Why does my dog bite me when I take something from him?

Why does my dog bite me when I take something from him?
Why does my dog bite me when I take something from him?
Why does my dog bite me when I take something from him?
Why does my dog bite me when I take something from him?

We are so used to dogs being affectionate animals that we get scared when their attitude changes and, for some reason, they adopt aggressive behavior Not knowing the body language of dogs can cause many guardians to have difficulty understanding certain canine behaviors, as well as making them unable to perceive the signals and warnings that precede a growl, marking or a bite.

When a dog becomes aggressive when you take something away from him, it is because he considers that object so valuable and indispensable that he is afraid of losing it. Then returns to aggression as a way to protect that resource and prevent any other person or animal from depriving it of its possession.

If you have already experienced this situation with your dog, you are most likely wondering why: Why does a dog bite when you take something away?In this article on our site we will analyze the main causes and explain how to deal with this behavior. Keep reading!

Why does a dog growl or bite when you try to take something from him?

Protection of resources is the main reason some dogs become aggressive, growling and even biting when someone takes something out of their mouth or tries to do so. This behavior occurs when considers a resource to be too valuable, then may resort to aggression to protect it.

Possessive dogs can exercise resource guarding with objects, people, and spaces, and the aggressive response can be directed at both people and to animals, whether they are known to the dog or not. For example, a dog may act aggressive when someone tries to approach her guardian or when another dog approaches while she is playing with her toy.

Although the protection of resources can be observed in many species as an instinctive mechanism for survival, it is very dangerous when we talk about a pet, especially if we live with small children or with other animals, as the probability of aggression is very high.

Why does my dog bite me when I take something from him? - Why does a dog growl or bite when you try to take something from him?
Why does my dog bite me when I take something from him? - Why does a dog growl or bite when you try to take something from him?

Why does a dog attack, growl or bite when scolded?

Before explaining why a dog attacks, growls or bites when being punished, we must clarify that it is not correct to scold dogs when they show protection of resources. Why? By scolding a dog we are not only weakening the bond with its guardians and exposing it to fear, stress and anxiety, but we are also communicating that warning is bad, therefore, can stop growling and start biting

Likewise, in the face of excessive punishment, the dog may feel vulnerable, frightened and threatened. While some dogs adopt a defensive posture, freeze and even attempt to flee, those experiencing resource protection are more likely to bite in defense By all For these reasons, punishment is not an advisable method or recommended when teaching a dog house rules or trying to work on a behavior problem related to aggressiveness.

What to do if my dog bites me?

If your dog has growled, marked or bitten you, you should not scold, punish or lock him up, as all this will only make the situation worse by further increasing stress levels and anxiety Likewise, if you respond to the aggression with another aggression, the attack could be repeated in an even more serious way.

It is important that you act in a calm and balanced way after aggressive behavior. Maintain a neutral position, without staring at the dog or making any gesture that could be threatening to him. Once he looks away, then you can calmly walk away, without turning your back on him.

When we talk about a less complex case, it can be positive to spread treats on the floor to distract the dog, take him to another room and, only then, remove the object causing the protection of resources. However, as we have already told you, this behavior is especially serious, so you will need to seek professional help from a dog trainer, educator or veterinarian specialized in ethology.

The professional will help you carry out behavior modification sessions and will explain the guidelines to follow, taking into account the specific case. It is very important that you never apply techniques if you are not a specialist or the guidelines are not directly recommended by a professional, because you could worsen the picture

Why does my dog bite me when I take something from him? - What to do if my dog bites me?
Why does my dog bite me when I take something from him? - What to do if my dog bites me?

How to prevent your dog from biting you when you take something away?

If we want to prevent aggressive behavior related to resource protection in our dogs, the best thing we can do is invest in their early educationWhile your dog is still a puppy, you will need to teach him to drop objects, always offering him a reward in exchange for his decision to share his resources with you and other individuals in his environment.

It will also be essential to properly socialize your puppy to teach him to relate positively with other individuals (people and animals), with his environment, the objects and stimuli that make it up. In addition, we must also encourage him to ignore some stimuli and not overreact to any noise or other unknown stimulus. In this way, you will ensure that your partner can build his self-confidence and gain self-control, avoiding impulsive reactions when someone approaches his resources or tries to take something out of his mouth.

However, if your dog is already possessive of you, his food or his objects, you should immediately seek professional helpqualified to manage these behaviors, such as a canine educator or an ethologist.
