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Spider bites in cats - Symptoms and what to do
Spider bites in cats - Symptoms and what to do

Cats love to browse, play and hunt any type of prey within their reach. They carry it in their genes. For this reason, insects or spiders are potential prey for them. When they are stalked they release their predatory instinct, have fun and are entertained. The problem is that some of these animals can be very dangerous for cats.

We have an example in some species of spiders, which can even end the life of our cat with a single peck. For this reason, it is convenient that, as caregivers, we know which spiders can be dangerous, as well as the symptoms they cause or how we have to act before their bite.

To find the answer to all these questions keep reading this article on our site where we will talk about the spider bite in cats, its symptoms and what to do.

Are spiders dangerous for cats?

Cats are very curious and hunters and do not hesitate to stalk any kind of bug, including spiders. Although the vast majority are harmless, sometimes they can be really dangerous and pose a considerable threat to our cat.

Among this group of spiders we find those of the genus Latrodectus, which includes two dangerous species, which are Latrodectus mactans, better known as black widow, and Latrodectus hasselti, called Australian redbackAnother dangerous genus of spiders is Losoxceles, in which the violinist spider stands out.

These spiders are highly feared due to their lethal poison, the black widow being highly toxic to the nervous system. Also, if the poisoning is severe, it can affect organs such as the heart and lungs. On the other hand, in violinist spiders, the venom acts especially at the cutaneous level, where it causes the death of skin cells (necrosis), although it can spread to internal organs.

Spider bite in cats - Symptoms and what to do - Are spiders dangerous for cats?
Spider bite in cats - Symptoms and what to do - Are spiders dangerous for cats?

Symptoms of spider bites in cats

The symptoms that the cat shows will depend on the species to which the spider that has bitten it belongs. The most common is that, if it was not a dangerous spider, there is only a slight redness, numbness and swelling of the skin in the area. These discomforts can lead to cats self-harming or over-grooming, which can cause the bite to become infected, forming an abscess which, in turn, will cause further pain, nervousness, and discomfort.

On the other hand, the violinist spider bite produces a sinking and hardness in the area during the first six hours, creating a contour of purple and pale areas throughout the first 24 hours. Subsequently, a change in color occurs, leaving the area black and forming a dark and hard scab that will end up in an ulcer. Cats bitten by a fiddler spider may also have symptoms such as rapid heart rate, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, lack of urination, and coma.

The bites of spiders belonging to the genus of the black widow can produce clinical signs such as the following:

  • Tremors.
  • Rigidity of the abdomen.
  • Respiratory distress.
  • Paralysis flaccid.
  • Hyperexcitability.
  • Vocalizations.
  • Hypersalivation.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting.
  • Disorientation.
  • Concern.
  • Seizures.
  • Eat.
  • Death in 85% of cases.

Finally, keep in mind that some cats may have an allergic reaction to the sting that can lead to anaphylactic shock.

Spider bite in cats - Symptoms and what to do - Spider bite symptoms in cats
Spider bite in cats - Symptoms and what to do - Spider bite symptoms in cats

What to do if my cat is bitten by a spider?

If we have seen that our cat has been bitten by a dangerous spider or we suspect it due to the symptoms and the area we are in, we must go urgently to the veterinary centerIf in doubt about the species, it is recommended to take a photograph and show it to a professional who can identify with certainty which spider it is.

This information is important so that the veterinarian can apply the specific antidote for that species. There is one for black widow that is diluted and given intravenously over 30 minutes to an hour. The antidote for red back is given intramuscularly and is effective for up to two weeks after the sting, if clinical signs continue.

In addition, the veterinary center should prescribe a support treatment to mitigate pain, muscle relaxants, such as benzodiazepines, and Calcium Gluconate 10% to control muscle twitches and cramps.

In any case, the cat's prognosis will depend on the species of spider involved. Most are not dangerous and will only cause minor skin damage. But, when the bite is from a dangerous spider, the prognosis can vary, being good in the bites of the red back spider, if the antidote is administered, and reserved or bad in those of the black widow, which produces a high mortality rate. in cats.

Spider bite in cats - Symptoms and what to do - What to do if my cat is bitten by a spider?
Spider bite in cats - Symptoms and what to do - What to do if my cat is bitten by a spider?

Home remedies for spider bites in cats

As most spider bites in cats are mild and only cause slight irritation, swelling, redness and itching, we can alleviate this inflammatory process with the application local cold Serves ice packed in a bag and wrapped in a cloth.

With cold, vasoconstriction is sought to reduce blood flow and congestion and, therefore, the pain associated with inflammation. In addition, we must wash the area and make sure it does not become infected and that the cat does not scratch or groom itself excessively to prevent infections. If they do occur, they should be treated by your vet.
