Why is my dog urinating blood? - Most common causes

Why is my dog urinating blood? - Most common causes
Why is my dog urinating blood? - Most common causes
Why does my dog urinate blood?
Why does my dog urinate blood?

The presence of blood in the dog's urine is called hematuriaand it is usually a serious symptom that indicates that the he alth of the animal is being harmed. The most common causes can range from the appearance of tumors, urinary tract infections or stones, to infectious diseases such as parvovirus. Therefore, if you see drops of blood in the urine, or very dark urination, you should go to the vet as soon as possible. Read on and find out in this article on our site why your dog urinates blood and what to do.

Main Causes of Blood in Dog Urine

The causes that produce the expulsion of blood in the dog's urine are many and varied, so this symptom should never be ignored. For this reason, if we observe a reddish urination, even if the animal does not present any other alarm sign, we must go to the veterinarian to carry out the necessary tests and determine if it is a disease, if there is an affected organ, etc. Even if blood loss is small, it is a serious symptom that can lead the animal to death depending on the underlying cause.

The most common reasons that justify the presence of blood in the dog's urine are the following:

  • Cystitis: inflammation of the bladder that can be caused by bacteria, stones, tumors or malformations.
  • Infections in the urinary tract, usually caused by bacteria.
  • Tumors.
  • Kidney or bladder stones.
  • Intoxication or poisoning.
  • Traumatisms caused by a blow, fall, run over…
  • Infectious diseases such as leptospirosis.

For all these reasons, it is essential to go to the vet to discover the root cause of the problem and arrive at an accurate diagnosis in order to start the best treatment as soon as possible.

The presence of blood in the dog's urine, depending on the underlying cause, can present itself in several ways:

  • In the form of drops, that is, the dog dribbles blood when urinating.
  • Blood with clots, which turns a darker color.
  • Full blood, so the dog only urinates blood.

As hematuria is often accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, it is very important to pay attention to all the symptoms that the dog may present and inform the veterinarian.

Drops of blood in the dog's urine

When the dog is apparently normal, that is, it eats, plays and relieves itself as usual, but shows a slight reddish tint in the urine, it is normal for many guardians to wonder if it is really of drops of blood or is it the normal color of pee. Regardless of the dog's diet, the color of the urine should always be yellowish, so that any change in color is an indication that something is wrong.

Cases in which the dog has difficulty urinating or has drops of blood in the urine, are generally associated with problems in the lower urinary tract, which includes the areas of the bladder, prostate and urethra, corresponding to the channel through which urine is eliminated. Likewise, they are almost always problems that involve obstruction or stones in the bladder, which injure the mucosa of this organ, causing it to bleed. For this reason, the color of the dog's urine is modified and takes on a rather reddish tone. However, these are not the only causes that explain the presence of drops of blood in the dog's urine, since tumors can also cause this bleeding, as well as infections in the prostate if it is male, so only a veterinarian can determine the source of bleeding.

On the other hand, infectious diseases such as leptospirosis or canine ehrlichiosis, commonly known as tick disease, cause hematuria.

My dog urinates a lot of blood, what could it be?

When a dog only urinates blood, it means that the clinical picture is serious and needs immediate veterinary attention. This sign may indicate that the animal has been the victim of an accident, has suffered a severe blow that has caused a trauma or has been poisoned, cases in which only the specialist can determine the treatment to follow. Depending on the cause and the amount of blood lost, a blood transfusion may be required

Why does my dog urinate blood? - My dog urinates a lot of blood, what can it be?
Why does my dog urinate blood? - My dog urinates a lot of blood, what can it be?

Why is my dog urinating blood with clots?

It is very important to pay attention to changes in our dog's behavior, as well as to examine the urine and feces frequently to identify any changes in time. In cases where the dog's urine appears clotted, we should check for other signs such as apathy, lack of appetite or white gums, since these are signs that the dog is suffering from some internal bleeding or disease serious infectious On the other hand, if the dog urinates coagulated blood but his attitude is not altered, so he plays and eats as usual, it is possible that he has suffered a blow that has caused injuries internal in the bladder, vulva or penis.

