Cough in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment

Cough in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment
Cough in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment
Cough in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Cough in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

cough in dogs can have different origins, hence the importance of a correct diagnosis that helps the veterinarian to establish a treatment appropriate. In this article on our site we are going to explain the causes that can cause a dog to cough, highlighting the cough produced by those parasites that infest the lungs and the heart, and that are responsible for serious diseases and life-threatening, which are also on the rise.

Wondering why your dog is coughing? Discover below the causes that can cause coughing, the treatment to follow and, above all, how to prevent it through a correct deworming calendar.

Why is my dog coughing?

To explain why dogs cough, we must first know that coughing is a reflex triggered by irritation at some point of the respiratory tract. Thus, it can be caused by infections in the respiratory tract, by the presence of irritating products (such as vegetable fragments or food scraps), by heart disease, tumors, parasites or simply by excessive pressure from a very tight collar..

Coughing increases irritation, which, in turn, intensifies and maintains the cough. This can be deep, dry, wet, acute, weak or prolonged Its characteristics will help the veterinarian to guide the diagnosis, as well as the presence of other symptoms such as alterations breathing, ocular or nasal discharge, sneezing or expectoration. In any case, we must turn to a professional.

In the following sections we will review the most common causes of cough in dogs.

Cough in dogs due to foreign bodies

Any object lodged in the respiratory system can explain why our dog coughs. These objects can be toys, bones and their splinters, hooks, ropes, etc. If our dog coughs as if he had something in his throat, it is likely that we are facing this case. In addition, it will show restless, anxious and, depending on the location of the foreign body, it is likely that it will try to free itself from it by putting its paws in its mouth. It is also possible that hypersalive or try to vomit Likewise, if the object is installed in the larynx, we will see that the dog coughs as if choking.

Obviously, we would be facing a veterinary emergency. As prevention, we must prevent our dog from ingesting materials likely to cause these obstructions.

Cough in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Cough in dogs due to foreign bodies
Cough in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Cough in dogs due to foreign bodies

Kennel Cough

The explanation for why our dog coughs could be in the disease popularly known as kennel cough. As its name suggests, cough will be the characteristic sign of this disease, more common in animals housed in communities, since it is highly contagious

Actually, it is a group of respiratory illnesses caused by different bacteria and viruses, such as the parainfluenza virus or the Bordetella bronchiseptica.

Dog coughs and gags and usually shows no further symptoms as it is a mild condition. Even so, we should consult our veterinarian because complications such as pneumonia could occur.

In more severe cases, dogs will have fever, anorexia, runny nose, exercise intolerance, sneezing, and respiratory problems It will be the vet who determines the appropriate medication. Likewise, there are vaccines that can help in prevention. Precautions must be taken so that the dog does not infect its congeners.

Cough in dogs due to pharyngitis

Another disease that can explain cough in dogs is pharyngitis, which is usually associated with infections in the mouth or systemic, as in the case of canine distemper, more common in puppies, which can make that the dog coughs and vomits, has diarrhea, anorexia or apathy Pharyngitis causes pain, which can cause the dog to stop eating.

The veterinarian will be in charge of diagnosing the underlying cause and treating it. Antibiotics are usually required, in addition to checking that the dog eats, for which we can resort to wet food.

Cough in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Cough in dogs due to pharyngitis
Cough in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Cough in dogs due to pharyngitis

Cough in dogs due to bronchitis

If our dog has a cough and it does not subside in a few months, it is likely that the explanation why the dog is coughing is a chronic bronchitis, more common in middle-aged or elderly dogs. It is usually of unknown origin.

The coughing spells may end with the expectoration of foamy-looking saliva which can be mistaken for vomiting. If left untreated, it can cause irreversible damage.

The veterinarian will resort to medication to reduce the inflammation of the bronchi and bronchioles. In addition, we must adopt palliative measures such as the elimination of potential contaminants from the environment or the use of a harness for walking.

Cough in dogs due to lungworms

The presence of parasites in the lungs or, in general, in the respiratory tract, is another cause that explains why a dog cough. There are several species that can infect dogs and are contracted by ingesting an intermediate host, such as snails. This pathology usually produces a mild cough, although it is also common for there to be no symptoms

In younger dogs, in addition to a persistent cough, weight loss and exercise intolerance may be noted. When coughing, the larvae reach the mouth and the dog swallows them, which can then be observed in the feces.

These worms can cause coagulation problems, complicating the picture, and can even cause the dog's death Therefore Therefore, an adequate treatment is required and, in addition, to implement a correct schedule of deworming agreed with our veterinarian with the aim of preventing infestations.

Heart diseases that cause coughing in dogs

Although it may be thought that a cough always corresponds to respiratory processes, the truth is that heart problems can also explain why a dog coughs. An enlargement of this organ affects its functioning and affects the lungs, causing, in addition to coughing, exercise intolerance, tiredness, weight loss, ascites, breathing difficulties and even fainting.

These symptoms appear in diseases such as dilated cardiomyopathy, chronic valvular disease or filariosis, life-threatening. The latter is caused by heartworms and is on the rise due to rising temperatures, which facilitates the development of its vector, a mosquito that, if it contains filarial larvae in its oral organ, will transmit them to the dog.

The filaria develops its life cycle inside it and ends up settling mainly in the heart and pulmonary arteries, affecting their function and constituting a risk to the life of the dog. Also, if the larvae migrate, they can obstruct blood flow to the lungs, causing pulmonary thromboembolism.

If they affect the hepatic veins, they cause vena cava syndrome, responsible for liver failure. This parasitosis has a treatment, but, in its course, the dead larvae can produce obstructions, causing death of the dog.

Cough in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Heart diseases that cause cough in dogs
Cough in dogs - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Heart diseases that cause cough in dogs

What to do if my dog coughs a lot?

If you have observed a persistent cough that does not go away and any other sign mentioned in the article, you should visit your trusted veterinarian to carry out the necessary tests and determine the cause of the cough The specialist will also offer you an appropriate treatment according to the condition presented by the dog.

The importance of adequate preventive medicine

As you may have seen, there are many pathologies that can affect a dog and that can also be transmitted to people and vice versa, therefore, it is vitally important to follow a vaccination and deworming schedule set by our veterinarian, as it will help us to maintain the he alth of our dog and the whole family

In this regard, it is advisable to visit a specialist every six months and follow a program of monthly deworming to help us prevent and treat promptly any pathology that may affect the dog, always using products prescribed by the veterinarian Because we love them, we protect them, deworm your pet.
