Our dogs' ears are very sensitive to aggression. An otitis can cause a very significant decline and anorexia in our partner, due to pain and discomfort.
An otitis externa can cause perforation of the eardrum due to discharge and inflammation from the ear canal. Medical treatment varies depending on whether or not the tympanic membrane is perforated and for this a complete diagnosis must be made.
In this article on our site we will learn about the symptoms and treatment of a perforated eardrum. Keep reading:
What is the eardrum? Are there different kinds of otitis in dogs?
The dog's ear is divided into three parts: outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. The eardrum is the tympanic membrane that separates the auricle and outer ear from the middle and inner ear, its function being the transmission of sound.
The ear is an organ susceptible to inflammation and infection and this causes the well-known otitis. Due to these three structures, otitis can be classified as external and internal. External otitis is the most common, however, can evolve into median or internal otitis if the infection enters through the eardrum.
If the tympanic bulla or the vestibular organ, two parts of the inner ear, are affected, there is a risk of nervous symptoms, since the vestibular system controls balance. In addition, an infection can spread to the meninges lining the central nervous system, inflaming them, and causing meningitis

Causes and symptoms of eardrum perforation in dogs
Here are some causes that can cause eardrum perforation:
- Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure.
- Strong injuries.
- Recurring ear canal infections. This is the most frequent cause, external otitis in dogs.
- Foreign bodies such as spikes, hair, seeds, etc.
The symptoms that we will find in our dogs are hearing loss, lateralization of the head, abnormal discharge from the ear, bad smell and neurological signs such as facial paralysis or vestibular syndrome. This is a very painful process, so we will notice our dog complain when we touch its ears and even its mouth.
Our veterinarian should perform a complete examination of both ears and under sedation in almost all cases due to the great pain that the dog is in.
Treatment of perforated eardrum in dogs
The initial approach to the disease is based on the solution to the otitis since the eardrum will gradually regenerate. Under sedation, the veterinarian will perform a canal washout with warm saline solution under pressure.
A cytological analysis and a culture should be performed to select the appropriate antibiotic treatment both systemic and topical. There are ototoxic antibiotics that our veterinarian will take into account at the time of treatment.
Topical and systemic anti-inflammatories will also be used to reduce pain and inflammation of the ear canal. In addition, the primary cause will be eliminated in the case of foreign bodies. The healing process will take a few weeks and it will heal.
The surgery is only indicated in certain cases, such as antibiotic-resistant otitis. A resection of the lateral ear canal is performed so that the horizontal is more accessible to drugs and the eardrum is better oxygenated, helping its regeneration.

Prevention of otitis and tympanic perforation in dogs
The best way to prevent this disease is to check your dog's ears regularly. Do not forget to keep in mind the following points:
- Regular cleaning of both ears with a regular ear cleaner
- After bathing we have to make sure that there is no water left in the ear canal
- When we take him out through areas with spikes, we must make sure that he does not have tangles in his hair
- Checking of the ears by the veterinarian with the otoscope at check-ups
- Control of primary diseases (atopy, endocrinopathies, etc.)