Where do KOALAS LIVE? - Habitat, food and curiosities

Where do KOALAS LIVE? - Habitat, food and curiosities
Where do KOALAS LIVE? - Habitat, food and curiosities
Where do koalas live?
Where do koalas live?

The koala is scientifically known by the name of Phascolarctos cinereus and is one of the 270 species that belong to the family of marsupials, of which it is estimated that 200 inhabit Australia and 70 in America.

Where do koalas live? - Distribution

If we exclude those koalas that live in captivity or zoological centers, we find that the total and free population of koalas, which is around 80.000 specimens, is in Australia, where this marsupial has become a emblem of the nation

We find them mainly in:

  • South Australia.
  • New south Wales.
  • Queensland.
  • Victory.

However, the progressive destruction of its natural habitat has caused slight changes in its distribution that cannot be significant, since the koala it does not have the capacity to travel great distances.

If you want to know what other animals live in Australia, here is another article from our site about 35 animals of Australia.

Where do koalas live? - Where do koalas live? - Distribution
Where do koalas live? - Where do koalas live? - Distribution

Habitat and habits of koalas

The koala habitat is of great importance to this species, as the koala population can only expand if a suitable habitat is found, which must meet, as a main requirement, the presence of eucalyptus trees, since their leaves are mainly the koala's food.

Obviously, the presence of eucalyptus trees is conditioned by other factors, such as the soil substrate and the frequency of rainfall.

The koala is an arboreal animal, which means that it lives in trees, in which it sleeps approximately 20 hours a day, even more than the sloth bear. The koala will only leave the tree to make small movements, since it does not feel comfortable on the ground, on which it walks on all fours.

They are excellent climbers and swing from one branch to another. As the climate in the forests of Australia is very changeable, throughout the day, the koala will be able to occupy several places in different trees, either in search of sun or shade, as well as to shelter from the wind and cold.

Where do koalas live? - Habitat and customs of koalas
Where do koalas live? - Habitat and customs of koalas

What do koalas eat?

Koalas feed mainly on eucalyptus leaves, although if necessary they can also eat other types of vegetables. Eucalyptic leaves are toxic to the vast majority of animals, however, the digestive system of koalas is prepared to successfully digest and eliminate the plant's toxins.

However, most eucalyptus varieties are also toxic to koalas. Moreover, of the approximately 600 varieties of eucalyptus, these animals can only feed on about 50.

For more information, we encourage you to watch the video attached below about what koalas eat and other curiosities.

How much and where do koalas sleep?

As we have mentioned, koalas are animals that live in trees, so they also sleep in trees.

On the other hand, due to their hypocaloric and poorly nutritious diet, koalas spend between 16 and 22 hours a day sleeping or rest. In addition, koalas only eat between 200 and 500 grams of leaves per day, which is really little if we take into account their average weight of 10 kg. For all these reasons, koalas are considered one of the animals that sleep the most.

Why are koalas endangered?

In 1994, only populations inhabiting New South Wales and South Australia were determined to be Severely EndangeredAs these populations are both rare and threatened, however, this situation has worsened and the Queensland population is now also considered threatened.

Unfortunately, approximately 4,000 koalas die each year, since the destruction of their habitat has also increased the presence of these small marsupials in urban areas.

Although the koala is an easy animal to keep in captivity, nothing is more suitable for it to be able to live in its natural habitat and completely free, which entails increasing difficulty, hence becoming aware of their situation is important to stop the destruction of this species.
