LEPTOSPIROSIS in DOGS - Causes, symptoms and treatment

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LEPTOSPIROSIS in DOGS - Causes, symptoms and treatment
LEPTOSPIROSIS in DOGS - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Leptospirosis in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Leptospirosis in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

When we talk about animal he alth, we are not only referring to the absence of disease, but to a state of well-being resulting from covering all the needs that our pet presents, both physical, mental and social. But as far as physical he alth is concerned, we must clarify that there are very few diseases that are exclusive to humans, so our dog can suffer from the same pathologies as us.

On our site, we will talk about leptospirosis in dogs, as well as its causes, symptoms and treatment. It is a disease of great importance, since it is a zoonosis, that is, a pathology that can be transmitted from animals to humans.

What is leptospirosis in dogs?

Canine leptospirosis is an infectious disease also known as dog typhus and is caused by a genus of bacteria called Leptospira, although the ones that commonly affect dogs are Leptospira Canicola and Leptospira Icterohaemorrhagiae.

This group of bacteria affects most domestic and wild mammals, but also cold-blooded animals and humans.

The prevalence of this disease increases in the months of high temperatures and is greater in male dogs, it is believed that due to the habits of sniffing and licking of urine that they exhibit behaviorally.

Causes of leptospirosis in dogs

As we said, the causative agents of leptospirosis are bacteria of the Leptospira genus. The most common serovars (or strains) in dogs are L. canicola and L. icterohaemorrhagiae, but there are also others that can infect our best friends.

Infection occurs primarily through the urine of infected animals, but can also occur through other body fluids Dogs are often infected when they drink contaminated water or ingest grass or soil contaminated with urine from diseased animals. Dogs that frequent the countryside can also be infected when they walk through ponds or swim in water contaminated by the bacteria.

Risk factors for canine leptospirosis

Although this disease is distributed throughout the world, it is much more frequent in areas with tropical climates, since these bacteria develop best in hot, humid environments. Under these conditions they can survive for a long time in bodies of water and other favorable environments. Cold and dry climates are not favorable for the development of Leptospira, so the disease is much less frequent in cold and dry areas.

Also, dogs that live in areas where there is a lot of wildlife (raccoons, squirrels, etc.) are more likely to get infected of leptospirosis. The same goes for those who live in densely populated cities, where there are large populations of rats and mice.

Leptospirosis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Causes of leptospirosis in dogs
Leptospirosis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Causes of leptospirosis in dogs

Symptoms of leptospirosis in dogs

Most of the time this disease develops subclinically, that is, without showing symptoms, in other cases it can be observed an acute or chronic course of the pathology, but in both situations the prognosis is guarded since it is a disease with a very high mortality rate, which ranges between 70 and 90% of cases.

The symptoms of canine leptospirosis are as follows:

  • Fever.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Cough.
  • Vomiting and diarrhea (sometimes with blood).
  • Dark urine.
  • Urinate in large amounts and more often.
  • Weakness.
  • Lethargy.
  • Tremors.
  • Nosebleed.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Heavy breathing.
  • Dehydration.
  • Symptoms of pain when urinating.
  • Breath smells like urine.
  • Ulcerations in the buccal mucosa.
  • General deterioration of the animal.

Symptoms related to urination are especially important, since they show kidney damage, which implies a serious state of the whole organism.

If we notice any of these symptoms in our dog we should urgently go to the vet, since the sooner the corresponding treatment is started, the more chances our pet will have of surviving.

Leptospirosis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of leptospirosis in dogs
Leptospirosis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of leptospirosis in dogs

Diagnosis of leptospirosis in dogs

Diagnosis of infection is often difficult, as most infected dogs do not show symptoms. This is usually based on the dog's history, physical exam, and blood and urine tests.

To detect leptospirosis, a test known as the microscopic agglutination test is carried out. This test allows the detection of antibodies against bacteria of the Leptospira genus in the dog's blood.

Treatment of leptospirosis in dogs

Luckily, leptospirosis in dogs is curable Treatment consists of antibiotics, usually penicillin by mouth, to kill bacteria. The dose and duration of treatment must be indicated by the veterinarian. In many cases it is necessary to hospitalize the dog for a few days to administer fluidsto help regulate electrolyte concentrations in her body

Dogs that have sustained kidney or liver damage from the disease will need additional treatment to stop the damage and restore function to those organs as much as possible.

Owners of dogs affected by this disease should avoid coming into contact with their pet's bodily fluids until treatment has been successfully completed, as leptospirosis can be easily transmitted to humans.

Leptospirosis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Treatment of leptospirosis in dogs
Leptospirosis in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Treatment of leptospirosis in dogs

Prevention of leptospirosis in dogs

Prevention of leptospirosis in dogs consists mainly of preventing dogs from wandering into risk areas, such as areas with ponds, pastures irrigated and muddy areas. Unfortunately, in some places this is easier said than done.

There are also preventive vaccines against canine leptospirosis. However, their administration largely depends on where the dog lives and the veterinary consensus there, as some vets consider these vaccines to be non-essential and avoid giving them to dogs in low-risk areas. In any case, in many countries vaccination against canine leptospirosis is routine. Find out more about dog vaccines and why they are so necessary.

Is leptospirosis in dogs contagious to humans?

Yes, leptospirosis in dogs can be spread to humans The spread of leptospirosis between animals and humans occurs when people come into contact with contaminated water, food or urine, although they can also be transmitted through soil if this surface is infected and you have the habit of walking barefoot.

Since the main route of transmission is through the ingestion of contaminated water or food, special care must be taken with childrenthat live with animals.
