How many times have you heard strident meows capable of disturbing your inner peace? Although the reasons for these meows are varied, one of them is particularly easy to distinguish, since it is a characteristic sign that your cat is looking for a mate.
Heat in felines raises many questions, for example when does the heat start, how to avoid an unwanted litter or if cats bleed during their periods. If you are one of these people, surely you have wondered if cats have the ruleFind out this and more in the next article!
How is heat in female cats?
Female cats reach sexual maturity at 10 months of age, and have their first heat at around 8 months. This can vary depending on the breed, as some of them take up to 15 months to become sexually mature, experiencing their first heat around 10 months.
The oestrus occurs several times a year, especially during spring and summer. In males, it is common for them to be very affectionate and their appetite to be reduced. This behavior also occurs in females, with certain differences.
Oestrus in female cats has several stages, each with its own characteristics, which we will summarize below in a general way:
- Proestrus: is the first phase, during which all the signs of heat are shown, with the aim of attracting the male. At this stage the female does not let the cat mount her.
- Estrus: is the most intense phase of heat, the female accepts the mating. Heat behaviors are accentuated.
- Metaestro: the cat aggressively rejects the male and does not allow him to approach her.
- Anestrus: is the end of heat, the cat goes through a sexual decline until the beginning of the next reproductive cycle.
Symptoms of heat in cats
The symptoms of a cat in heat are characteristic and very easy to detect. However, if you are a first owner you may have doubts. If you notice the following, it means your cat is in heat:
- Rolling: One of the most noticeable behaviors in both cats and cats is to wallow anywhere for the longest time. part of the day. The objective is to spread its essence and its hairs everywhere.
- Purr: accompanies the act of wallowing. The cat becomes cuddly and affectionate, so they purr more often and for almost any reason, it doesn't matter if she isn't being petted
- Meows and vocalizations: One of the most characteristic signs is the intense meows, which are impossible to ignore due to their frequency and volume. The purpose of this is to draw the attention of potential sexual partners.
- Urinate: during heat cats spread their scent by urinating everywhere, spreading their scent. Through this scent they attract males.
Do cats hurt when they are in heat?
Although it is not physical pain, cats do experience discomfort and anxiety during this period, so neutering, Apart from the many advantages it represents, it is a highly recommended option to prevent heat in female cats.

Do cats in heat bleed?
Do cats ovulate? In many mammals, and even in humans, part of the reproductive cycle includes the ovulation process. The cats are not an exception to this, however, in them the system is a little different.
First of all, it is necessary to explain what ovulation is. It is simply the release of the egg, which determines the fertile days of the female. If the egg is not fertilized, then what we know as menstruation or bleeding occurs. However, this does not occur in cats In them, the egg is only released when fertilization has already taken place. That is, this usually happens after the cat has accepted the mount and, therefore, mating and insemination have already taken place.
So, taking into account the above, do cats have their periods? The answer is no Some mammals, such as dogs, have a period or menstruation that may seem similar to that of humans, but not so in cats. This is due to the explanation given above. As there is no ovulation until after mating, the egg is not wasted, so the cat should never bleed. Some cats ovulate spontaneously without sexual stimulation, it is estimated that around 30%. However, it is not the most common.
Bleeding in cats
Cats in heat do not bleed, therefore, if we observe vulvar bleeding in cats, we should not consider it to be menstruation or a natural process. On the other hand, cases of spontaneous ovulation are exceedingly rare, so if you notice that your cat is bleeding or you notice her swollen and stained vulva, it is time to go to the vet.
Why does a cat bleed?
There are some causes that can cause your cat to bleed from her parts:
- Uterine infection
- Wounds
- Intestinal obstruction
- Intestinal ulcers
What to do if a cat loses drops of blood?
See your vet urgently. Bleeding is not a normal symptom in a he althy cat and could be an indication that she is suffering from some serious pathology, let's talk about a sterilized cat as well as a whole one. For this reason, we encourage you to visit the specialist as soon as possible.