Irish Red Setter - Characteristics, care and he alth (with PHOTOS)

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Irish Red Setter - Characteristics, care and he alth (with PHOTOS)
Irish Red Setter - Characteristics, care and he alth (with PHOTOS)
Irish Red Setter
Irish Red Setter

The Irish Red Setter, also known simply as the Irish Setter, is considered one of the most beautiful and glamorous dogs on the planet due to its slim figure and gorgeous reddish coat. Although it was originally a hunting dog, its undeniable beauty made it a dog that frequents dog shows more than hunting grounds.

In this breed file on our site you will be able to learn about the characteristics, care and he alth of the Irish Red Setter. If you are thinking of adopting an Irish Red Setter you should know that they are independent, sociable, curious and very active dogs, perfect to live with children because they are very friendly and familiar.

Origin of the Irish Red Setter

The Irish Red Setter originated from the Irish Red and White Setter, which today is a lesser known breed. In fact, the Irish Red Setter has gained so much popularity, displacing its predecessor, that today when we talk about the Irish Setter, we usually talk about the Red.

In the 18th century there was already a well-defined type of Irish red and white setter that was widely used for bird hunting. But, it was only at the end of that century and the beginning of the 19th century that all-red setters began to be bred.

At that time, these dogs were used exclusively for hunting and there was a custom to kill puppies born with unsuitable characteristics. desired for this activity. Around the year 1862, a puppy was born in a red setter kennel that did not have the desired characteristics. He had a longer head and a more delicate constitution than the rest of the litter, so the breeder decided to drown him as usual. Fortunately for the pup, another amateur breeder of these dogs was delighted with the puppy and decided to keep it, thus saving its life. That pup was named Champion Palmerston and became a sensation at dog shows.

That completely changed the history of the Irish Red Setter because Champion Palmerston left many descendants and became the type desired by breeders, although they were no longer hunters but people associated with the exhibitions of dogs. That's why all of today's Irish Red Setters have as their ancestor the little pup that narrowly escaped drowning. It's also why Irish Setters are more common today as show dogs and pets than as hunters, even though they still have the strong instincts of the hunting dogs.

Later in the 20th century, some fanciers of the breed made efforts to bring back the original Red Setter and came up with a variety that is slightly smaller, more compact and shorter-haired than the Irish Setter current red, but never became very popular with hunters. Today this dog is practically absent from hunting grounds and is much more like an excellent pet. Despite its beauty and good character, the breed is not one of the most popular in the world, perhaps because of its great need for exercise.

Irish Red Setter Characteristics

According to the FCI standard for the Irish Red Setter, the height at the withers of males must be between 58 and 67 centimeters, while that of females should be between 55 and 62 centimeters The ideal weight is not indicated in this standard, but Irish Red Setters usually weigh around of 30 kilograms

The Irish Setter is a tall, elegant and slender dog with a beautiful silky reddish-brown coat that is very striking. The body of this dog is athletic and well proportioned, with a deep and narrow chest and a muscular and slightly arched back. The main features of your body are as follows:

  • Long and thin head.
  • Oval skull.
  • Well-defined nasal-frontal depression (stop).
  • Black or mahogany nose.
  • Moderately deep snout.
  • Close scissor bite.
  • Eyes not very large and dark hazel or dark brown.
  • Ears set low and posterior, fall forming a neat fold.
  • Tail of medium length and set low. The setter brings it to the level of the upper back line or lower.

Irish Red Setter Colors

The silky coat is one of the most striking features of the Irish Setter. On the head, the front part of the legs and the tips of the ears, the fur is short and fine. In other parts of the body it is longer, forming fringes on the ears, chest, belly, back of the legs and tail. The color accepted by the International Cinological Federation (FCI) standard is high chestnut (slightly reddish brown to mahogany). small white spots are acceptable on the chest, paws, toes and even the face, but no black spots on this dog's coat.

What is the Irish Red Setter puppy like?

Because of their character friendly and sociable, these setters are excellent pets from puppies for those who have the time and space to give them love and daily exercise. Of course, due to their high level of activity as puppies, they are not good pets for sedentary people. Irish Red Setters are best for dynamic families who enjoy outdoor activities.

It is important to take seriously the socialization process of the dog from an early age to prevent fearful behaviors or fear aggression from appearing in the Adult stage.

Irish Red Setter Character

Overall, Irish Setters are cheerful, independent, highly sociable and curious dogs. They are also intelligent and kind, but with a strong hunting instinct.

These dogs are easy to socialize, both with adults, with children, with other dogs and even with other pets, since their innate aggression is low. Therefore, they are excellent dogs for families with children or who already have other pets.

When well-behaved, Irish Setters do not exhibit serious behavior problems. However, it must be taken into account that they are very active dogs that need a lot of daily exercise If they do not receive the necessary exercise each day, they become frustrated and easily develop habits of destructive dogs.

Irish Red Setter Care

The Irish Red Setter's coat needs to be brushed once a day to keep it silky and tangle-free, but grooming is not necessary specials that they offer in canine hairdressers. Bathing is only necessary when the dog is dirty and should not be very frequent.

The exercise needs of Irish Setters are very high. With these dogs, a short walk on a leash is not enough. Irish Setters need long walks and preferably run freely in a fenced area. It is ideal if they can play with other dogs or explore the field.

Of course, they also need company and attention. Although they are independent dogs and need to run outdoors, they also need to be with their own. In addition, it is good that during walks they socialize with other people and other dogs. Due to their physical characteristics and their active nature, Irish Red Setters Do not adapt well to living in a small apartment or house or in highly populated urban areas in the that there are few open areas. They live much better in a house with a large garden where they can run (which does not eliminate their need for walks to socialize) or in rural areas where they can have more freedom.

Irish Red Setter Education

Being intelligent, the Irish Red Setter learns many things easily, but his hunting instinct makes him easily distracted. For this reason, dog training must be approached with a lot of patience, better if it is through positive methods Of course, training them to become show dogs is easier, since the dogs' instincts are harnessed.

The Irish Red Setter is keen to learn and loves a challenge. Through the game we can increase the fun and break the routine. In addition, it is a fundamental factor for the education of our Irish Red Setter, since the game brings different benefits such as reinforcing the bond with our dog.

Irish Red Setter He alth

Unfortunately for the setter and his keepers, this is one of the many dog breeds in which artificial selection has increased the frequency of hereditary diseases. Among the most common hereditary diseases of the Irish Red Setter are:

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Gastric torsion
  • Epilepsy
  • Panosteitis
  • Progressive osteodystrophy
  • Hemophilia A

Where to adopt an Irish Red Setter?

Before adopting an Irish Red Setter you should be clear that the Irish Setter's need for exercise is very high. If after considering it, you think that you are suitable to have a dog of this breed, you can start looking for an Irish red setter for adoption. The first thing is to do an exhaustive search in shelters or shelters near your home.

If you're lucky, you can surf the net to find associations of this breed where you could find an Irish Red Setter for adoption.

Irish Red Setter Pictures
