Acral Lick Dermatitis in Dogs - Treatment and Causes

Acral Lick Dermatitis in Dogs - Treatment and Causes
Acral Lick Dermatitis in Dogs - Treatment and Causes
Acral Lick Dermatitis in Dogs - Treatment and Causes
Acral Lick Dermatitis in Dogs - Treatment and Causes

Acral lick dermatitis in dogs is also known as acral granuloma or acral furuncolosis. It is a chronic disease that can be caused by various causes, but together, they all have something in common: the dog cannot stop licking the affected area and this means that it cannot heal completely.

If you think that acral lick dermatitis is the problem that affects your dog, keep reading this complete article in which we explain the causes and treatment for it acral lick dermatitis in dogs on our site.

What is acral lick dermatitis and how does it occur?

Usually acral dermatitis in dogs begins with a bacterial infection, the presence of fungi , external parasites (mites or fleas), an allergy or different types of diseases. It can also develop from a stereotype or simple boredom.

What does acral dermatitis look like in dogs? From a wound or symptoms of discomfort in its dermis, the triggering factor, the dog begins to compulsively lick and tirelessly, generally on a specific area of the body that is usually a leg.

When the cycle starts it is very difficult to stop. The dog feels relieved every time he licks the affected area as the wound secretes chemicals that produce pleasure and an analgesic sensation in his brain. If left untreated, this situation can worsen and cause secondary problems such as infections.

Are there dogs more predisposed to suffer from acral dermatitis?

We could determine that dogs that suffer from severe stress situations are more likely to suffer from acral granuloma. Dogs residing in a kennel, for example, may experience this problem.

However some breeds seem to be more affected:

  • Neapolitan mastiff
  • Spanish Mastiff
  • Great Dane
  • German shepherd
  • Doberman pinscher
  • Labrador retriever
  • Golden retriever
Acral lick dermatitis in dogs - Treatment and causes - What is acral lick dermatitis and how does it occur?
Acral lick dermatitis in dogs - Treatment and causes - What is acral lick dermatitis and how does it occur?

Symptoms of acral dermatitis

It is usually not very difficult to detect acral lick dermatitis in dogs. If our dog suffers from it, it is very likely that we will surprise him licking, and even nipping,the affected area.

Over time, the area tends to enlarge and acral licking can cause other symptoms such as:

  • Loss of hair
  • Sores
  • Ulcers
  • Inflammation
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Dog wounds from licking

Now that you know what acral lick dermatitis looks like in dogs, we are going to continue discussing the correct diagnosis and treatment for granuloma in dogs.

Acral lick dermatitis in dogs - Treatment and causes - Symptoms of acral dermatitis
Acral lick dermatitis in dogs - Treatment and causes - Symptoms of acral dermatitis

Diagnosis of acral lick dermatitis in dogs

Before thinking about applying a treatment, we must be sure that it is acral dermatitis and not a trauma or a parasite infestation, for example. For this reason we recommend going to a specialist to help us analyze our specific case.

How to cure acral lick dermatitis? The veterinarian must analyze that, in fact, it is an acral granuloma due to the following symptoms observed in the dog:

  • Concomitant pyoderma
  • Excessive licking
  • Typical Location

Once the disease is confirmed, the veterinarian must determine the cause of the acral dermatitis, whether it is:

  • Ethological problem: animal behavior and welfare problems.
  • Presence of: bacteria, yeast or mites.
  • Allergy.

Only by correctly identifying the cause of the dermatitis can we begin treatment.

Acral lick dermatitis treatment

Now yes, we have reached the point of finding out the treatment for acral lick dermatitis in dogs. To start treating acral granuloma effectively we must act on the cause that has caused the dermatitis.

  • A bacterial infection: For example, it should be treated with antibiotics.
  • An infestation by parasites: with proper deworming.

The second step of the treatment will be avoid licking that the dog may cause to the wound. Generally, a collar or bandage is usually applied while maintaining constant supervision of the dog.

We must try to avoid their discomfort and for this, practicing various activities is a good tool: training, long walks or intelligence games are some examples that we can resort to.

On the other hand, we must deal with itching and discomfort for a prompt recovery of the wound itself. The topical use of antiseptics and creams is recommended and our veterinarian will advise us on the best one for our case.

If the problem is due to a behavioral cause, we recommend going to a professional such as ethologists or canine educators. Offering a he althy, positive and appropriate environment for the dog is usually enough, but in some cases we will need the advanced help of a professional.

Finally, although for acral lick dermatitis there are home remedies, such as making an oatmeal bath combined with baking soda or applying an infusion of thyme on the skin of our dog (having previously allowed it to cool), it is advisable to first visit your trusted veterinarian.

Acral lick dermatitis in dogs - Treatment and causes - Treatment for acral lick dermatitis
Acral lick dermatitis in dogs - Treatment and causes - Treatment for acral lick dermatitis

How can we prevent acral lick dermatitis?

At this point in the article, we already know what granuloma in dogs is and how to cure it. Now, we must act mainly on the cause that has originated the granuloma. For example:

  • If it is a behavioral problem: we must seek a substantial change in our dog's life. Providing enrichment, exercise, obedience, games and company are some proposals.
  • If it has been caused by the presence of parasites or bacteria: we must make sure to improve the hygiene and deworming routine of the dog.
