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Diet for cats with kidney stones
Diet for cats with kidney stones

Like humans, cats can also suffer from the formation of stones in their urinary system. As we will see in this article on our site, food will play a fundamental role in both the dissolution of stones and their consolidation. Therefore, as a basic aspect of treatment, we will talk about the diet for cats with kidney stones

In addition to food, keeping your cat always well hydrated will be essential to control this unpleasant problem, so pay close attention to its behavior.

Types of kidney stones in cats

Calculi, popularly known as "stones", are formed by the deposition of different substances in the urinary system. Those that form in the kidneys must reach the bladder to be expelled. As the stones can be of very different sizes, this will determine whether or not it is feasible for them to come out with the urine, or if they are going to be large enough to cause a total or partial obstruction at some point in the urinary system.

The pH of the urine is also very important in its formation, since it will influence whether it is more or less acidic or alkaline. Likewise, stones are classified according to their composition and the diet for cats with kidney stones depends on it. In this way, we will find the following:

  • Struvite stones: These are the most common. They are formed by ammonium and magnesium phosphate in alkaline urine. It is easy for them to occur after a urine infection, since the crystals can be deposited around the bacteria. They also appear in young cats.
  • Calcium oxalate stones: Form in acid urine, in cats with a high concentration of calcium in the urine.

Kidney Stone Symptoms in Cats

A cat with stones will exhibit symptoms such as the following:

  • Use the sandbox many more times than usual.
  • Urinate outside the tray.
  • Mew of pain.
  • He licks his genital area.
  • Presents hematuria, that is, blood in the urine.

Any of these symptoms is reason for veterinary consultation to establish the diagnosis, treatment and, if applicable, the diet for cats with kidney stones.

Diet For Cats With Kidney Stones - Symptoms Of Kidney Stones In Cats
Diet For Cats With Kidney Stones - Symptoms Of Kidney Stones In Cats

Detection of kidney stones in cats

Although it is sometimes possible to feel larger stones located in the bladder, most of the time they will be discovered by X-rays or ultrasound. Urinalysis is also done.

In any case, both spontaneously expelled stones and those requiring surgical removal should be examined to determine what type they are, since the treatment depends on this data and, therefore, knowing what to feed the cat with kidney stones.

Treatment of Kidney Stones in Cats

First of all, if in addition to the stones the cat is suffering from a urinary tract infection, the vet will have to treat it with antibioticsDepending on the type of stone in question, some will be able to dissolve and, therefore, be expelled, just by following the proper diet for a few weeks or months.

For stones that cannot be removed in any other way, surgeryThis treatment will also be necessary for those who are causing an obstruction in the urinary system, since it is an emergency. Still, there may be recurrence with the output of new calculations. Another option to eliminate them is the hydropropulsion

Diet For Cats With Kidney Stones - Treatment Of Kidney Stones In Cats
Diet For Cats With Kidney Stones - Treatment Of Kidney Stones In Cats

Food for cats with kidney stones

As we have said, the diet for cats with kidney stones will depend on the type of stone we are dealing with. On sale we can find different products specially formulated for disposal We can choose between feed or wet food in a can or in a bag, the latter range being recommended, since it increases hydration and, consequently, the amount of urine, also favors the elimination of these stones.

In addition to the appropriate food recommended by our veterinarian, it is essential that the cat increase its water intake To achieve this we can have several drinking fountains, some fountain, since they like moving water, and the water must always be clean and fresh. You have to know that calcium oxalate stones cannot dissolve.

If you're having trouble keeping your cat well hydrated, don't miss this article: "How to get your cat to drink more water?"

Homemade diet for cats with kidney stones

If we prefer to feed our cat homemade food, it is important that we take into account the following recommendations when preparing the menu. Of course, the cat must have been diagnosed by the veterinarian and with him we must consult the diet:

  • If we have to destroy struvite crystals, the foods to dissolve these kidney stones in cats are those low in magnesium, phosphorus and protein. Among the foods rich in magnesium that we should avoid are canned sardines, brown rice, some cheeses, rabbit and fish such as salmon or tuna. Rich in phosphorus would be salmon, eggs, cheese, meat or sardines.
  • As for calcium oxalate stones, they cannot be undone with food but we can prevent the formation of more. A wet diet is recommended, so we can prepare a menu based on crushed, adding water to increase hydration. Avoid diets low in phosphorus, vitamin B6 or protein and high in vitamin D.
  • Add Polyunsaturated fatty acids also reduces stone formation. Thus, foods for kidney stones in cats should be rich in omega 3 and 6, although we can also add these acids to their diet in the form of a supplement, always under veterinary supervision.
  • It is recommended to feed several times a day.

At this point we must insist that, in terms of calculations, food is part of the treatment, just as if it were medicine. For this reason, as it is difficult to offer the cat a homemade diet with the above characteristics, we either turn to a veterinarian specialized in nutrition or we opt for a commercial diet. If the cat rejects it, we can use tricks such as heating the food or, if it is feed, moistening it.
