talk about a problem that our dogs can present and that is important to take into account in order to act quicklyand thus avoid complications that can even be fatal. It is the intestinal obstruction in dogs which, as we will see, can be partial or complete, which will cause different symptoms. It will require specialized treatment, which will generally include surgery.

To avoid this condition, it is very important to control the objects that can be ingested by our dog and leave those that are dangerous out of reach. The veterinary performance will also be key.

What is intestinal obstruction in dogs?

An intestinal obstruction implies the obstruction of the passage of any substance through the gastrointestinal tract. This obstacle is usually a foreign body, an intussusception, in which a piece of intestine is inserted inside another, a tumor, a stenosis, that is, a narrowing, adhesions resulting from abdominal surgeries or umbilical or inguinal hernias that manage to strangulate bowel loops.

It can be partial, when only part of the passage is obstructed, or complete, in case any transit is impossible.

Intestinal obstruction in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is intestinal obstruction in dogs?
Intestinal obstruction in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is intestinal obstruction in dogs?

Symptoms of intestinal obstruction in dogs

Depending on whether we are facing a partial or complete obstruction different symptoms will occur, such as the following:

  • In partial intestinal obstructions the dog will present intermittent vomiting or diarrhea. This picture can go on for weeks.
  • Complete intestinal obstructions will cause your dog to have severe abdominal pain, which comes on suddenly, and constant vomiting. In these cases the dog cannot defecate or expel gas.
  • Also, vomiting caused by obstructions in the first part of the small intestine is projectile. Those that affect the last part cause abdominal distension and the vomit is brown in color and smells like feces.
  • If the obstruction affects the blood supply to the intestine, intestinal strangulation occurs. This situation is capable of causing gangrene in the affected portion in a matter of hours. The dog's condition will deteriorate rapidly.
  • Intestinal obstruction can cause acute abdomen, an emergency characterized by pain, nausea, vomiting, restlessness, shortness of breath, pale mucous membranes, and shock.

Any symptom like those mentioned is reason for veterinary consultation. In the next section we will see what to do in case of intestinal obstruction in dogs.

What to do in case of intestinal obstruction in dogs?

To detect an intestinal obstruction in dogs, the veterinarian can make a x-ray of the abdomen It shows distention in the intestines and a large amount of gas. The treatment, logically, should relieve this obstruction. The treatment of choice, in general, will go through surgery and only the veterinarian can determine, once the characteristics of the obstruction have been examined, if it is possible to relieve it administering some drug.

Never medicate a dog with symptoms without a veterinary diagnosis, as it could be counterproductive and even fatal. In some cases, the veterinarian can perform a digestive examination using endoscope Sometimes with this procedure it is possible to resolve the obstruction, such as those caused by foreign bodies, by obtainingextract the object that produces it. Also, if any part of the intestine is damaged, the vet will have to remove it.

Intestinal obstruction in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What to do in case of intestinal obstruction in dogs?
Intestinal obstruction in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What to do in case of intestinal obstruction in dogs?

How long does a dog with an intestinal obstruction last?

Intestinal obstruction in dogs is a treatable problem that, in most cases, can be resolved by a veterinarian. Obviously, if our dog suffers from a complete intestinal obstruction and does not receive assistance, it will die since, as we have seen, the interruption of intestinal transit prevents the animal from defecating, causes vomiting and, quickly, can damage the intestine to the point of gangrene and causing shock and death

Therefore, we must go to our veterinarian if we observe that our dog presents any of the symptoms mentioned. Once the obstruction has been resolved, and if it has been caused by the ingestion of a foreign body such as a toy or a bone, we must prevent our dog from having accessto these objects to avoid repeating the situation.
