Marsupials are mammals that, unlike placental mammals (embryos develop in an internal placenta), develop in the marsupio(kind of external bag where the embryo completes its formation). Inside the pouch are the nipples where the embryos nurse until they are fully formed.
The place where the largest number of marsupial species is recorded is in Australia, about 200 species (Tasmania and New Zealand included). But in South America and North America there are also several species of marsupials, approximately 70 species.
Follow the reading of this post, and our site will show you types of marsupials that inhabit different continents.
Australian Marsupials
The Australian continent is the one with the largest number of marsupial species with more than 200 species. There is the smallest of the marsupials: the long-tailed planigale, Planigali ingrami, which measures just 5.5 cm (half a mouse), and weighs about 4.3 gr.
Red kangaroo
In Australia there is also the red kangaroo, Macropus rufus, considered the largest of the current marsupials, weighing up to 90 kg, with a height of 1.50 meters.
These large kangaroos can make jumps of 10 m in length and 3 m in height, propelling themselves with both legs at the same time and helped by their muscular tail. The comfort speed to move is about 25 km/h, while on short journeys they can reach 70 km/h. For a couple of kilometers they can sustain a speed of 50 km/h.

Giant Kangaroo
Next is the giant kangaroo or eastern gray kangaroo, Macropus giganteus, whose weight can reach 66 kg, and measure almost 2 meters high. Apart from these limited examples of the larger and smaller marsupials, there are many other species of intermediate size.

Swamp Wallaby
Although it looks a lot like kangaroos, the truth is that they are of two different genders. The bicolor Wallabia is a fairly common small marsupial and fortunately it is not threatened.

Common Wombat
Also known as Rough-haired wombat or Vombatus ursinus is a sweet-looking marsupial between 3 and 7 kilograms. In the past, some people kept these animals as pets, something that is currently totally prohibited.

Currently there are about 200 species of Australian marsupials, which makes it truly difficult to detail each and every one of the species. Previously we have shown you the most popular and well-known.
Argentine marsupials
According to the Guide to Argentine Marsupials, this immense country has 24 species of marsupials. They are distributed from northern Argentina to the vast Patagonian grasslands. Next we will indicate one of the most preponderant:
Sheep Weasel
The sheep weasel or Black weasel, Didelphis albiventris, is a typical opossum from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. Despite the nickname "weasel", it is not a mustelid, it is a marsupial. It has a very short life cycle: gestation only lasts a couple of weeks. At 10 months it reaches sexual maturity and at 2 years menopause appears. Shortly after, he dies. It can reproduce 3 times a year. Captive can reach 4 years.
It can measure 70 cm plus the tail, and its hair reaches up to 2 kg. The females are smaller. It is an omnivorous species that feeds on insects, rodents, batrachians, reptiles, berries, birds, bananas, apples, strawberries, eggs, carrion, and even garbage from human settlements. Its predators are, among others, the puma, the alligator, the Pampas fox, the piranha and the harpy eagle. This marsupial is considered a living fossil. Not threatened.
This marsupial, like many others, has 3 vaginas The central one is where the tiny embryos are born, and the apparatus ends digestive and urinary. The two lateral ones serve for fertilization and lead to two uterine chambers. The males have a forked penis (Nature is very wise, and generous in this case).
Marsupials cannot transmit rabies, since their low body temperature (32º) prevents the development of the disease. They have many lymphocytes, which makes them have very resistant defenses.

Mexican Marsupials
Four-Eyed Opossum
The four-eyed opossum, Philander opossum, is an opossum that lives in southern Mexico, although it is distributed throughout Central and South America as far as northern Argentina. It feeds on insects, reptiles, rodents and fruits. It is an arboreal and terrestrial species with nocturnal habits. You can see it in the image:
The opossum is a Mexican marsupial of which there are several species of different sizes. In fact, the name opossum is the local name for opossums.

Water Tlacuachillo
The water opossum, Chironectes minimus, is the only aquatic marsupial. It inhabits lakes and streams in Mexico, but is distributed from there to northeastern Argentina. It feeds on fish, amphibians and crustaceans. It measures up to 35 cm plus 40 cm of tail. It is also known as chucha de agua, among other local names.
Tasmanian marsupials
Tasmanian Devil
The best-known marsupial in Tasmania is the worldwide known Tasmanian devil. The Tasmanian devil, Sarcophilus harrisii, is a marsupial endemic to the island of Tasmania. It does not usually live more than 5 years in nature. It is currently the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world. It has a very rough, solid and characteristic appearance. It is black with white markings, although there are some totally black. It measures about 65 cm long, plus a short 25 cm tail. Its weight reaches 8 kg. Females are smaller.
One of its prey is wombats, marsupials whose weight reaches 30 kg. This fact indicates the enormous strength and aggressiveness of the Tasmanian devil. Which, together with its incredible bite force quotient (BFQ 181), surpasses that of the tiger (BFQ 127) or that of the jaguar (BFQ 137). However, it feeds mainly on carrion.
Since the mid-1990s, Tasmanian devils have suffered from an epidemic of contagious facial carcinoma that has severely depleted their population.
Currently in serious danger of extinction. The authorities are developing plans for its recovery.

Colombian marsupials
In Colombia there are 29 species of marsupials. The most widespread are the so-called chuchas, which are various species of opossum.
But there are two different endemic varieties of marsupials that are only found among the prodigious and rich fauna of Colombia. One is a tiny marsupial, which we will show next:
Colombian Tunato
The Colombian tunato, Caenolestes fuliginosus, is a small marsupial endemic to the south of Valdivia, Antioquia. It feeds on insects and fruits. It has nocturnal habits. This species is critically endangered.
Image from zoologia.puce.edu.ec:

Colombian Chuchita
The Colombian chuchita, Gracilinanus perijae, also known as the Colombian mouse possum. It is a tiny animal that lives in the forests of the Colombian tropical and subtropical lowlands.