What do LAND TORTOISES EAT? - Complete guide

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What do LAND TORTOISES EAT? - Complete guide
What do LAND TORTOISES EAT? - Complete guide
What do land turtles eat?
What do land turtles eat?

The land turtles are the species of the family Testudinidae adapted to life on land. They are wild animals, not domestic, so they are not happy locked up in a terrarium. Therefore, we must not remove them from their natural habitat or encourage animal trafficking by buying them. Nor should they be released into an ecosystem that is not theirs, as they can become invasive species.

However, today it is common to find abandoned exotic turtles or meet people who can no longer care for them. Like me, you may have been forced to adopt a turtle. First of all, you must inform yourself well about its species and its care. One of the most important is your diet. If you want to know what gopher tortoises eat, in this article on our site we answer all your questions.

Types of tortoises

Before knowing what tortoises eat, you must take into account that there are many different species Therefore, we advise you to go to a veterinarian, who will inform you about the most suitable diet for your turtle based on its species and age. The information that we are going to give you here is only indicative.

These are the most popular gopher tortoise species:

  • Box turtles (Terrapene spp.)
  • Gopher or Florida tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus)
  • Mojave Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)
  • Black Tortoise (Testudo graeca)
  • African Tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata)
  • Mediterranean tortoise (Testudo hermanni)
  • Morocoy Turtle (Chelonoidis carbonaria)
  • Burma star tortoise (Geochelone platynota)
  • Indian star tortoise (Geochelone elegans)

Feeding of gopher tortoises

The tortoises are herbivorous, that is, they feed mainly on herbs, leaves, seeds, fungi, flowers and wild fruits. It is a very varied diet, rich in fiber and calcium and low in protein. It can include many plant species, especially legumes, composites, and grasses. Occasionally, they tend to supplement their diet with insects and carrion.

But what do gopher tortoises eat at home? They should have a very varied diet, which may include:

  • Gopher Tortoise Food: Commercial foods can help us balance their diet, but prevent them from developing their natural grazing behavior. Therefore, if you choose to give him this type of food, it should not be the main one, but only a complement to fresh vegetables.
  • Herbs: are the main food of land turtles. You can give it wild herbs that are easy to identify, although the best thing to do to not make a mistake is to buy hay for turtles, or grow it in the garden or in the terrarium. This will stimulate their natural behavior.
  • Green Leafy Vegetables: These complement herbs and are perfect for a more varied diet.
  • Frutas: we must give them in a proportion of less than 10%, that is, also as a complement.
  • Insects: it should be an occasional contribution, never as part of the usual food.

What plants can gopher tortoises eat?

Before choosing the plants you are going to give him, you must take into account the species. Plants that are ideal for some may be indigestible for others. Ask your vet before making a decision.

To help you get your bearings, here are some plants that gopher tortoises eat:

  • Dandelions (Taraxacum spp.)
  • Clover (Trifolium spp.)
  • Alfalfa (Medicago spp.)
  • Chicory (Leontodon longirostris)
  • Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)
  • Flowers
  • Lettuce
  • Canons
  • Endivia
  • Arugula
  • Endive

In addition, in small proportions, we can give them the following vegetables and fruits:

  • Cabbage
  • Chard
  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Strawberry
  • Plum
  • Blackberries
  • Watermelon
  • Carrot

Vitamins for tortoises

The feeding of the tortoises must be very varied. This way we will avoid nutritional deficiencies that can cause diseasesFor example, a high-protein diet and a lack of calcium and vitamin D3 are the main causes of pyramiding in gopher tortoises.

In the wild, gopher tortoises spend most of the day basking in the sun. They need it for warmth and to make vitamin D3 in their skin. If you don't have a garden, you should put UV light in the terrarium or, failing that, give it vitamin D3 supplements.

Another essential nutrient is Vitamin C, essential for your immune system. However, in diets with few fresh vegetables, this vitamin is scarce. If you give him a varied diet, rich in vegetables and herbs, his needs will be covered.

Finally, we must also take into account vitamin A, essential for eye and skin he alth. It is present in many vegetables, especially orange and red ones, such as carrots. Vitamin A supplements for gopher tortoises are not usually necessary if they eat these foods.

Do turtles drink water?

In the wild, turtles only drink water in times of drought. It is because vegetables provide them with all they need. However, in our house their diet is not natural and there may be seasons when they eat less than they should. Therefore, it is advisable that they have clean water always available So they can drink if they need it.

What do land turtles eat? - Feeding of land turtles
What do land turtles eat? - Feeding of land turtles

What do baby gopher tortoises eat?

What baby gopher tortoises eat is quite similar to what adults eat. However, these animals are in full growth and take more food.

Young tortoises have a preference for soft, broad-leaved grasses, rather than narrow grasses. Therefore, you can slightly increase the proportion of vegetables and herbs of this type. In addition, they usually supplement their diet with insects. It's a very good idea to give him some cricket occasionally

Finally, juvenile turtles may also need calcium supplements. A diet low in calcium is the main cause of malformations and growth problems. Although it is present in green leafy vegetables, we can give it a cuttlebone from time to time It is the internal shell of cuttlefish.

How much does a gopher tortoise eat?

The amount of food gopher tortoises eat depends on their species and their age Some are very small and others are huge. Young turtles need to take more food, since they are in full growth. However, they should not eat too much either; accelerated growth can cause malformations.

It is best to have hay always available and to offer him vegetables according to his appetite and weight Thus, both the turtle and you, you will learn how much you should eat to stay he althy. And, of course, ask a veterinarian for advice and let their experience guide you.

How often do gopher tortoises eat?

Unlike water turtles, tortoises eat several times throughout the day. Like any herbivorous animal, they spend much of the day grazing and eating plants in their path. For this reason, we recommend that you separate the feedings into 4-5 daily rations In addition, if you decide to plant hay in your garden or in the terrarium, the turtle will have food always available and she will ration it herself.

Each day, eliminate vegetables and fruits that have not been eaten. This will prevent the appearance of fungi. And of course make sure he gets exercise and give him a life as close as possible to the one he would have in the wild. That way you won't have to worry about excesses and she will be a he althy and happy turtle.

What do land turtles eat? - How often do land turtles eat?
What do land turtles eat? - How often do land turtles eat?

Foods that gopher tortoises cannot eat

As you can see, it's not easy to learn what gopher tortoises eat. In fact, there are many forbidden foods that can cause long-term illness or even kill you. Some examples are:

  • Fruits and vegetables high in sugars: can cause obesity or metabolic problems. This is the case of bananas, grapes, dates, melons, beets, potatoes, etc.
  • Legumes and cereals: chickpeas, peas or rice are also very rich in carbohydrates (sugars).
  • Toxic vegetables: contain substances that can be harmful in large quantities, such as peppers, aubergines, asparagus or spinach.
  • Acid fruits: they can alter your homeostasis. They are orange, lemon, kiwi, etc.
  • Processed foods for humans: they contain sugar and s alt, which are not recommended for any animal (including us). We refer to sweets, ham, sausages, bread, cookies, cereals, etc.
  • Food of animal origin: Meat, fish, milk or eggs are not food for gopher tortoises.
  • Food for dogs or cats: we should never give them food intended for other animals, not even food for water turtles.
