HYPERKERATOSIS in DOGS - Causes, symptoms and treatment

HYPERKERATOSIS in DOGS - Causes, symptoms and treatment
HYPERKERATOSIS in DOGS - Causes, symptoms and treatment
Hyperkeratosis in Dogs - Causes and Treatment
Hyperkeratosis in Dogs - Causes and Treatment

Hyperkeratosis in dogs is a dermatological disorder characterized by increased thickness and cracking of the skin, with a production greatly increased keratin. In dogs we can find familial hyperkeratosis of the foot pads or nasodigital hyperkeratosis. It is an important clinical sign that can be seen idiopathically or due to different diseases, so its cause must be investigated to solve it as soon as possible.

Keep reading this article on our site to learn more about hyperkeratosis in dogs, its causes and treatments.

Types of canine hyperkeratosis

Canine hyperkeratosis is a skin disorder in which an overproduction of keratin appears in the stratum corneum of the skin, resulting in an accumulation of it causing a thickened, dry, hard and cracked appearance of the footpads or nose of our dog.

In the dog we find two types of hyperkeratosis:

  • Familial hyperkeratosis of the footpads: The lesion is limited to the footpad area and appears in puppies. The most predisposed canine breeds are the Dogue de Bordeaux, the Irish Terrier or the Kerry Blue Terrier.
  • Nasodigital hyperkeratosis: hyperkeratosis can be located both on the pads and on the nose and can be idiopathic with no explainable origin, more common in older dogs, or secondary to other disorders and diseases. The most predisposed breeds are the cocker spaniel, the basset hound, the boston terrier and the beagle.

Causes of hyperkeratosis in dogs

Hyperkeratosis in dogs can occur at any age and with or without an apparent cause. Among the causes that can explain why our dog has developed this secondary dermatological lesion we find:

  • Infectious diseases: canine distemper and canine leishmaniasis.
  • Congenital diseases: ichthyosis.
  • Autoimmune diseases: systemic lupus erythematosus and pemphigus foliaceus.
  • Dermatosis due to zinc sensitivity.
  • Lymphoma Cutaneous.
  • Hepatocutaneous syndrome.
  • Superficial necrolytic migratory erythema.
  • Contact Dermatitis.
  • Labrador retriever nasal parakeratosis.

Symptoms of hyperkeratosis in dogs

Hyperkeratosis of the footpads in dogs causes a thickening of the footpads, becoming very hard and cracked. Fissures can occur which, when chronic, can cause severe lameness and secondary infections.

In the case of nasodigital hyperkeratosis in dogs, we see the following symptoms:

  • Nasal hyperkeratosis appears as a thickening and accumulation of dry and fissured tissue in the nasal plane.
  • Hyperkeratosis of the footpads usually affects the most cranial edge of the footpads, appearing dry, hard and cracked.

Because of all this, canine hyperkeratosis can produce:

  • Increase in size of the nasal plane and/or snout.
  • Depigmentation of the snout.
  • Crusts.
  • Hardening of the skin.
  • Inflammation.
  • Cracked and cracks in the skin.
  • Bleeding.
  • Secondary infections.
Hyperkeratosis in dogs - Causes and treatment - Symptoms of hyperkeratosis in dogs
Hyperkeratosis in dogs - Causes and treatment - Symptoms of hyperkeratosis in dogs

Diagnosis of hyperkeratosis in dogs

The diagnosis of canine hyperkeratosis is based on clinical findings. A differential diagnosis should be made of all its possible causes in the event that it is a secondary and non-hereditary or idiopathic hyperkeratosis. These diseases, as we have indicated, are:

  • Pemphigus.
  • Lupus.
  • Canine distemper.
  • Leishmaniasis.
  • Zinc-sensitive dermatitis.
  • Superficial necrolytic dermatitis.
  • Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.
  • Contact dermatitis.
  • Ichthyosis.
  • Hepatocutaneous syndrome.

If the dog is a Labrador between 6 and 12 months of age, the presence of Labrador retriever nasal parakeratosis should be considered.

Once one of these diseases has been found, we already know the cause that has caused our dog to develop this lesion and we must move on to the specific treatment of the pathology in question. In the event that a justifiable cause for the appearance of this skin disorder is not found, we could assess whether it is an idiopathic nasodigital hyperkeratosis, confirming it with a biopsy of the lesion, especially if it is an older dog. If it is a month-old puppy and especially if it is one of the predisposed breeds, it could be a familial hyperkeratosis of the pads.

How to cure hyperkeratosis in dogs? - Treatment

The treatment, if the hyperkeratosis is secondary, must be specific according to the process that causes it, together with the symptomatic treatment for the skin lesion. Hyperkeratosis in dogs must be treated with certain substances topically, directly on the lesion, to soften and lubricate the skin, as well as to promote the repair of the skin barrier. These treatments include:

  • Keratolytic agents to soften or dissolve keratin, topically, directly on the lesion.
  • Lotions with moisturizing agents: propylene glycol, glycerin, urea, acid or sodium lactate and oatmeal.
  • Emollients: fatty acids, essential oils or waxes.
  • In some cases corticoids or antibiotics may be necessaryand/or antifungals if there are secondary bacterial or fungal infections.

There are no home remedies for hyperkeratosis in dogs, so the use of the substances mentioned is a must if we want to improve our dog's condition, in addition to finding the cause of the skin disorder.

Prognosis of canine hyperkeratosis

In general, dogs improve hyperkeratosis lesions in days, being able to eliminate them completely if the disease that causes it is cured or controlled. However, in cases of idiopathic or hereditary hyperkeratosis, treatment can be extended throughout the life of the animal or repeated in the event of relapses.
