SPRAIN IN DOGS - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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SPRAIN IN DOGS - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
SPRAIN IN DOGS - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Sprains in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Sprains in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

One of the most frequent trauma consultations in the small animal clinic is the sprain in dogs. Due to the restless and active nature of dogs, it is common for the joints of any of their four limbs to become sprained. It is essential to take the dog to the vet when a sprain is detected, it can be anything from a simple strain to a torn ligament and even bone.

If you want to learn about its causes, symptoms and treatment of sprains in dogss, continue reading this article on our site in which we will delve into the subject.

Causes of sprains in dogs

In veterinary medicine the term sprain is not usually used, but strain. This is a strong distension of a joint in which the ligaments may be affected. The causes of these strains are usually those in which there is an acute trauma, such as:

  • Sudden jumps from high areas.
  • Strong games with other dogs.
  • Intense races in the field or park.
  • Agility or competition dogs.
  • Run over.
  • Overweight.

They can also occur in old animals that have weaker ligaments (degenerative disease).

What are ligaments?

The ligaments are structures of fibrous connective tissue that are responsible for joining the bones together in the joints. They allow these joints to move while remaining stable. They are usually very resistant, but it is when an overextension occurs due to a traumatic cause that is when sprains are generated.

Examples of most common joints where sprains occur are:

  • Carpal joint.
  • Knee.
  • Tarsal joint.

Types of sprains in dogs

Practically, a sprain can occur in any area with a ligament, such as the following:

  • Cervical sprain in dogs.
  • Neck sprain in dogs.
  • Knee sprain in dogs.
  • Ankle sprain in dogs.
  • Paw sprain in dogs.
  • Hip sprain in dogs.
Sprains in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Causes of sprains in dogs
Sprains in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Causes of sprains in dogs

Diagnosis of sprains in dogs

To reach a definitive diagnosis, the veterinarian will examine our dog through a general examination and a complete orthopedic examination. Sometimes it is necessary to sedate the dog because it is not possible to perform the examination due to the intensity of the pain. In addition, it will require the performance of imaging tests (generally x-rays in various positions) to rule out that other structures such as bones have not been injured. Through arthroscopies you can visualize the interior of the joint and also be part of the treatment.

How long does a sprain last in dogs?

Depending on the degree of ligament injury, it will be a mild problem, which with conservative medical treatment of about 15-20 days will approximately resolve, or from a moderate/severe injury, requiring surgery. In addition, these more serious injuries (partial or total rupture of the ligament) usually lead to subluxations or dislocations, that is, the bones that are part of the joint are not in their normal position, as we see in this other article on Patella dislocation in dogs.

Surgeries indicated for ligament injuries usually have good results if the postoperative period is adequately respected. These include ligament reconstruction, if possible, modification of the biomechanics of the joint or arthrodesis (total immobilization of the joint by fixing the bones that form it).

In this case, we are talking about a mild sprain or strain, so the symptoms the dog is suffering from and the treatment to be carried out are described below.

Sprain in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of sprain in dogs
Sprain in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of sprain in dogs

Sprain symptoms in dogs

The main symptoms of sprains in dogs are:

  • Deep pain.
  • Swelling in the joint (it is red, hot and swollen).
  • Lameness of the affected limb.
  • Walking difficulties.
  • Excessive licking in the area.
  • Decay.
  • The dog refuses to get up.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Whine.
  • Abnormal behavior in the dog.

At this point, you may also be interested in this other article on Why does my dog limp on one rear leg?

Sprains in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of sprains in dogs
Sprains in dogs - Causes, symptoms and treatment - Symptoms of sprains in dogs

Treatment of sprains in dogs

The treatment of sprains in dogs should be both symptomatic and preventive, including the guidelines indicated below:

  • Painkillers: the use of painkillers in dogs is essential to relieve your dog's pain. You should only administer it if the veterinarian prescribes it. If you prefer to opt for something more natural, you can consult this other article on natural pain relievers for dogs.
  • Anti-inflammatories: For the same reason as above, your vet may advise you to use anti-inflammatories. If his pain is very strong and you want to help him with something more natural, try one of these natural anti-inflammatories for dogs.
  • Weight loss: if the sprain was caused by the animal being overweight, it will be essential to reduce its weight, since otherwise you will be more likely to suffer from joint and tendon problems due to overloading the limb.
  • Use of a protector: On occasion, your veterinarian may also advise the use of a protector for the affected joint.
  • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation: Provided the veterinarian advises it, some physiotherapy and rehabilitation sessions may be necessary to improve quality of life of your pet, such as massages, laser, hydrotherapy and currents.
  • Rest: rest is essential for the speedy recovery of our dog. It is recommended that you rest on a soft but firm bed.

How to cure a sprain in dogs? Other Tips

For our dog's recovery to be quick and good, you can also follow these other veterinary tips:

  • Walks tied to urinate and defecate to prevent too much support of the affected area.
  • Avoid ramps and slippery floors.
  • Local cold application to relieve pain.
  • Commercial diet formulated to protect joints.
  • Use of nutritional supplements that protect cartilage, as they contain chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, etc. It has also been shown that omega 3 fatty acids help in inflammatory processes and, therefore, in these pathologies. Here we leave you a list with Foods rich in omega 3 in dogs.

The review of the evolution of the sprain is fundamental, since with treatment they usually resolve, but in some cases it becomes complicated.
