Hemolytic anemia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Hemolytic anemia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Hemolytic anemia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment
Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

anemia is a liver disease that affects both humans as well as dogs. There are several types of anemia, each with its particular characteristics and their respective treatments. One of them is hemolytic anemia, which affects dogs and is related to the immune system.

If your furry friend suffers from this disease, or has any of the symptoms described here, then you can't miss this article on hemolytic anemia in dogs, symptoms and treatment. Keep reading!

What is hemolytic anemia?

It is a type of anemia characterized by the early destruction of red blood cells that exist in the bloodstream. This is due to various factors that we will explain below and prevent these cells from functioning properly.

This is a rare disease but it requires a lot of care, because if it is not treated properly it can cause death.

Causes of hemolytic anemia in dogs

There are various reasons that cause hemolytic anemia in dogs, the most frequent being the following:

  • Inheritance: like many other diseases, hemolytic anemia in dogs can simply be due to hereditary genetics, showing itself from the moment from birth or appearing at a later age.
  • Infections: Caused by bacteria and microorganisms that attack red blood cells. Infections can also be caused by a wound or internal bleeding.
  • Drug injuries: anemia occurs when there is an unfavorable reactionafter taking drugs or other types of chemical agents.
  • Excessive intake of vitamin C: Uncontrolled intake of ascorbic acid can cause this disease.

Symptoms of hemolytic anemia in dogs

Some of the signs that a dog may show when suffering from this disease are:

  • Fatigue: is one of the most significant characteristics of this disease. It happens because the number of cells that send oxygen to the brain decreases.
  • Tachycardia: occurs because the heart tries to increase the number of beats so that blood can reach the tissues and the brain. As the cells that send oxygen are reduced, the dog's body speeds up the heart rate so that it receives enough.
  • Jaundice: it is a very frequent symptom in this type of anemia, since it significantly increases bilirubin levels. This is a yellow pigment found in bile and is formed by the destruction of red blood cells.
  • Dark urine: Dark urine occurs when there is too much bilirubin.
  • Hypersplenism: refers to an increased activity in the spleenWhen the spleen is more active than normal, it destroys the red blood cells inside it, preventing oxygen from being transmitted to the dog's body.

Other symptoms are also present in dogs with equally characteristic hemolytic anemia:

  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Weakness
  • Discouragement
  • Threw up
  • Diarrhea
  • Accelerated breathing
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pale Gums

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dog, see your veterinarian immediately.

Hemolytic Anemia In Dogs - Symptoms And Treatment - Symptoms Of Hemolytic Anemia In Dogs
Hemolytic Anemia In Dogs - Symptoms And Treatment - Symptoms Of Hemolytic Anemia In Dogs

Diagnosis of hemolytic anemia in dogs

If your dog shows the symptoms described above, you should take him to the vet as soon as possible. In the consultation, the specialist will analyze the case according to what you tell him and will perform a complete checkup of the dog's physical condition. Part of the physical exam includes gently pressing on various areas of the body with the intent of testing for tenderness or swollen spleen

Next, a blood testwill be performed to measure the hemoglobin and reticulocyte levels. If the veterinarian deems it appropriate, other tests may be necessary to rule out other diseases or infections caused by bacteria and microorganisms.

In a short time the results will be ready, with which the corresponding treatment will begin. Hemolytic anemia in dogs can be fatal, so early diagnosis is crucial to ensure the dog's survival.

Treatment of hemolytic anemia in dogs

There are various treatments for hemolytic anemia in dogs. Some of them are:

  • Blood transfusion: aims to rapidly increase the number of red blood cells, replacing cells destroyed by the disease.
  • Corticosteroids: This is a type of hormone used to prevent the dog's immune system from forming new antibodies, which could eliminate the red blood cells.
  • Antiparasitics: When hemolytic anemia is caused by infections or parasitic agents, it is common for the veterinarian to recommend some type of deworming medicine with the aim of eliminating possible bacteria and microorganisms that may be affecting the he alth of the dog.
  • Surgery: is a measure normally used as a last resort, when other treatments have not produced the expected results. It is applied especially when the spleen is frequently inflamed, which makes removal essential.
Hemolytic anemia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of hemolytic anemia in dogs
Hemolytic anemia in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Treatment of hemolytic anemia in dogs

Is there a cure for hemolytic anemia in dogs?

The cure for hemolytic anemia in dogs will depend, to a large extent, on the cause that has caused it. As we have seen in the previous section, depending on the degree of anemia that the animal presents, the emergency measures to restore the number of red blood cells will be one or the other but, once this is done, the specialist will determine the treatment to be followed to combat the underlying cause Thus, we should never self-medicate our dog since, as we have also been able to verify, we could unconsciously worsen the clinical picture.
