All the birds we have as pets bite, this is the truth. This also applies to our dear and colorful parrot friends. However, it is important to know that this does not mean that all birds are aggressive or that they have behavior problems. What it does give us is a little more information in case we consider taking a parrot home. They will eventually sting you, to the point of believing that your parrot is biting you, since with those sharp beaks, it will be painful. However, it is a mistake to speak of a bite when it comes to birds, since there are no teeth in its beak.
If you have passed that stage and you already have a parrot that you love but it itches a lot, it is good that you know that this is one of the most common problemsseen in "domestic" birds. Parrots are still wild animals, they have instinctive traits and can bite for different reasons that you will now know. Although very common, itching is a complex problem. So, if your parrot is a bird that repeats this attitude constantly, continue reading this article on our site and discover what to do if your parrot itches you a lot
In general terms
Don't feel bad, just because your parrot itches you a lot doesn't mean that it isn't closely linked to you or your family. The main reason is that birds bite because they are just birds and it is one of the ways they use to express themselves, especially to communicate many aspects of their personal life, desires or needs. But, behind this simple explanation there are other reasons that must be taken into account.
You should know, first of all, that punishment is not a resource that should be used on birds, nor on any other animal, since it usually ends up creating more problems and traumas in the long term. Parrots use their beaks to perform many ordinary actions such as eating, grooming, climbing, playing, holding toys, food, and of course their human companion. If your parrot is normally good and docile, the key will be to assess if it is really biting you or is using its beak in a normal way and not aggressive at all.
On the other hand, it also happens that the parrot is stressed because it does not like the space you have provided. In this sense, it may happen that the cage is too small for him, do not forget that your parrot is a bird. He may have some physical discomfort that is not visible to the naked eye and itching is his way of telling you when you put your hand in his house. If the behavior is becoming more aggressive and even erratic, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

Emotional responses
Pecking could be a learned behavior or a fear or territorial response, depending on the situation. Even parrots that have been directly hand-fed since they were babies can become fearful of humans if they are not used to the most appropriate and consistent socialization. Even birds that are completely comfortable with people can become frightened and sting their mate on impulse. If you adopted your parrot as an adult, and you wonder why your parrot itches you a lot, find out about its previous life, it could bring a trauma from the past and that would be the answer.
Learning to gain your parrot's trust can help calm his fears and save you not just a few headaches but a few toes. These birds are emotional creatures that bond through trust and respect. Take good care of him and he will know how to appreciate it. Keep his house clean, keep it a good size, entertain him with toys, feed him and interact with him lovingly
Have you thought it could be you and not your parrot?
The worst thing we can do is approach our birds when we are nervous or in poor emotional condition. "Domestic" birds are very sensitive and know how to sense how we feel when we approach them. Your parrot will sense your mood and this will result in fear and anxiety. Your parrot doesn't have much time to think, reflect and act, it will probably respond with a quick "bite".
Another reason that can lead your parrot to peck a lot is because with this attitude it gets what it wants and is trying to attract attention The biting behavior is reinforced more and more so that we attend to it. If your parrot has already learned this dynamic, ignore it every time it bites and pay attention only when it behaves well. Remember that even if we ignore him when he bites us, we should not isolate him, he is a social animal that asks for our affection, so we should interact with him regularly: give him attention even if he is not requesting it. Soon, it will stop itching because it will know that it does not get any reaction from us. When he bites, say no firmly but without being aggressive, and when he bites without pressing or if he behaves well, reward him or pet him.
Your parrot may be exhausted, irritated or in a bad mood. A bird may bite when it is tired and stressed Rest is one of the keys to a good mood in birds. They need at least 12 hours of quiet, undisturbed darkness to fully relax.

Natural Reasons
Hormones are directly related to pecking. If you have a parrot in the juvenile and development stage, it is very likely that it will sting more than usual. Just like an adolescent, human, your parrot's hormones are in turmoil, and they express themselves through exploration and play. Your bird could behave in a more active and altered way. It might even become obsessed with some parts of its body, like its beak, and will try to pick at everything to measure its own strength.
This situation is also expected during the breeding season; don't put your hand too much inside his cage or be especially careful and take measures to protect yourself. Hormones are also on the rampage at this time so you might tend to itch more often.

Some tips so your parrot doesn't itch so much
If you keep wondering what to do if your parrot itches you a lot, here are some tips to keep in mind to guide your behavior:
- The he althiest thing you can do as a human companion for your parrot (both for him and for yourself) is to educate yourself and become informed about the personality, behavior and training of these birds, as well as the birds in general. Going into your parrot's mind will help you understand it and make your interactions with it smoother and more natural. Being informed will give you the tools to know how to deal with behavior problems throughout your parrot's life.
- Exercise is essential. It is very important that your parrot spend its energy on other activities that disperse it from the desire and anxiety to bite; The more he flies and plays, the better it will be for him because he will feel happier. Enrich his environment with natural toys such as branches, which will keep him busy and encourage his motivation to forage, snack on other things and toys other than your fingers. It is very important to provide entertainment for parrots, these are very intelligent creatures that need to supply what they instinctively do in their natural life.
- Remember that scolding him or forcing him to do some activity is useless, he will get scared or take it as something to reinforce the pecks. Birds are highly intelligent creatures that function naturally through mutual respect. If you try to dominate your parrot and get on top of him, you will lose his respect and trust
- If the pecks are usually constant, learn to know the warning signs that your parrot gives you. This way you will avoid him and he will save himself the stress of aggression. Any animal usually warns before attacking. The signals will depend on your animal and its character, but some typical ones could be: move away from you and walk backwards, play an alarm sound to prevent you from approaching and open its beak as a challenge.