Other causes of the presence of clots can be intoxication or poisoning, tumors, stones or infections in any area of the urinary tract. Especially if the affected dog has ingested rodent poison, coagulated bloody urine is often one of the main symptoms, along with vomiting or diarrhoea. In general, the reasons that explain the blood in the urine of the dog are usually the same, depending on the way in which the hematuria is presented, we can intuit the seriousness of the matter. In this way, clots can indicate that the infection, bleeding or disease is moderate to severe, especially if it shows other signs such as those mentioned above.

Clotted blood in the dog's urine takes on a sticky, dark appearance. For a better diagnosis, we recommend checking all parts of the animal's body and checking for signs of bleeding in other areas, bruises or wounds.

It is important not to confuse blood in the urine with the color of the urine, since some changes in color are not always caused by the presence of blood. If the dog urinates brown or black, it may be due to the development of a serious kidney disease, which can only be determined by laboratory tests. Therefore, if your dog urinates very dark, try to take a good look at the color and go to the vet immediately.

My dog urinates blood, what could it be?

When a dog urinates blood, it may indicate that she has a problem with her lower urinary tract, such as an infection, inflammation of the bladder, stones or tumors, or that she is in heat period Although this cycle is different in female and female dogs, the former also show bleeding, which can be more or less slight, especially during the first phase of proestrus. Now, if you are sure that the dog is not in heat and urinates blood, it is most likely due to a uterine infection, and more so if the bleeding is accompanied by whitish discharge through the vulva (white discharge), to cystitis or a urinary tract infection. If the dog urinates blood and vomits, it is possible that the problem lies in kidney function, presenting infection or stones. For all these reasons, a visit to the vet is essential.

My spayed dog urinates blood

If your dog urinates blood after spaying, go back to the vet for internal bleeding or infection as a result of surgery or anesthesia. If the bitch urinates blood some time after being sterilized, as if it were heat, it is possible that during the intervention the veterinarian inadvertently left some remains or ovarian remnants, which can activate the cycle again. Likewise, it is possible that the bitch has ectopic ovarian tissue, that is, outside the ovaries, because her body has generated it or by birth. In any case, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory to determine if it is necessary to return to the operating room.

My dog is pregnant and pees blood

The presence of blood in the urine of a pregnant dog is cause for alert and an immediate visit to the veterinarian. In general, it is usually indicative that some of the fetuses have died If it occurs during the first weeks of gestation, the animal's own body will take care of solving the situation disintegrating and reabsorbing the fetus, so it may be normal to expel some blood through urine. But, if the bleeding occurs later in the pregnancy, your body will no longer be able to reverse the problem, and therefore the deceased fetus should be removed as soon as possible, as it could develop a serious infection in the bitch.

My dog urinates blood and vomits

If the dog is a puppy and urinates blood and vomits, it is most likely thecanine parvovirus , a disease caused by a virus that can be fatal if left untreated. The main symptoms of this pathology are, precisely, vomiting and blood in the urine, and it is usually more frequent in puppies, unvaccinated adult dogs or immunosuppressed. It is a highly contagious disease that infects he althy animals in a few days and that, due to its symptoms, can be confused with other conditions or with a simple malaise. That is why it is important to see a specialist as soon as possible, since in cases like this, early detection can be the difference between life and death.

Cases of adult dogs urinating blood and vomiting are often associated with kidney problems, such as stones or infections, urinary tract tumors, bladder or prostate infection. Once again, a visit to a specialist will clarify what it is and what the best treatment is.

Why does my dog urinate blood? - My dog urinates blood and vomits
Why does my dog urinate blood? - My dog urinates blood and vomits

Treatment for a dog that urinates blood

Since there are several reasons why a dog urinates blood, treatment will depend on the underlying cause, the affected organ, the disease causing hematuria or the disorder. In this way, only the veterinarian can prescribe the most appropriate treatment after performing the relevant physical, imaging and laboratory tests. Thus, the animal may require intravenous or oral antibiotics, and other drugs such as analgesics or antiemetics to relieve pain depending on the cause or calm vomiting.

In cases of obstruction of the bladder and urethra, severe bleeding or tumors, the dog may require surgery. Likewise, it is also possible that a blood transfusion should be performed if the loss through the urine has been very high.
