MALTA for RABBITS - Uses and dosage

MALTA for RABBITS - Uses and dosage
MALTA for RABBITS - Uses and dosage
M alt for rabbits - Uses and dosage
M alt for rabbits - Uses and dosage

M alt is an inexpensive, over-the-counter and easily accessible product that has always been associated with cats and their hairballs, but the truth is that there are other companion species, such as dogs or ferrets, that can benefit from its effects.

But in this article on our site we will focus on talking about rabbit m alt. We will explain what is the use of giving our rabbit m alt on a regular or occasional basis, which one to choose and how we can provide it.

What is m alt?

M alt is a thick paste of a more or less dark brown color that is usually sold in tubes like toothpaste, which facilitates its dosage and makes its use and storage comfortable.

It is a product of vegetable origin based on barley that goes through a m alting process, hence its name, which consists of germination, drying and roasting. It works as a complement or food supplement and, although we usually associate it with cats, the truth is that there is also m alt for rabbits.

Uses of m alt for rabbits

The main use of m alt in cats is to prevent hairballs and the dreaded complications that they can cause. This same indication is also used in the case of rabbits. In other words, m alt contributes to promoting digestive transit and the consequent evacuation of feces when constipation appears, which prevents or reduces the risk of ball formation of hair, since rabbits, like cats, can also swallow considerable amounts of hair during grooming, which will be especially important in long-haired rabbits during shedding.

But we must be clear that m alt is not a drug that can solve, for example, an obstruction. Therefore, if we suspect a digestive problem, we must go to the vet directly and not wait at home giving m alt. This type of disorders can even cause the death of the rabbit by causing the so-called paralytic ileus It is true that m alt has a laxative effect that can contribute to the expulsion of a hairball already formed, but in these cases it will be just one more piece of the treatment that the veterinarian will have to establish and that usually includes fluid therapy, different drugs and management measures such as exercise or abdominal massages.

M alt for rabbits - Uses and dosage - Uses of m alt for rabbits
M alt for rabbits - Uses and dosage - Uses of m alt for rabbits

Dose of m alt for rabbits

There is no single dosage of m alt for rabbits, since it will depend on the characteristics of the animal's coat or whether or not it is in the moulting season. That is why it is best that we pay attention to the recommendations offered by the manufacturer, since there may be variations depending on the m alt we buy, and check them with the veterinarian. Although it is a product that can be bought without a prescription, it is more than advisable to consult with this professional before giving anything to the rabbit, even if it is a supplement and not a drug. Also, m alt is often given to adult rabbits If yours is still young, ask your vet when he can start consuming it.

In general, it is possible to offer m alt 1-2 times a week and increase consumption up to 3-4 times during periods of change. In terms of quantity, the dose will be similar to the size of a chickpea. As we can see, m alt can be given frequently, but the amount administered must be taken into account when calculating the rabbit's daily food ration, especially if we are dealing with a specimen with overweight problems. The idea is to offer the m alt on time, as if it were a prize.

How to choose m alt for rabbits?

For sale we can find paste m alts from different manufacturers. There are special for rabbits, but it is also possible to use, in some cases, the m alt marketed for cats, provided that no other ingredients not suitable for rabbits have been added.

In any case, it is best to look for the most natural one possible Some only contain m alt extract, but others have added, for example, fibers, fruit, vegetable oils, fatty acids or vitamins, which can provide other benefits such as the care of the coat or the intestinal flora. Of course, it is necessary to avoid preservatives, dyes, sugars and any other ingredient that may be harmful to the rabbit, such as dairy products.

How to m alt a rabbit?

In general, mash m alt is not very well accepted by rabbits, although it can be found in different flavors. It is also marketed under the name of rabbit m alt jelly. In any case, the most common way to offer it is smearing it on the rabbit's front paws so that it feels the impulse to clean itself and, with this action, swallows it, although it will not always be the full dose. Another alternative is to mix it with the food or, even if there is no other choice, it could be administered with great caution and a syringe.

But, if our rabbit resists or we don't want to risk losing everything with the m alt, we have the option of giving it to him as part of a snack. In the market we will find this type of m alt-filled rabbit biscuits, which can make eating them easier. It would also be a complementary food to offer as a reward as many times as you consider.
